Wayne Lapierre's (sp) speach

francis..i'm telling them i'm ur bro in law and im from jeddo.....
one place is belize...they allow a hunting rifle under 30 cal, handguns of 9mm/38..but no magnums....
i go in with limited rights compared to usa, but i'm just gonna fish/sail read and lay in the hammock.......
lo cost of living....lo crime in the north, mexico across the border...can drive down.
eyes open
mike in co
Mike, when you retire to this yet to be announced country, please don't tell them where you're from.
i actually remember when this was passed and struck down....for some reason no recall of it being re-instated....

mike in co
That's perty low Francis,even for a Michigander. I know you'se guys are used to it but it hits pretty hard out here.

I guess I get spoiled here in the West, we just had this conversation 1/2hr ago around the breakfast table.....my son's friend has moved to the Bakken and is living with three MI down-staters and a kid from NH. He was commenting, nay MARVELING at the open prejudice these guys exhibit! Breakfast table conversation, first thing on his mind.

I don't mind being represented by you mike, as my Dad sez, "warts, feathers an' all!"

Where you gonna' move? Myself and 5 of my friends' families are considering the same thing. Two of them are very comfortable with South America...... I'm not so much. I still think America can be salvaged, IS in fact still better than anywhere else and I've got relatives all over the world.

Africa maybe?

No way this would fly at the Federal level. As it is, the majority in the House wants to eliminate educational programs as part of their spending cut proposals. This would have to be funded at the State and Local levels.

I was sick for one week and missed a bunch of Civics classes.....so why does the Federal Gov't have an interest in the education system? Only thing I can come up with is power and control, but I was educated long before it became a political toy for the President in '79 and may lack the ability see the wisdom. Co-incidentally, the US Dep't of Education was created not long before our quality -of -education ranking amongst the other developed countries took a nose-dive
It would take more than a CCW class . If you're going to put these teachers in a virtual combat situation then they would have to be teachers that are screened and extensively trained . Same goes for hiring Gaurds , you are going to throw these people into a situation where the hallways are going to be running full of screaming kids and teachers , making target selection really difficult and finding a place to fire from that people won't be running into you while your trying to get a sight picture and squeeze off a round .
If it's in a Hi school , the kids will be as tall as you making getting a clean shot even more difficult . We would all like to see the perp brained instantly , but depending on where he's at and where the gaurdian is , it could prove difficult even for a well trained person .
As far as the cost , who cares , our officials pee tax money away with little reguard , it would be worth hiring professionals for or training teachers , but like I said simply teaching them to shoot a paper target and arming them , I would think , would come back to bite us in the butt . Just my two cents , kenneth
...arming teachers. They don't want any part of that idea. They want protection from professionals so they can carrying on the business they were trained in ... teaching. There's a new bill already being drafted for the coming session of the legislature.
"They" don't want any part of it? Agreed, if you mean "the majority" or "the official positions of their professional organizations."

I would never want all teachers armed. I would like it to be possible for those few, self-selected teachers, the ones who are willing to carry sufficiently concealed that absolutely no one has a clue they have a gun, the ones who will be truly professional about it, to be able to carry legally.
there are several central so american countries where your dollar goes well.
the big plus for belieze is english speaking for the most part...if you are not color blind dont show up...big mix of cultures
ecuador is based on the us dollar and has the pacific coast
panama/ecuador have "pensioner" retiree..programs that make your dollar go further.

yep i been doing some research....

doctors that see you...make house calls...
first run movies for 4bucks
low pressure....kick backed.....

the big issue is the poor state of OUR econnomy is killing my plans...

mike in co
...ecuador is based on the us dollar and has the pacific coast
panama/ecuador have "pensioner" retiree..programs that make your dollar go further.

yep i been doing some research....
I've been doing some research myself and the gun laws in Ecuador have recently taken a major turn for the worse. I'm not ready to strike it off my list just yet but it's definitely fallen a ways in my eyes.

A recommendation: http://www.amazon.com/The-Worldwide-Gun-Owners-Guide/dp/B004QXMFNM/ref=cm_pdp_rev_itm_img_1
On the other hand, my 5th grade teacher ( nun) liked me so well she purposely flunked me to make sure she could see me again the next year...
I really find that hard to believe, EH!!!!
With all we hear about Catholic teachers and their kids anymore...I don't know. Was she related to Woody Allen?
Heck, a boy a year behind me married our English teacher his graduating year of high school.
I really don't think that we need to arm all teachers to get the desired effect. Just de-listing schools as "gun free zones" would thereby make it legal for any teacher who wanted to carry a concealed gun able to. Just the thought that there might be somebody in that school with a gun that can shoot back would probaby deter 99% of the Adam Lanzas out there.

Statistically, the most likely places one may get murdered are in "gun free zones" like most schools. The Virginia Tech tragedy would not have happened at University of Utah. If you're bored, research that if you'd like. While you're at it, google Trolly Square shootings and see if you think that situation could've been much worse had there not been a CW holder in the crowd.
Mike and I go way back.
Mike knows, in truth, that he is better off not mentioning any relationship to me.
Belize was the last Central American country to sever all ties to colonialism and broke from England in 1981, I think. It was once known as British Honduras. Mike is going down there and building laminated mahogany benchrest stocks, I think..

Sorry, I shoulda' known better.

But once it was said..........

I agree with Goodgrouper. You don't have to arm all the teachers. Gun free zones protect criminals, not our innocent children. The threat of an armed teacher would be enough to deter most of the prospective assailants. Teachers, such as myself, would be willing to confront those not deterred, if we were permitted to carry in school zones. Set whatever training requirements that you think are reasonable and certify those that complete them.
Gents........you might want to google "Harrold ISD" about selectively armed personnel.

Here, in North Texas, Harrold has been "armed" since about 2007......without incident. A good plan put to good use.

Merry Christmas......you too, Al N.
