The "Crawfish" Shoot

Reservation's have be made come on April, starting to have withdraws. Thanks Bill
The Crawfish shoot is gaining in numbers and so are the incentives! Guys and gals, we are going to have some great door prizes this year and maybe some other vendors would like to jump in and help out? Paul and Dan from Rock Creek will be here and have donated a barrel, Gordon Eck will be here and has donated a gift Certificate for $150 off a barrel installation, Bill Pippin has donated a gift Certificate for $150 off a finished and bedded stock, Jim Mollica donated a gift Certificate for 50% off a custom Stock paint job, Bob Collins donated a Brick of Eley Black Box, Allan Hall has donated some "Off-set" scope ring mounts and I hope for more from others. The big news is a "Bounty" of $1,000 has been placed by Chatham Lexus,Toyota,Sabaru Dealership of Savanah, Ga. on the first 250, 25X shot in a registered match. This could very well be moment in history in the Rimfire world, come join us and be a part of it. Thumper
Correction: The bounty of $1000 is for the "Crawfish" Shoot only! I mis-understood the offer due my excitement level at the time, at least that's what she said anyway! But nobody can be right all the time, or can they? Sorry about the mistook. I had a dream: What if we had a tube shaped firing pin that would hit the cartridge rim 360 degrees-----just dreaming I guess! Thumper
I heard a guy just got a case of super ammo that was recovered from a pirate ships bounty. He is headed to the Crawfish without his wind flags. Figures with the gentle breezes you get he won't need them. No tube firing pins already on pin overload. Has their been any mention of firing pins in the Wall Street Journal yet?
Is Truman coming ? I need someone to go to Hooters with ?
Tuna ,
We know what your up to. Your thinking if you take that 100 year man to Hooters you can get him off of his A game.
I feel like your wasting your time on that one.
Gordon, that new ammo has arrived and the tests will begin ASAP. Rumor has it that the monks from Tibet have devised a way to place a "wad" of some mysterious material in the rimfire case to take up the space between powder charge and the lead projectile. This is designed to ensure that you would have total combustion instantaniously no matter where you had a firing pin strike. The wadding will be totally consumed by the burning of the powder and therefore will not change your normal cleaning cycle. Ain't it great when Technology meets Mythology? Thumper
Tuna ,
We know what your up to. Your thinking if you take that 100 year man to Hooters you can get him off of his A game.
I feel like your wasting your time on that one.
....... Hell I use Trumans if he chickens out
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I must be dreaming. Crawfish and Shrimp. Now talk of Wings and Things. It just can't be true.
If you guys want to get Truman off his A game. Get Pepper to load him up on Country Ham. He don't get any at home.
Gordon, loading him up on Country Ham would be like giving him a Sports Drink, especially if it was on a biscuit with a side of red-eye gravey to dip it in. Wow, don't know if the rest of us could stand the pressure, then you want to throw in the Hooter's Cheerleading squad? That would darn sure get his heart started, and just about anyone else in the same county! "Let the Side Show begin" Thumper
You all picking on my friend the 200 year old man is simply shameful. Sounds like I might as well leave the rifles and good bullets at home and just come down for the side show and breakfast. Truman beating up on the bunch of us being preordained; why waste the ammo? Are cameras allowed? Bring it on! bob
Bob, You know that Truman is planing on winning if he comes. He is almost out of that red box Lapua. Then he is on a level playing field with us. We will make sure that he goes to Hooter's though. He won't be worth killin' then.
Pepper: Since Truman is out of his magic bullets I'll bring my good stuff after all. Still won't be a fair fight tho. Can I go to Hooters with you all? I've never been to one, being a gams man myself. Is the food decent? bob
Pepper: Since Truman is out of his magic bullets I'll bring my good stuff after all. Still won't be a fair fight tho. Can I go to Hooters with you all? I've never been to one, being a gams man myself. Is the food decent? bob

....... This is going to be a fun match and the first big one of the year .......
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Bill, that was your shoe laces that your tongue was laying on, tell the truth! Now that we have figured out how to slow Truman down, what are we going to do with those centerfire converts, like Tony Boyer, and Pete Wass? I heard a rumor, just a rumor now, that Tony's bifocals were actually 36X Leupold lenses, wonder if there is any truth to that one? Thumper
Thumper: The rumor is false I tell you false. Its all in the hat Tony wears. Ever notice he ALWAYS wears that hat when shooting? ALWAYS! Pete does not have one like it, we don't have to worry so much about him. At least not yet as he does not have THE HAT. Now if the 200 year old man had THE HAT and his killer red box Lapua we could all just stay home. bob
A lot goes into putting on the Crawfish – even little things make a difference. Bill told me that he will get new print cartages for the printer and I asked about the model etc so I could get print drivers. Guess what !! - his wife said the dog chewed up all the cables for the printer he was planning to use. This is not something you want to find out the day of the Crawfish!! Glad I Asked!!!

I called the Cannon Support to make sure I had the correct drivers & cable for his printer. A sweet young lady answered the phone & as it turned out she lives just down the street from the Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni! & works from home. Wow I mentioned I was based there for 6 months and as it turned out she knew my favorite restaurant because her mother worked there in the 60’s!.
Wait it even gets better – she put her mom on the phone – very little English but we said hello! :D
Net Result Cannon will send the software & cable for your printer from their Memphis distribution center tomorrow with a 50% discount!! Only $38.95 plus tax & be here next week.
It is a small world.:)
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Thumper: The rumor is false I tell you false. Its all in the hat Tony wears. Ever notice he ALWAYS wears that hat when shooting? ALWAYS! Pete does not have one like it, we don't have to worry so much about him. At least not yet as he does not have THE HAT. Now if the 200 year old man had THE HAT and his killer red box Lapua we could all just stay home. bob

I've found the RF game to be somewhat humbeling to date, I must say - - - -
Hey Thumper
Save me a couple of those Hooters Coupons. Made a Shooting Decision. Going to leave my guns with 12ignition,Remington patern triggers, IM barrels,and Harrells heavy weight tuners at home