The Roosevelts

Question for the board

Where did the executive order come from ?

The economic theory that was used in the Great Depression came from an Englishman by the name of John Maynard Keynes, H e promoted that when economic times got tough that government should step and spend to get things going again. Some would say when government is giving away free money i have to get mine..

To be continued.
Redrockranger--Is the executive order actually constitutional? Is it for clarifying existing laws or could the Pres make a law (w/ executive order) that failed in Congress? Can Congress pass a law to replace a executive order? If you know the answers please answer. If not I can study the stuff myself. Thanks.

I really don't have an answer, i have an opinion. I think that executive order came about as a King could make a proclamation. In our times it should be a feel good statement as Friday October 17 is national pumpkin day.Lets party.

We have House and a Senate to make law and a president to sign or veto. That is unless the Supreme court make the decision.

How about the first 10 amendments to our Constitution , thoughts,I have mine.

WOW! Those lengthy comments and "liddle" story say a lot. Did I mention lengthy?

Let's see --you claim: be rich make great decisions with information others lack provide information others couldn't possibly have have great knowledge of numerous subjects make accurate decisions based on limited data be able to judge things others cannot know the real truth

etc., etc., etc.

Then, of course, according to you, there those like me--financially poor with worthless opinions, no knowledge and questionable judgment. Despite your best efforts to explain things to me, I utterly fail to understand anything, can't learn from history, and (worst of all) know less about physics than Stephen Hawking.

Ouch! That last really, really hurts. All these many years I thought I was at the same level as him.

As I said, it's all about ego. In your posts, the extent of yours is on display big time every time. I finally get it. You are the man. Your claims must be valid. I surrender both to you and to Hawking.

Ohh no..... there are a TON of people better at this than me!!! And I lissen to them, I've spent the last 30-ish years learning from them. There are some in this thread. I learn from people who have actually DONE IT. Whatever "IT" is....I learn from results, and from the people who can show repeatable RESULTS....

Just, you ain't one of them :)

I'm not "The Man"...

But Stephen Hawking is....

This isn't about "feelings" it's about facts.

You guys are beating this to death which brings me to a quote I always exercise "how important is it". Take a break gentlemen, you earned it!
vinny, the reason I'm willing to beat stuff to death is that IME all conservatives were once liberals! Conservatives are made, not born.

The reverse is not true.

You guys are beating this to death which brings me to a quote I always exercise "how important is it". Take a break gentlemen, you earned it!

AMAN.......... RUDE BEHAVIOR........ Good For No one.......
bill larson

I'm not "The Man"...
But Stephen Hawking is....
This isn't about "feelings" it's about facts.

Your reference to my opinion on quantum mechanics vs. Hawking's shows just how silly your arguments are. I know I'm not qualified, experienced or knowledgeable in that field. Consequently, I would never offer an opinion. I know what fields I am qualified in enough to offer opinions. I assume (note I said "assume" not "believe" or "know") that you are similarly unqualified to challenge Hawking. But Al's monumental ego would force him to issue opinions anyway. It's an addiction.

That is the difference between us. "Same planet, different worlds??" Wrong. Totally different galaxies.

BTW--For all of your claims I listed previously, I doubt that any actually apply.
Absolutely Correct

You guys are beating this to death which brings me to a quote I always exercise "how important is it". Take a break gentlemen, you earned it!

Vinny, you are right. This is my last post on this thread. For my part, I apologize for going on this long.

When I saw the Ken Burns special on the Roosevelts, I thought some of the bench rest guys might like to watch it as it is a pretty good history lesson on the first half of the 20th century. As with most topics dealing with the issues of the day, the usual suspects commented here from their perspective that FDR was a Democrat and as such could not possibly have been a great president, could not possibly have promoted beneficial programs, was the first of a long line of liberal Democrats leading the country down the road to socialism, etc.

I think FDR was one of our great presidents--certainly he was a great leader that most people were willing to follow. In 1936 he won re-election by winning all but two states. It was unprecedented.

Some label Ronald Reagan as THE great communicator. For sure, he was A great communicator. FDR was the FIRST great communicator. People sat by their radios to hear him speak directly to them and he did it often.

Plus, his battle with paralysis from polio showed how determined he was to achieve his goals despite enormous odds that he could not. Truly admirable.

Mostly, I think he should be admired for his successful attempts to help working people during very hard economic times. The lives of my parents and millions of others were better as a result of his programs.

I only wish a leader of his quality would emerge again during my lifetime. Sadly, the recent presidents we've had just don't compare to FDR.
My parents were democrats, but I think my Mom changed later. They were Democrats when a Democrat had sense and were conservative.

Here in Iowa the Democrats celebrate Jefferson- Jackson day. Coming up soon. If any of these people would read the writings of Thomas Jefferson i think he would stand out as the first Libertarian. Entertaining that they are so unknowledgeable.

Google is your friend. More knowledge available than our local public school and university system. There is nothing new under the sun.

Anyone attend a ONE room school ?
Here in Iowa the Democrats celebrate Jefferson- Jackson day. Coming up soon. If any of these people would read the writings of Thomas Jefferson i think he would stand out as the first Libertarian. Entertaining that they are so unknowledgeable.

Google is your friend. More knowledge available than our local public school and university system. There is nothing new under the sun.

Anyone attend a ONE room school ?

Not a one room school, but attended a very small school in Francis, Okla. We had 4 grades in ea. room. It was a 12 year school. You know Jefferson was brilliant, but he had a fault, he didn't pay his bills. I have read a lot on Mr. Jefferson. Read about John Adams and also his opinions on Jefferson. I do like Jefferson's knowledge.
Here in Iowa the Democrats celebrate Jefferson- Jackson day. Coming up soon. If any of these people would read the writings of Thomas Jefferson i think he would stand out as the first Libertarian. Entertaining that they are so unknowledgeable.

Google is your friend. More knowledge available than our local public school and university system. There is nothing new under the sun.

Anyone attend a ONE room school ?

I attended a 1 room school... grades 1 thru older brothers and older sister..... chalk board and a busy one class was being given instructions....the other seven remained silent....and busy....
bill larson
.....but he had a fault, he didn't pay his bills....

I knew I had something in common with somebody.
I attended a 1 room school... grades 1 thru older brothers and older sister..... chalk board and a busy one class was being given instructions....the other seven remained silent....and busy....
bill larson

It is a well planned methodology called the Dumbing Down of America. Baby Bushes "No Child Left Behind" was a recent part as is Bommy Wommys "Common Core". These latter two Dept of ED programs assure what is taught by the commonality of testing, i.e if you control the test questions, which these do, you control what is taught.

The general gist of this Dumbing Down is explained by a lady who used to be part of the Dept of ED;

It's been awhile since i seen your topic on Jefferson. If i remember correctly. Many of the founding fathers were financially broke after the Revolution of 1776, They had skin in the game.

I firmly believe if you are not taught how the U S was formed we get sidetracked on where we are going.

It's great to see people using their gray matter again.

I am a man that quit voting for 26 years and just resurfaced a few years ago.

Just some thoughts
My father grew up in the depression. He was of one immigrant parent who spoke 5 languages and worked his way over to US as a waiter on a boat. Worked at the Waldorf Astoria, NY as a waiter, became head waiter, saved money and ultimately opened two bars. Then came prohibition and the govt. closed him down. He had barrels of whiskey in his basement...the feds came and since even if U did not sell it , U could not own it, and broke the barrels into the street sewers...($50,000 worth in those days).
So lesson one ...never trust the govt. as RR president said, " the most feared words in the English language are, " I'm from the govt. and am here to help."

Then FDR came with his socialist policies which prolonged the depression for years..(See book The Forgotten Man, by A. Schlaes)..Govt interference in markets, picking winners and losers, fixing prices and supply and demand imbalances......sound familiar? Solyndra? GM?...

Then there were unions whom my father told me would ruin industry in this country...look at all the fleeing jobs...(BTW he would have been 100 y.o. this month).

Then there was Medicare...which is more socialism..why should someone who can afford insurance have the govt. pay? Charity is for those without options...My father said this Medicare will be a problem..When the govt. pays it will tell the doctor how to practice medicine, how much to charge, how many times a patient may visit, etc..again...sound familiar...Obamacare.. Socialism again as Winston Churchill said, " Capitalism is sharing unequal blessings, and socialism is sharing equal misery.

So here we are...get the govt out of my life...oh and not to mention the 2nd amendment here in NY....:(