we need a humor forum.....until then

The changes just in my time......

We put up signs like this........

key cleaner.jpg

And we raised our kids like this.....


and we talked about how we were "born out of time.....we wish't we lived back in The Old West when a man was free" while we rode our choppers with no helmets.....

Look before you leap

Three vampire brothers were arguing over which was the best vampire. The oldest said watch this, took off at 100mph and was back in a flash with blood on his mouth. He pointed to a local castle and said "I killed everyone in that castle. I am the best vampire". The middle brother took off at 200 mph and returned in a short while with blood on his mouth and chin. He pointed to a local village and said "I drained the blood from everyone in that village and killed them all. I am the best vampire". The youngest took off at 300 mph and returned hours later covered with blood everywhere. His brothers asked him what happened. He said "See that giant oak tree over there?" They both said that indeed they did see it. The youngest said "Well, I f***ing didn't".
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if you look in the back..it clearly says the brand that was listed....the building in the back is a generator...for the charging station for the ev\s

Most likely a backup generator for the business that you can't see in the pic. A lot of places have them. I'm told it's a 5 year wait to get one.
"resistance is futile"...... the Beliebers will fight to beliebe!!This quite simply IS a case where the entire planet will have to act out the farce of wind and solar and 'lectric until NOBODY can afford it before the stupid abates. It is ROW, right in front of our eyes.......I'm just deeply saddened that my grandbabbies lifestyles are to be lessened because of it..... because of us, cuz they get no say in this redistribution. They just get to pay.

Whether that generator is "real" or not is completely beside the point. I know where there are real ones.

Which AGAIN, in and of itelf is IMMATERIAL! And completely

beside the point
if you look in the back..it clearly says the brand that was listed....the building in the back is a generator...for the charging station for the ev\s

Most people know that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that the electricity to run the chargers has to come from somewhere. All of the ones I've seen or visited are associated with a rest stop or truck stop place or have other businesses nearby. You'd have to be in a hell of a Boondocks area to have a generator as your sole source of power. I suppose it seems to be somewhat hypocritical to burn any type of carbon based fuel in order to charge your EV, but the fuel burned in charging your EV is likely quite a bit less than the same amount of fuel that it would take to go the 250 miles you just put into your EV battery. I don't have an EV, but my daughter does. Nice vehicle, but I'll stick with my Cavalier for now. Yesterday 6.4 gallons of no alcohol gasoline was $32, but I don't drive all that much these days.

Back to the humor stuff.
Which country’s capital has the fastest-growing population? Ireland. Every day it’s Dublin.

My ex-wife still misses me. But her aim is starting to improve.

I saw an ad for burial plots, and I thought: “That’s the last thing I need!”

Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks, “What’s your favorite kind of music” The other says, “I’m a big metal fan.

......but the fuel burned in charging your EV is likely quite a bit less than the same amount of fuel that it would take to go xxxxx......

As I said.....it's a RELIGION, The Beliebers WILL beliebe!!

It's like "bullets going to sleep" or "the benefits of moly'.....sooo bloody easy to test yet denial abounds
As has been stated many times.......

One cannot violate The First Law Of Thermodynamics.....and get away with it.

Many have tried......physically or by reasoning.....and failed. Never has worked......never will.

edit: Of course.....if we can harness "The Force".......:cool:

Just my lousy $0.02 .

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Them pesky Physical Laws eh...... yeahh, you get a grip on that "Force" thingy, or gravitional redirection or inertial cancellation or even Ayn Rand's 'ether' you let me know. My 50Fart is still bashing the bejabbers out of me, I'm about to drop a cornea in the name of science and it would shore be nice if it handled like a video game instead of producing Medulla Elongatus ever' time I tickle the bangbutton....
One cannot violate The First Law Of Thermodynamics.....and get away with it.

Many have tried......physically or by reasoning.....and failed. Never has worked......never will.

edit: Of course.....if we can harness "The Force".......:cool:

Just my lousy $0.02 .


The First Law of Thermodynamics, eh?

Methinks that you greatly misunderstand what I wrote. FWIW I have neither an EV nor a diesel powered vehicle. My daughter has a Tesla. One reason she got it is because they were spending over $600 per month for gasoline. For her to get a full charge at a Tesla station costs her about $15 and that includes profit for Tesla. A full charge gets her about 280 miles. that's about 5.4 cents per mile. My Cavalier all in city and highway gets about 30 mpg so to go that same 280 miles in my Cavalier would require 280/30 or 9.33 gallons of gasoline. At $5.00 per gallon that's almost $47 or 16.7 cents per mile. So tell me please where have I violated the First Law of Thermodynamics? How many gallons of diesel [if the thing even kicked in] would that Generac generator use in charging an EV? Maybe 1, if that.

IMO that "cartoon" is just a cheap shot at those who use EVs for whatever reason. As I said before most folks know or should know that there's no such thing as a free lunch and the irony that their EVs are still dependent on fossil fuels to generate the power needed to keep them going. That picture is blurry and I'd like to see the rest of the area around that charging setup. I'm reasonably certain that the poster didn't make that cartoon, but saw it somewhere and just used it like I often do.
The First Law of Thermodynamics, eh?

Methinks that you greatly misunderstand what I wrote. FWIW I have neither an EV nor a diesel powered vehicle. My daughter has a Tesla. One reason she got it is because they were spending over $600 per month for gasoline. For her to get a full charge at a Tesla station costs her about $15 and that includes profit for Tesla. A full charge gets her about 280 miles. that's about 5.4 cents per mile. My Cavalier all in city and highway gets about 30 mpg so to go that same 280 miles in my Cavalier would require 280/30 or 9.33 gallons of gasoline. At $5.00 per gallon that's almost $47 or 16.7 cents per mile. So tell me please where have I violated the First Law of Thermodynamics? How many gallons of diesel [if the thing even kicked in] would that Generac generator use in charging an EV? Maybe 1, if that.

IMO that "cartoon" is just a cheap shot at those who use EVs for whatever reason. As I said before most folks know or should know that there's no such thing as a free lunch and the irony that their EVs are still dependent on fossil fuels to generate the power needed to keep them going. That picture is blurry and I'd like to see the rest of the area around that charging setup. I'm reasonably certain that the poster didn't make that cartoon, but saw it somewhere and just used it like I often do.

Methinks YOU greatly misunderstand what you write :)




And IDEAS mean things.

You stated baldly that you believe there's a net gain in dieseling up some electric, dumping into your EV and driving off. YOU said it. It's right there on the page right after you 'say' TANSTAAFL....... SAYING it doesn't mean UNDERSTANDING it.

If you disagree, simply rationally support your argument with a breakdown that doesn't break the laws of thermodynamics :)

NOBODY CARES "what you've got" in any sense of the word...... In simple fact nobody cares what you've got, Joe Shmoe's got nor what alinwa's got...... it ain't ABOUT what anybody's "got".

It's about ideas.

It's about facts.

It's about the simple truth of physical laws. And the fact that when folks like you make blatantly spurious claims headed by "likely to be quite less" as you did above it misleads people reading your words and "believing you" over mean ol' anilwa....."Orange Man BAD!!"........it's specifically why we're unable as a country to THINK and make rational decisions.

This sort of thinking is exactly why 50% of the people here on this and all the other shooting forums are seriously considering "yeahhh, maybe it's time for some more gun laws"

It's our biggest problem as a nation

and as shooters.

A very small contingent of our shooting population, a set of HEROES, is devoting their lives to deregulation whereas the typical shooting/foruming/discussing voter is hell-bent on "fixing" America with unicorn farts and rainbow stew.

I'm not being "mean" to you nor is this one of your "cheap shots"...... I just think your thinking is muddy, contradictory.

Set me straight

Show me wrong

Please :)
I never claimed a gain. I was talking about equivalents in different vehicles. I don't know how much diesel that generator expends while the EV battery is charging, but I bet it isn't much, say less than a gallon. That recharged battery allows so many miles of travel. To traverse those same miles in another vehicle could require about 9 gallons of fuel in the vehicle I mentioned. Surely you aren't suggesting it takes 9 gallons of $7 dollar diesel to charge the battery in that EV. The place would go broke in 20 minutes if that was the case. Of course then I'm driving the EV and not the Cavalier. I was merely pointing out how much the Cavalier WOULD take IF I drove it. If I drove the Cavalier 280 miles, I'd still have the EV with a full battery and be out the cost of the extra 9 gallons of gasoline.

On I-35 just before you get onto I-90 in Minnesota there is a Travel America that has both Tesla charging stations and gas pumps. If I pull in there with my Tesla it will cost me $15 or so for a full charge which gets me 280 miles.

If I pull in with my Cavalier I would need about 9.3 gallons of fuel to go the same 280 miles. Not hard to understand the comparison IMO.

Also I know zero, zilch about the generator/charging setup shown in the picture so one has to make some guesses.

The difference that you attribute to some "apparent" gain comes from the differences in efficiency of charging and discharging batteries versus operating a motor vehicle.
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