We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

E.T. is where you find it. The double adjustable front shocks really calmed the car down off the starting line and controlled the 'up' motion...by not letting the front come up as quickly or as far, it now carries the wheels further down track. On the landing, the compression side of the shocks smoothed things out considerably, reducing the tendency to have a secondary bounce that at times would toss some fuel out of the float bowl vent.

The rides not as fun but the E.T. slips and the qualifying sheets make up for that. ;)


57 cars at last weekends Stock/Super Stock race. This index at this track is 12.30. Qualified #2 and went a 11.089 in round three, losing on the break out.

Last weekend was a tough one. My good friend Ron Roddel passed away suddenly Thursday morning following a sudden cardiac incident. Ron was one of the guys that took me under his wing in my late teens. We went on many drag racing adventures, always learning as we went. He was a man of integrity and honesty in his family, business and personal life. I'm honored to have served on the B.O.D. of Midwest Class Racers with him and further honored to have been one of his pallbearers yesterday.

This last weekend, his pal Bob Sherwood took his car for the 'Last Pass' in honor of Ron. Ron's entire family was there to see this and there were lots of smiles mixed in with the tears. We had a poster of Ron's favorite picture of himself and his grandkids that racers signed.

Yours was a life well lived, my friend. -Al

Roddel family:


Click on this for a video of the 'Last Pass'


Midwest Class Racers B.O.D. with Ron's car:

L-R: Dan Wiese, John McLeod, Bob Sherwood, Charlie Abdouch, Al Nyhus


Help me out here as I am not all that Familiar with Stock/Super Stock as far as the way it is now run

Correct me if I am wrong do U STILL have to win the class to race in the elimination OR do U get to run by who qualifies LOWEST under their index>

WAYYYYYYYYYYY bac when I ran C/SA we ran off of a National Record which I could run on just about any place I ran then Doug Jones and Dave Benisek in their Stage 1 Buick

Now it seems to me U are running much like bracket racers as you dial your own time

I am still BIGGGGG Fan of the Sportsman Classes as when the "Wheels Up" leaves me 40 years younger

Al Help me out here as I am not all that Familiar with Stock/Super Stock as far as the way it is now run. Correct me if I am wrong do U STILL have to win the class to race in the elimination OR do U get to run by who qualifies LOWEST under their index? Jim

Jim, we qualify against our National Index. Once you are under the Index, you dial the car for each round. The further under the Index you are, the higher you are on the qualifying sheet. We run off a 'ladder' system based on the number of cars qualified. The ladder is split at the half way point...if there are 60 cars, #1 races the #29 qualifier, #30 races #60, etc. Qualifying higher plays a big role in both late and early round bye runs.

It's much like traditional bracket racing but you have to run the Index before you start dialing under. Thennnnn the fun starts! ;) A reliable weather station, lots of data and a sixth sense of how your combination responds to weather changes is a must. -Al
Ron was one of the guys that took me under his wing in my late teens. We went on many drag racing adventures, always learning as we went. He was a man of integrity and honesty in his family, business and personal life. I'm honored to...have been one of his pallbearers yesterday.

Yours was a life well lived, my friend. -Al

I'm saddened to hear of the loss of your good friend; the above is a nice tribute.
Breathe in, breathe out.

Like lamaze class, right? :eek: -Al[/QU

I may need a class Al. I did get a ride with the smaller blower and it was....stunning. So of course I had to have more. Never had a car like this. Its going to take some getting used to. Dyno is early next week.
It was a bittersweet day yesterday as the car went to it's new owner. We accomplished more than I ever thought we could. If anyone would have told me in 2014 that we would eventually put the car in the 10's on the 12.00 index, I would have laughed at them. Lots of great people over the last years have helped...some more than they realize.

-Kevin Nyhus: A great brother that really loves racing.
-Steve Koppien: You opened your shop and gave me the benefit of your experiences.
-Matt Steen & Jason Verke @ Victory Engines: Killer good engine work and advice.
-Bob Sherwood: You were generous with your dyno and your time.
-John McLeod: Thanks for your positive energy.
-Jim Marshall: Your long distance advice means a lot.
-Ron Roddel: Paying it forward..helping me in so many ways. Rest in peace, my friend.


No more cars? or just some time off? My friend that raced in the 60s won't even go to the track. He says if I go to the races i want to see 2 people drive not 2 computers.