Team USA and United Kingdom Postal March


Wish you gents the best this weekend. Looking at the weather for this Saturday, we will have similar conditions here.
With "switchy" conditions at Open Grove in Oxnard, California, Team USA West starts things off in a big way.

Joe Friedrich 247-8x, 247-9x, 247-11x, 741-28x
Brian Denardo 245-6x, 247-9x, 247-8x, 739-23x
Jim Herrick 242-4x, 242-10x, 246-14x, 730-28x

A big thank you to this team for their participation.
With "switchy" conditions at Open Grove in Oxnard, California, Team USA West starts things off in a big way.

Joe Friedrich 247-8x, 247-9x, 247-11x, 741-28x
Brian Denardo 245-6x, 247-9x, 247-8x, 739-23x
Jim Herrick 242-4x, 242-10x, 246-14x, 730-28x

A big thank you to this team for their participation.

Well done guys, should be able to give you our results on Monday as the competition will not finish until Sunday afternoon and I won't be home until late Sunday evening.

I can tell you the weather has been great for this time of year, more like mid June this weekend, so there's no excuses :D

Joe,Brian,Jim, Great shooting Team USA West!

Would anyone share what the equipment was? My quess would be AA EV-2 ? Also any LV shooters that shot for individual scores?

Paul Bendix
Great scores Team USA West! Joe, your score beat Dan Brown's World Record, and depending on Dan's X-count(can't remember) Brian tied it! What rifles were you guys shooting?

A little research confirms your thought. Dan shot a 739-21X in South Carolina in LV.
Paul and Todd

Brian was shooting his AA S400 with different barrel from stock, I was shooting the EV and Jim was shooting his home built.

Cris, Thank You for setting up the matches. Thanks for the kind words, Cris, Brian, Bill, Paul and Todd.

Thanks Joe,
Only guessed one right. Great shooting everyone. Jim Herrick nice looking custom gun. Just noticed picture posted on yellow a few weeks ago.


Please forgive me. Your score is really no surprise. Looking back, you also shot the first 250 ever recorded in a sanctioned match on the international target. We are the ones honored that you organize and shoot these matches, as we are with all the match directors that allow shooters to participate and help us grow the sport. Thank you.

Just for the record, forgive the pun, Rick Ingraham shot a 744-28X in Salem, New York on May 29, 2011 during qualifying.
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Hi Guys,

Just got home after a 5 1/2 drive so haven't had time to compile all the results yet.

I can tell you Tony Male from Team 2 shot 247 7x, 248 12x, 247 7x Total 742 26x and was the top shot with his EV2. Our competition was a four card event and we decided to take the two cards from the Saturday and the first card from the Sunday to make up our three cards. Tony's 4th card was a 250 12x and wasn't counted.

I hope to have the list finished for Monday and will put a link to all the results, which will include the rimfire competition, on our website when complete.


I remember Ricks score when it was posted, awesome agg. Cris, your welcome. I need to thank those that not only show up to participate, but also get involved to make the match run easier, without them there wouldn't be a shoot. A Big Thanks to those that support the clubs.

Looks like the bar is being raised all across the world, these air rifles can be super accurate given the right conditions, im still yet to be convinced a HV can shoot these LV AA EV2's.
OK, I have the results for the postal match, as follows:

Team 1
Colin Renwick 246 9x, 246 5x, 244 3x Total 736 17x
Graham Freeman 239 6x, 239 4x, 243 8x Total 721 18x
Scott Grayson 241 9x, 248 8x, 246 7x Total 735 24x

Team 2
Colin Evans 244 6x, 245 5x, 239 7x Total 728 18x
Tony Male 247 7x, 248 12x, 247 7x Total 742 26x
John Rogers 246 7x, 244 5x, 242 5x Total 732 17x

Team 3
Alan Grayson 246 4x, 249 12x, 242 8x Total 737 24x
Gary Kingaby 235 3x, 245 10x, 244 5x Total 724 18x
Gary Morrison 240 6x, 242 7x, 242 8x Total 724 21x

We had a great weekend, weather was fantastic, good company, good shooting, what more can you ask for :D

Great scores by all. Remember meeting Scott, Alan, Gary K, and Gary M at the Worlds this past summer. Hope the weather improves for the next two USA shoots.

Wow, that's some great shooting! Both by Joe and gang and the Britts! Like Bill said.. that's a pretty high bar to get over.. especially outdoors and with the normal wind conditions at the Ione range, let alone when a storm is blowing through.. And.. the weather report is for Rain all weekend! But we'll slog through it, and have loads of fun anyway!

Tony, thanks for the pics.. looks like a great spot to shoot. I also enjoyed the pics that Linsie posted of Joe's place.. Two really nice places to shoot.. and it looks and sounds like a great bunch of folks to shoot with.

Wacky Wayne
There are some very good scores here and it will be interesting to see how the World Air Rifle Postal pushes the bar with a large number of countries taking part. Tony Male from the UK is a name to watch in the future, as his scores are just getting better and better.
Team USA Northwest shooting in Sacramento, California at the Western States Regional event. Sounds like very tough conditions, wind, rain and everything else thrown in.

Team USA Northwest
JD Dodge LV AA EV2 MK3 225-5x 234-7x 232-3x 691-15x
Jim Benson LV FWB P70 Jr 236-4x 226-3x 231-4x 693-11x
Dave Brown LV CZ 200 226-2x 230-4x 230-5x 686-11x

Individual Scores
Jim Cyran LV AA EV2 MK3 237-3x 244-11x 243-7x 724-21x
Wayne Burns LV USFT 53 236-10x 237-8x 236-7x 709-25x