The Great Ammo Drought



In the new, September 2013 issue of Guns & Ammo, pages 14 through 20, Jim Bequette, Industry Insider, explains what's really going on. Good article. Read it, if you've got the time.

I'll summarize in simple terms: There have been increases in firearms sales for the last 36 months, Over 2 Million firearms have been sold in the last two years [with a 27% increase from April 2012 to April 2013 alone, from 931,660 to 1,185,231], and with all of that the commensurate need for ammo to feed the new arms, plus the normal needs prior to the increase, then the paranoia buying, has left a huge backlog of requests.

Billions of rounds will be produced in 2013. One manufacturer is producing over 4 Million rounds a day! Be patient, it's on its way.

Jackets for industry outsiders? That's anyone's guess. :(
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I think 22 rimfire availability is the canary in that particular mine, haven't seen any of that for sale in a local store since last fall sometime. I hear that if you camp out you'll occasionally get some.
hunting clubs and retired men are the #1 enemy for shooters right now, sad to say. They're the guys that camp out, team up, and buy every single round of .22lr, 9mm, 45acp, 38/357, 223, 7.62x39, etc.. They buy it at walmart, dicks, Academy, cabela's, etc.....then flip it at a gun show, in a LGS, or online. No matter how much a person complains or how bad a situation gets, another man's greed will keep the shortage going.
hunting clubs and retired men are the #1 enemy for shooters right now, sad to say. They're the guys that camp out, team up, and buy every single round of .22lr, 9mm, 45acp, 38/357, 223, 7.62x39, etc.. They buy it at walmart, dicks, Academy, cabela's, etc.....then flip it at a gun show, in a LGS, or online. No matter how much a person complains or how bad a situation gets, another man's greed will keep the shortage going.

I'm retired and fully agree.
I suggest

I think 22 rimfire availability is the canary in that particular mine, haven't seen any of that for sale in a local store since last fall sometime. I hear that if you camp out you'll occasionally get some.

You sign up for email notifications from those dealers that offer the service. I just got notice that one I had signed up for had RWS target rifle at a very reasonable price yesterday. One has to pull out the stops and use all available tools to keep in stock. The guys I worry about are our custom bullet makers.

Seems J4 and others aren't making much if anything available to them. Seems they have forgotten when the custom guys helped them economically? Greg
I can't believe that those two million guns sold in the last two years went to "new" firearms owners who want the ammo for their "new" guns.

Chances are most of those guns went to those who already own multiple guns and who "camp out" in front of WalMart and Cabela's for ammo.
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save your paintbrush for the back fence

hunting clubs and retired men are the #1 enemy for shooters right now, sad to say. They're the guys that camp out, team up, and buy every single round of .22lr, 9mm, 45acp, 38/357, 223, 7.62x39, etc.. They buy it at walmart, dicks, Academy, cabela's, etc.....then flip it at a gun show, in a LGS, or online. No matter how much a person complains or how bad a situation gets, another man's greed will keep the shortage going.

You're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong. The #1 enemy for shooters is, was, and will always be liberals and liberal government. It's cause and effect. And if you weren't prudent enough to have a very good supply of whatever you like to use (whether food, money, ammo, Wedgwood dishes, jelly beans, etc.) on hand for such times when such items might be in short supply, then you have another person to blame: you.

Bigotry is bullsh*t, whether directed at "retired men" or any other unfairly besmirched group.

It's employed government "servants" who are at fault. And if you voted for them and their policies, then even more shame on you.
You're entitled to your opinion too ... however,

You're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong. The #1 enemy for shooters is, was, and will always be liberals and liberal government. It's cause and effect. And if you weren't prudent enough to have a very good supply of whatever you like to use (whether food, money, ammo, Wedgwood dishes, jelly beans, etc.) on hand for such times when such items might be in short supply, then you have another person to blame: you.

Bigotry is bullsh*t, whether directed at "retired men" or any other unfairly besmirched group.

It's employed government "servants" who are at fault. And if you voted for them and their policies, then even more shame on you.

The #1 enemy for shooters is, was, and will always be FEAR. Fear of the future and the unknown. It's the most fearful among us who were/are the catalysts of the past and current supply imbalance.

If you hate democracy so much, and our country's way of governing, you might consider moving to one of the other 195+ other countries in the world, one of those perhaps, a dictatorship, which harbors your views on how life should be lived and structured, without any need for, or method for change.
The #1 enemy for shooters is, was, and will always be FEAR. Fear of the future and the unknown. It's the most fearful among us who were/are the catalysts of the past and current supply imbalance.

If you hate democracy so much, and our country's way of governing, you might consider moving to one of the other 195+ other countries in the world, one of those perhaps, a dictatorship, which harbors your views on how life should be lived and structured, without any need for, or method for change.

As always we get a post from you(a nonshooter) about how things are and should be. I'm retired and do not camp out or get in line anywhere. As Bill said,"Just buy along when you see a deal". My powder, bullets, primers, brass, ammo be it rimfire or not was picked up a long time ago. I just bought a few bricks of rimfire plinking ammo from Killough Shooting Sports. Just call or send Dan an email and he will put you on his list and will ship to you. He is very reasonable with his pricing.
I needed ammo for my AR and both of my Son's AR. I put and ad is a few shooting forums. I was able to buy the brass and bullets at a very reasonable price. I had powder bought at $80 for 8# price on the shelf and I have many thousands of primers bought over the years. The ammo came out to $1200 for 3000 rounds and this included shipping.
abintx, get off the computer and look around instead of whining on the forum.
You're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong. The #1 enemy for shooters is, was, and will always be liberals and liberal government. It's cause and effect. And if you weren't prudent enough to have a very good supply of whatever you like to use (whether food, money, ammo, Wedgwood dishes, jelly beans, etc.) on hand for such times when such items might be in short supply, then you have another person to blame: you.

Bigotry is bullsh*t, whether directed at "retired men" or any other unfairly besmirched group.

It's employed government "servants" who are at fault. And if you voted for them and their policies, then even more shame on you.

the liberals are an issue, but they aren't forcing ANYONE to go out and buy all of the ammo off the shelf....then turn around and resale it for the gouging prices we've come to expect lately. They didn't force anyone to buy up all the pmags and gi mags and pistol mags that people did....and then turned around and gouged on them. They haven't told anyone to go out and buy ANYTHING. Blaming the liberals is honestly getting tired, everyone does...but if you'll notice, they're still in office...and getting reelected.. My state went red, best I can do.

But as your for your "bigotry", you're being a little hypocritical if you'll go back and read your own post.
My idea on this is you don't buy at a so called inflated price or you pay the money and shame on yourself for not being prepared.
To the none shooting BIGOT.
Today at 0630 a friend told me about a Cabela's sale. Ammo can full 1200 rnds. $99.00. Wow. Great Deal.
$99.00 can't beat it.
Maybe some prolibcommie bigot can tell me.
Is that an inflated price from some gougers????
Didn't think so.
Sold. :).
abintx. Thanks for another opinion of the shortage.
Most shooters I associate with in MI, are life long shooters.
Yea, some of us got a little behind on stockpiling ammo. But, we help each other out.
A new guy came out to WWCCA. Watched some group shooting. Came out to watch a score match. He's hooked.
So a famous shooter and a few buddies helped this guy out.
Someone had a used 6PPC. Someone else had a used scope. Another guy had some powder.....You get the idea.
We all like to shoot up here. It's all good. :cool:
For what it's worth there's also an article on the very same topic in the new American Rifleman. A good read. The primary problems continue to be 9 mm and .22 lr.
If you

Don't have a reasonable supply of whatever...ammo, bullets, primers, brass, rimfire are pretty pathetic! Greg
Pathetic really!!!!!!!

I was told by a reputable bullet maker ,that cut my order down 20% .to not worry i wont let you run out, guess what i have 45 115 30 s that he makes left .good thing i have found some of these and some of those.and also have a lazer 6ppc to shoot as well . Dont give me the pathetic stuff not buying it,,,, good thing they cant hoard up bass fishing lures and rods,,, shoot x s they are big bucks and hard to get...
Interesting theory,,,,,,

Just a good thing the hoarders and gougers cant get together and hold us br shooters/bass busters hostage,for supplies. We also would be pathetic,,,, you have got to be kidding me? Just sayinn !!
Don't have a reasonable supply of whatever...ammo, bullets, primers, brass, rimfire are pretty pathetic! Greg

how, exactly, would that make one "pathetic"?

To some of us, this is merely a hobby. A passing hobby even. Also, some of use are still working for our money and have priorities that might not include stockpiling ammo, bullets, primers, brass, and rimfire ammo. It's rather crude to lump everyone together with an ill conceived blanket statement as you did.
Personally...i have right at 5k srp's...3k .224 bullets...maybe 8lbs of various powders...600 new win brass and 100 lapua...and maybe 20k rounds of .22lr... I don't see any of that as stockpiling and do feel like I need more....but I'm not sure how that makes me pathetic??
We have to lighten up!

Folks, we're all dealing with the same problem in different degrees and do not realize that we're discussing a HOBBY. It's not LIFE or DEATH. If we're patient this will all blow over because at some point the guilty, greedy, people will be stuck with stuff and no takers. Recently I heard that a Boy Scout Camp could not buy .22 ammo for their shooting badge program. In an unselfish move, shooters in the area donated thousands of rounds to the camp to save the day. A simple act, no big deal, but it left a warm heartfelt feeling of fellowship.

Many shooters have contacted the manufacturers only to find out that they're working 24/7 to fill orders. Legit dealers are delving out stuff to a waiting list as it comes in. If all the shooters realize that this was all politically motivated, they should use their vote wisely in the days to come.

Keep cool,