Simple cleaning rod question.

Well now, that's a bit of a stretch.
Don't tell OSHA or we'll be cleaning in the dark.
Two hundred forty volts-how close was his digital powder scale?

But, was the bore clean and undamaged? That's what's important.
I did get one CF. rod but it had splinters along the length of it,and you could feel them with a rag when you tried to wipe it off so it went in the garbage. Most rods are good if you are careful with them and keep them clean. fouling and dirt are the biggest offenders, some use the same dirty rag all year to clean them off? some don't even bother to put the insert in the bore guide. I prefer SS Ivy rod and it is so easy to keep clean and i can't hear it banging around in the bore and there are no marks on it so there is no peening going on….. jim
No stretch

Well now, that's a bit of a stretch.
Don't tell OSHA or we'll be cleaning in the dark.
Two hundred forty volts-how close was his digital powder scale?

But, was the bore clean and undamaged? That's what's important.

It's no stretch it happened. The poor B*#+* d was DOA and left a wife and two kids.
First, Butch, I have no idea how to post pictures, have tried over and over on many forums to no avail. Managed to do it once a couple of years ago, was never able to repeat the act.

Furthermore this test was done years ago, you wish me to forfeit another rod? Neh, ain't gonna happen. You do it, pretty sure you got the equipment & likely more cash to throw away then me, while not poor by any means my wife & I live on a VA Disability.

So the challenge is back in your court, have at it.

I went to the moon in 1959. It seems Obama lost all traces of my trip. Lets see, I'm a retired auto mechanic and was never fortunate to work for a company with retirement benefits. I do draw SS. All of that has nothing to do with the subject does it?
You're old enough to have retired?
You went to the moon? I wonder if you're the guy that bumped me from the flight.

This whole worthless thread isn't going anywhere. Wait for a more worthwhile windmill to tilt.
Butch, and I for that matter, have been there done that.
And I'm a Vet.

I'm sorry for your loss but, do you think things would have been better with a carbon fiber rod dipped in solvents?


The moral of this story is shooters be aware of where you are pointing your cleaning rods as much as the muzzle.
Because something like this can come out of left field.
I have read a lot on the matter of steel cleaning rod damage from improper use. What is your take on the carbon fiber rods?
Thanks, Tom
I'm thinking I should have worded the last different. Your take on the wear from a carbon fiber rod to a barrel compared to stainless steel, both from improper use .
I'm not to concerned about the dangers, just the wear. Heck we have rock crushers in town that have killed one and 2 weeks ago mangled a young mans arm. We still need rock.
Thanks for the input guys but it got me thinking the real study is not public info yet.
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I went to the moon in 1959. It seems Obama lost all traces of my trip. Lets see, I'm a retired auto mechanic and was never fortunate to work for a company with retirement benefits. I do draw SS. All of that has nothing to do with the subject does it?

It most certainly does when it comes to who is paying for the rod that will be destroyed.

Sorry you were unable to comprehend that, but that is why it does have something to do with the subject.
It most certainly does when it comes to who is paying for the rod that will be destroyed.

Sorry you were unable to comprehend that, but that is why it does have something to do with the subject.

Oh, I comprehend very well. If you bought a carbon fiber rod and it broke, you screwed up. Has nothing to do with retirement pay.
It wore thru. You can not understand that.

We had this same discussion a number of years ago. Some contended then and obviously still do that carbon fiber is abrasive in all directions.

At the time I took a piece of 1 inch cold rolled steel and placed it in my lathe with a Caldwell rod resting against it with a weight hanging on it. It ran for a few hours while I watched TV and had a small amount of black powder under where it was pressing against the steel. Come morning the lathe was still running with the Caldwell rod in 2 pieces and no groove in the steel plank. When during the night did it break? I have no idea. But the fact remains that the steel was not damaged.

There are those who still believe carbon fiber will abrade a bore.

If they wish to believe this I could care less.

Again, it wore thru, it did not break, it wore thru.
Oh, I comprehend very well. If you bought a carbon fiber rod and it broke, you screwed up. Has nothing to do with retirement pay.

Again, yes it does have to do with retirement pay.

First, Butch, I have no idea how to post pictures, have tried over and over on many forums to no avail. Managed to do it once a couple of years ago, was never able to repeat the act.

Furthermore this test was done years ago, you wish me to forfeit another rod? Neh, ain't gonna happen. You do it, pretty sure you got the equipment & likely more cash to throw away then me, while not poor by any means my wife & I live on a VA Disability.

So the challenge is back in your court, have at it.

You spend your money this time, I've been there and done that.