The "Crawfish" Shoot

I find it somewhat amazing

the distances some of the shooters traveled to shoot in the Crawfish. Pretty big committment in terms of driving and expense from New York and other far away states, to shoot a weekend match, IMHO. I felt fortunate to be able to do it on my way home. :)
Dan and I would like to thank Thumper, Alan Hall, Keith and Carolyn Lovan, Bill Hinegardner, Jim Mollica, and Gordon and Melvin Eck with getting us there, getting us to the range, and getting us back and forth to the hotel and getting our equipment there. I would also like to thank Jim Pepper for getting the new Copperhead all tuned up for me, it shot very well. We had a great time and will be back next year for sure.

Paul Tolvstad
Thumper Gordons Hooter gun finally finished ...........

Hooters Gun

Tuna, That sure is purty, but you should take notice of his new "gun toter", she also acts as a distraction to the other shooters, even the wind flags take notice. Thumper:cool: