we need a humor forum.....until then

Daylight saving, summertime or whatever you call it where you live

i thought that I had a hard time moving my sundial to adjust it to 'daylight saving' and then I saw this.


California tried to screw with him SO, he packed up the Tesla Headquarters and moved it from California to Texas.
What he should do is buy California, fire as the politicians and start over from scratch.
yes but..way too many people in ca VOTED FOR THOSE POLITICIANS... me i got tired and left

California tried to screw with him SO, he packed up the Tesla Headquarters and moved it from California to Texas.
What he should do is buy California, fire as the politicians and start over from scratch.
A wife sends her husband out to buy a new suit for a swanky party they were invited to. Prone to getting stuff wrong, she gives him very specific instructions on where to go and what to get. He accomplishes the task and wears the new suit home to impress his bride. Upon walking through the door in all his splendor, the wife looks at him and says:

"Honey, you got it all backwards.

I told you to go to Cox's menswear and get a seersucker suit!"

Conversation overheard on the VHF Guard (emergency) frequency 121.5 MHz while flying from Europe to Dubai .
Iranian Air Defense Site: 'Unknown aircraft, you are in Iranian airspace. Identify yourself.'

Aircraft: 'This is a United States aircraft. I am in Iraqi airspace.'

Air Defense Site: 'You are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace, we will launch interceptor aircraft!'

Aircraft: 'This is a United States Marine Corps FA-18 Fighter. Send 'em up, I'll wait!'

Air Defense Site: (... Total silence)
Mother's Day

Today ( Sunday, 8th May) is Mother's Day here in Australia so not a big turnout at my local range but I was reminded of a pickup line that worked for me when I was a young puppy (in my early twenties).

Young Doggie: "Happy Mother's Day"

Hot young chick: "But I'me not a mother"

Young Doggie: "But would you like to be one?"

A true story, worked about 10% of the time but it was great fun and picked up some real honeys.

* doggie *