Team USA and United Kingdom Postal March

Here is a link to some videos and photos of the matches at the Western States Regionals

It was indeed very cold, wet and WINDY, with violent gusts from many different directions:) Alaska-aliforina...

But fun was had by all, and really Jim Cyran shot a super set of cards, especially since he shot in the second relay when the winds had picked up more than the early morning relay.. then with the same gun, in the fourth relay (second HV classs relay), in stiffer winds still, he shot a 248 in the HV class!! Jim was always hopping around helping someone, so he prepped very little. Great job at your first crack at Match Directing Jim, and great shooting too!

Wacky Wayne

Wacky Wayne
I thought California was supposed to be the Sunshine State!

However, in terms of air rifle target shooting - 'the wind maketh the man' and those were great scores in very difficult conditions.

Some really nice kit aswell.

From beautifil upstate New York, Team USA Northeast has these scores to report.

Dan Brown: 245-11X, 249-16X, 246-16X= 740-43X
Rick Ingraham: 248-8X, 246-7X, 245-10X= 739-25X
Todd Banks: 245-9X, 244-12X, 245-10X= 734-31X

Individual scores.

Paul Bendix: 241-7X, 233-5X, 239-6X= 713-18X

All were using EV-2s. Conditions were mid 40's-low 50's with occasional moderate rain, light but switchy wind.

Congratulations to all for a great postal match.
USA Final Tally.

Joe Friedrich 247-8x, 247-9x, 247-11x, 741-28x
Dan Brown 245-11X, 249-16X, 246-16X, 740-43X
Rick Ingraham 248-8X, 246-7X, 245-10X, 739-25X
Brian Denardo 245-6x, 247-9x, 247-8x, 739-23x
Todd Banks 245-9X, 244-12X, 245-10X, 734-31X
Jim Herrick 242-4x, 242-10x, 246-14x, 730-28x
Jim Cyran 237-3x 244-11x 243-7x 724-21
Paul Bendix: 241-7X, 233-5X, 239-6X, 713-18X
Wayne Burns 236-10x 237-8x 236-7x 709-25x
Jim Benson 236-4x 226-3x 231-4x 693-11x
JD Dodge 225-5x 234-7x 232-3x 691-15x
Dave Brown 226-2x 230-4x 230-5x 686-11x
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Wow, 43x's, now that's good shooting.

Great shooting guys, some fantastic scores have come in during this competition. I know postals are no substitute for shoulder to shoulder matches, but it's a good way to keep in touch and adds a little flavour to domestic matches.

Is that all the scores in from the US now?

Hope you are all up for it again later this year, with a few other countries thrown into the mix.

USA / United Kingdom Final Tally

Tony Male 247 7x, 248 12x, 247 7x Total 742 26x UK
Joe Friedrich 247-8x, 247-9x, 247-11x, 741-28x USA
Dan Brown 245-11X, 249-16X, 246-16X, 740-43X USA
Rick Ingraham 248-8X, 246-7X, 245-10X, 739-25X USA
Brian Denardo 245-6x, 247-9x, 247-8x, 739-23x USA
Alan Grayson 246 4x, 249 12x, 242 8x Total 737 24x UK
Colin Renwick 246 9x, 246 5x, 244 3x Total 736 17x UK
Scott Grayson 241 9x, 248 8x, 246 7x Total 735 24x UK
Todd Banks 245-9X, 244-12X, 245-10X, 734-31X USA
John Rogers 246 7x, 244 5x, 242 5x Total 732 17x UK
Jim Herrick 242-4x, 242-10x, 246-14x, 730-28x USA
Colin Evans 244 6x, 245 5x, 239 7x Total 728 18x UK
Gary Morrison 240 6x, 242 7x, 242 8x Total 724 21x UK
Jim Cyran 237-3x 244-11x 243-7x, 724-21X USA
Gary Kingaby 235 3x, 245 10x, 244 5x Total 724 18x UK
Graham Freeman 239 6x, 239 4x, 243 8x Total 721 18x UK
Paul Bendix 241-7X, 233-5X, 239-6X, 713-18X USA
Wayne Burns 236-10x 237-8x 236-7x, 709-25x USA
Jim Benson 236-4x 226-3x 231-4x, 693-11x USA
JD Dodge 225-5x 234-7x 232-3x, 691-15x USA
Dave Brown 226-2x 230-4x 230-5x, 686-11x USA

A great turnout with 21 shooters and a very competitive match.
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USA / United Kingdom Team Scores

Team USA Northeast 2213-99X
Team USA West 2210-79X
UK Team 2 2202-61X
UK Team 1 2192-59X
UK Team 3 2185-63X
Team USA Northwest 2070-27X

Our sincere thanks to the United Kingdom teams for indulging us and to the Team USA members for braving the weather this early in our spring.

Team USA Northeast, 99Xs will be a tough mark to beat for the LV class. In comparison, the three of you shot 66Xs in South Carolina.
Here are some pictures of our range at the Salem Pistol and Rifle Club:
While the conditions don't look all that great in the pics above, here's one taken one year ago on 3/22/11 during a more normal Northeast late winter/early spring:

We all had a great time yesterday. Brian is right, the postals aren't a substitute for shoulder to shoulder competition, but they do give us a reason to get out and shoot. A postal with more countries and teams would be great, and I can always arrange a date at Salem for Team USA East to shoot.
Nice pictures Todd, that looks a great range in good weather (we'd kill over here for concrete benches). If we can keep politics out of the way, there are three UK teams and six Italian ready to shoot postals with you anytime you want.

I would very much like this to lead to a shoulder to shoulder match in the future. We have a 4 Nations match (Germany, Ireland, Italy & the UK) at the end of April. Although this is a rimfire match, a visit with yourselves will be at the top of the agenda for discussion - will keep you posted.
