Woman hit by stray bullet at Texas Motor Speedway

Reasonable limits?

I would sure hate to see my range shut down where I shoot 50/50 with my 22 because someone hit someone's house with a war surplus 5" cannon. Even if it was an accident.

Maybe we need to set reasonable limits for our own ranges and enforce them.

Concho Bill
Well...we'd better ban swimming pools, cars, trucks, bicycles, roller skates/blades, footballs, basketballs...etc...etc...A kid child was killed the other day on a play ground by a football hitting him in the throat, ban the ball and the shoes that kicked it I say. Maybe even the socks. They all kill more than a 50cal. When we bend over and let the libs and press give it to us....they'll never stop. It becomes a BOHICA fest. What needs to be done is education in the dangers of these weapons not the removal of weapons. The 2nd admendment was specifically written to protect the private owenrship of military weapons....not hunting firearms. Plus...we may be needing them soon.

It is a rather rare instance and it is the kind of accident that the media usually like to sensationalize.

but it is hard to make a law covering stupidity... where it would not affect a lot of others as well.
50 caliber

I am surprised at the number of marksman on this site that have in one remark or another advocate a ban or restriction of this caliber of weapon. I have personally fired the 50 cal. I can understand the potential danger to a bullet going astray. I don't have a need for such a weapon but there are millions of Americans who also don't have a need for a 1000 yard 30 caliber weapon. Do you see the direction this could go.
stall, old mate.

Don't you worry about these ol boys taking away the 50 b.m.g.
They are just tossing around idea's on self control, before legislative control comes down on ya.
Situations can be engineered by those with a dissarmament agenda.
That is the thin edge of the wedge, keep a close eye on those p#@!!@'s
Look out, not in.
Take that from an Aussie, we got done.
Shoot safe, and don't drop the soap.
We must assume this burden

...just tossing around idea's on self control, before legislative control comes down on ya.

Take that from an Aussie, we got done.

Thanks, Blunt Shooter,

You stated it quite clearly, in your delightful way. In my younger days I managed a swimming pool and we had to have rules to protect the swimmers as well as others and we had to enforce them. If we had not, there would have been dead kids each season until someone closed us down.

My point is that we must have rules and enforce them on the ranges at our private gun clubs to protect the public from the idiots that would be shooting there. One of the first rules would be that all bullets must impact large earthen berms after striking a target. I am sure that we could agree that it would be foolish to have a six foot bern at 500 yards with a school house just beyond.

All firearms present problems and some present more problems for clubs and neighbors of clubs than others. I would also put machine guns and firearms with solid and full patch bullets in that class. These weapons require adequate backstops and careful handling. A 50 caliber BMG would fall into that group. If we didn't know it before, a bullet fired over the backstop it can travel for miles.

These are things that will cause the closer our shooting clubs. We in this sport must understand this and behave responsibly.

Concho Bill
and that's where it's not defined...

Talking with each of you individually, and off the record, I could quickly convince you that you have a threshold of who shouldn't be allowed to have a "gun". These thresholds are the "Achilles Heel" of the 2nd amendment. Public discussion of such should be avoided.........as I write this publicly....

This not in response to any post. Just thinking out loud.
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This a very old problem...

In England a century earlier folks advocated building roofs above the shooting line so that no rifle could be elevated to the point a bullet could go over the berm and pose a danger. Whether it be new shooters or an experienced shooter having a one in a million "accident" it makes sense to design ranges with as much safety as can be built in. That and range rules should be the norm with all clubs and the shooting fraternity.
I'm really surprised...

...this does not happen more often.

We are very close to the city limits on a large ranch I hunt close to the border.

EVERY New Years (for the past 5 years), I'm usually out hunting and celebrating with buddies, and at midnight full auto machine gun fire, pistols, rifles, etc are heard in every direction for at least a full 5 mins.

Scares the jeepers out of me. I doubt most if any are firing into the ground or back stop and the area is known for it's low life characters.

I always wait to hear the story the next day of the family member in the back yard getting thunked in the noggin due to that nasty gravity. I'm guessing 230gr .45 ball ammo comming down at terminal velocity could do some harm. It will happen sooner or later. You would not believe the number of rounds.

I'm glad the guy came forward and certainly a 50 has more distance and weight, but is there any difference between dead?? This guy made a mistake he admitted to.....these idiots are doing it on purpose.

Wilbur is right

This forum is frequented by more than one anti gunner/hunter. With some of the comments made, you give a great deal of ammunition to these particular people.
I don't think....

This forum is frequented by more than one anti gunner/hunter. With some of the comments made, you give a great deal of ammunition to these particular people.

...there is anything we can say that has not already been considered in the anti-gun mind or the lengths they will go to keep us from shooting.

I understand where Wilbur is coming from but there are no secrets on this fight. Better to fight them head on imho.

Sorry, I think the 50cals, 338 lapuas, 30-06, ppc's, .45acp and rimfire shooters need to stick together.

They may attact a 50cal first but that is just one battle, not the war they intend to win.

You know....I might be the only person on this forum that has actually been shot by a M2 50cal. Gotta nice scar across my shin to show for it. A present I got from the going away party we threw for ol' Noriega in Panama. Only ever been shot twice....both friendly so I kinda take things like muzzle and rifle safety to heart. Let me just say....it stings a little.

I served for one reason...the founding princeples and constitution of this country....and without the full acceptance of the 2nd Amendment as it was meant to be....none of the rest are enforceable. I would like to say I've talked to many people in the countries where gun control and restriction was done in the best interest of the population but it's hard to carry on a conversation with those who are stacked like cord wood in covered ditches....been there...seen it.

Sorry...if this is to political...feel free to delete. I can take it...I'm a big boy.

Why not wait for the details of how this accidental shooting play out rather than getting any farther off track? Details of it that get published in a paper... Just a thought... :)
I hope the 50cal owner...

Why not wait for the details of how this accidental shooting play out rather than getting any farther off track? Details of it that get published in a paper... Just a thought... :)

...invites the victims out for a shoot:) May just change their views getting to play with it.

I hear ya Dennis.

I doubt anyone here wants guns of any type banned. I don't WANT 50cals banned. I didn't want 'street sweepers' banned.
But to champion our right to bear arms as if a realistic barrier to such a ban, is borderline madness. Afterall, the weight of Precedence is in the air.
Bans have, and will further occur.

There is no solution without first accepting this condition.
From there, as logical and strategic, we would head it off or diffuse it in a unified and proactive manner. And this is where the NRA(with our contributions) has historically failed.

So actions on the horizon are not ours.
But are they hard to predict?
Paul answered this well , BUT

This forum is frequented by more than one anti gunner/hunter. With some of the comments made, you give a great deal of ammunition to these particular people.

Keep in mind that anti's don't allways tell the truth, can claim that it's a quote, but turn and twist it to suit their agenda. Actually the truth and true statistics are the first fatality in the fight.
Sectional density, ballistic coefficient, muzzle velocity, frangibility, and how a .22 r.f. bounces, all have little to do with it, since they mean little to a non shooter.
The ammunition is supplied by the real time actions, such as,school shootings, armed holdup, and dead kids who looked and played with loaded guns.
Nothing is feared more than that which is missunderstood .
Young shooter education, and public education, may allay some fear.
The big fear is criminal use, and in gun control, you get lumped in with them.
Try to stop that from happening to you. It's only the guilty who should be found guilty,and innocent's ought not be punnished.
Again --- Look out not in.
Hope I didn't go off track too far.
I doubt anyone here wants guns of any type banned. I don't WANT 50cals banned. I didn't want 'street sweepers' banned.
But to champion our right to bear arms as if a realistic barrier to such a ban, is borderline madness. Afterall, the weight of Precedence is in the air.
Bans have, and will further occur.

There is no solution without first accepting this condition.
From there, as logical and strategic, we would head it off or diffuse it in a unified and proactive manner. And this is where the NRA(with our contributions) has historically failed.

This sounds like a reasonable and well intentioned approach. And when reasonable people on both sides of an issue come together to solve a problem, solutions usually are reached that both sides can live with.

But therin lies the problem: The anti gun faction in this country is neither reasonable or well intentioned. In fact, they count on responsible gun owners like yourself to willingly give up small segments of your Second Amendment rights....all in the spirit of reasonable compromise. Incrementalism at it's finest.

Make no mistake...the anti gun factions want and will settle for nothing less than the complete disarming of the U.S. populace.