Wayne Lapierre's (sp) speach

My thoughts on some of the prior posts :)

You don't have to pay anyone. Simply pay for the teachers and staff who WANT to to go through an approved concealed carry course. As an incentive I'd gladly endorse supplying them with their very own Glock 36...... in fact, IMO getting them firearms and training would be easy.

That said, paying our ex-military boys as guards?? I like it! Train 'em to be PE teachers or coaches or whatever, guns on the side.... an incentive program would be awesome here.

Regarding the poster who questions whether or not a member of our modern military could/would subdue an armed threat.


I would bet a years pay on a Marine Corp grunt against any of the shooters who've been in the news in my lifetime. You cannot conceive of the punishment these guys will take to put away, They're not afraid to bleed....nor are they easy to hit. And a combat vet??? BLINDFOLD him and tie his hands, I'd bet on the vet.


I like the Idea of or Military having jobs when they get out. No one would even have to know were they were in the school, they could be in a special room with cameras so they could see inside and out, and be able to get to the threat before things started.

Joe Salt
I still like the idea of allowing teachers to be allowed to carry concealed weapons. It would be a big deterrent if the criminals did not know who was packing heat.
An armed security guard at the front door might work well or might, depending on the particular circumstances in place, merely be the first target for a bad guy. A teacher who nobody even knows is armed could be a real solution to an "active shooter" scenario.

In my experience, committed teachers, the ones who view it as a holy calling, would unhesitatingly put their body between a bad guy and "their" kids. I don't even know if it's legally possible under the federal gun-free school zone business but if it is, I think those people should be carrying.

I have some ideas along these lines that I'll post later, after a little research.
Arming teachers? It's a grand fantasy. I'm willing to bet the vast majority of teachers are liberals that are in the Obama camp and anti gun. If that isn't enough then the soccer moms, the majority of which are also likely anti gun will squash the idea because they will feel threatened and intimidated by a pistol packing teachers at PTA and parent conferences.
I dunno either........there have been complaints here of the sheriffs deputies that work at the high schools carrying their guns on campus while on duty.
I saw it on Fox News. Just think, if teachers were armed, how many kids would talk back?

Seriously, wouldn't it be interesting to see a statistic on how many teachers have been assaulted by students.

Grooper, no I didn't misplace FOX. They create as much division in our society as the others. Isn't that what Trotsky said to do?
Arming teachers, while a great idea, will never fly because of the teachers unions and local laws.

Now, requiring security all all schools is a different matter and a very practical solution. My local high scools and middle schools have in house police officers. Believe me, there are virtually no violence problems at these schools. My town is fortunate in that we have a pro-active police force and school administration. As a tax payer, I'd happily pay a little extra freight to provide some extra security at my towns grade schools.

Lacking any protection, a nut with a 22 single shot youth rifle and a pocket full of 22 shorts could have killed just as many as the whack job in Newtown did.

That's not exactly what many want to hear, but still true..... -Al
I'm all for armed guards, and for arming the "right" teachers, but in reality, arming the teachers with firearms isn't very likely to happen IMO. LaPierre's speach was about the NRA positioning itself for the debate that is forthcoming. The end result will be a compromise from both sides. In that regard, I think tasers may be more viable. Granted, I wouldn't want to face a crazy or evil gunman with a real gun, armed only with a taser...but think about it. It would show teachers and gov't the value of having something vs. nothing at all. All the while, those carrying them would be aquainting themselves with the responsibilty of packing. They could be used to stop a gunman and at the same time, be a less than lethal choice to have around a school building full of children. The down sides are minimized. Unfortunately, their use may at some point also show why real guns are the only real way of fending off a lunatic with a real gun. Think about it. You can bet that this will all come down to a compromise. Tasers will offer some level of defense while showing the value of just that to the detractors. It may lead to more armed teachers or guards in the long run and at the same time, they may save lives.
yes plaes post these FEDERAL GUNFREE SCHOOL ZONE laws....
aint so...
local yes..federal no..
mike in co
I don't even know if it's legally possible under the federal gun-free school zone business but if it is, I think those people should be carrying.

I have some ideas along these lines that I'll post later, after a little research.
In an earlier post I wrote about the High Schools in my area shooting 22 rifle competition, some of these schools have neen doing this for 50+ years. It is up to the states--if anybody doesn't believe this about these competitions, they can do a internet search--Northern Cambria HS, Dubois HS, Forest Hills HS, Portage HS, Connemaugh HS Rifle Teams. Some even have videos on it. This is what we need more of and the BB Gun Shoots for the younger ones. Pa lost 114,000 hunters this year. Introducing young people to our sport is the best long term solution. You would be surprised at the people that show up at the BB Gun Shoots and then have a different outlook on things.
How many school are there in this country? My daughter who is an elementary school teacher with 20 years experience who has never fired a handgun. She is 4'-11" and sharp as a tack. She told her mother that if she could have a gun she would blow away anyone who was trying to kill her kids. It is it going too far to train teachers who are willing how to handle and shoot a weapon and no longer have schools as "gun free zones". Teachers care about kids and they are leaders.


I would whole-heartedly support teachers having guns in the schools. I think teachers, cooks, janitors or whomever that are willing to step forth and take the training necessary to safely carry and use guns is an idea that should be supported by ALL reasonable-thinking parents AND should also be supported AND PAID FOR by Federal, state and local governments/school systems. We have definitely reached a point where we must 'use fire to fight fire' with regards to this issue. Having buildings full of defenseless children, teachers and other staff members all across this country that have what amounts to absolutely NO protection from nut-cases looking for human shooting galleries must be stopped, no matter the cost or means used to bring it to a halt - NOW.
"I can't think of a more liberal group than the teachers"

Thanks Francis.

But... liberal or not...female or male....black or white... when given the chance we will protect our students. It would just be nice to, at least try and, level the playing field.

I would vote in favor of training and arming of certain teachers. However, I would not endorse a blanket statement of arming all teachers. As with any "group" of people, each person will have certain strengths and certain weaknesses that they contribute to the overall success of the group. Caring a firearm, in a school, would require certain mental strenghts that can not be taught in a weekend class.

Edit; It is pretty easy for me to sit here in my recliner and type this. I have never been put into any situation close to what other teachers have gone through. I wonder what those teachers feel about arming teachers?

Stanley - HS teacher
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I would wholeheartedly support teachers having guns in the schools. I think teachers, cooks, janitors or whomever that are willing to step forth and take the training necessary to safely carry and use guns is an idea that should be supported by ALL reasonable-thinking parents AND should also be supported AND PAID FOR by Federal, state and local governments/school systems. We have definitely reached a point where we must 'use fire to fight fire' with regards to this issue. Having buildings full of defenseless children, teachers and other staff members all across this country that have what amounts to absolutely NO protection from nut-cases looking for human shooting galleries must be stopped, no matter the cost or means used to bring it to a halt - NOW.

No way this would fly at the Federal level. As it is, the majority in the House wants to eliminate educational programs as part of their spending cut proposals. This would have to be funded at the State and Local levels.

Here in Texas, our illustrious and sometimes forgetful Governor, has purposed arming teachers. They don't want any part of that idea. They want protection from professionals so they can carrying on the business they were trained in ... teaching. There's a new bill already being drafted for the coming session of the legislature. We'll see what happens. But, just like everything else, if you don't have the financing, it won't become reality regardless of who carries the peacemakers.
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under the us constitution, the fed has no right to control people or things WITHIN a state.(INSPITE OF ACTIONS TO THE CONTRARY)
the state is the unltimate authority under our constitution.

when this law was struck down it was done so correctly.

the iidiots and the courts 'ACCEPTED" it when it was deemed "interstate" by simply claiming the law applied to
guns that had been involved in interstate commerce.....what bs....

what does the fact that a gun crosed a state line at one time have to do with banning it from a "school zone"....NOTHING.

so here is the bottom line
if you make a gun or buy a gun made in your state..the law does not apply to you!
Mike in Co
You make a good point. This duty of protecting the kids at school would have normally fallen under the area of "Militia duty" and the Governors of each state are in charge of maintaining the local militia (and the Militia is NOT the National Guard). A duty that has been left by the wayside for entirely too long.