Significant rule changes at Williamsport



The shooters at Williamsport again proved that they are innovators and want to move our sport forward. We voted on sigificant changes to our rules in our 40th year and these changes go into effect immediately. They are:
LIGHT GUN RULES- 17lb guns are legal at the range. Gone are barrel diameter, stock width, and attachment rules. Sandbag requirements remain the same.
Legal light gun can shoot in the heavy class. NO
Muzzle brake on any heavy gun regardless of weight-YES
No muzzle brakes in heavy gun-NO
No excuses now!!! Check out our website at to see match dates and come on down!!!!

about my post on the results of voting results. Can you shoot your light gun with a muzzle brake in the heavy gun class? Yes.
That is FANTASTIC News !!!!

Very smart decisions all the way around !!!!

Especially allowing a Lt-Gun with a break in Heavy for guys like "me" who only shoot one gun!!

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
That is FANTASTIC News !!!!

Very smart decisions all the way around !!!!

Especially allowing a Lt-Gun with a break in Heavy for guys like "me" who only shoot one gun!!

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran

Was'nt that a 'NO' vote !


As Frank said above it was a 3 part vote:

Brakes are: (choose one)
Not legal in HG class (voted down)
Legal on Legal LG's only (voted down)
Legal on ANY GUN, YES

A LG is an Any Gun.

It should also be noted that these changes are pending a one year trial basis. Which means if any of these have somehow been deemed to be a bad thing at the end of the year, they will be repealed BY THE MEMBERSHIP (or the board if the membership has stated a case strongly enough to do so.)

And as always, if a member feels a majority is against something, they may petition to change it. There is a procedure for that as in all clubs. Life goes on. Let's go shoot and have fun.
Williamsport has assumed leadership in converging the rules among the three sanctioning organizations. This is a very good thing. Let's hope the rest of us can follow your lead. Congratulations and a very hearty thanks! You guys ROCK!

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Now where'd my lead shot go...get to add a little more :)


As Frank said above it was a 3 part vote:

Brakes are: (choose one)
Not legal in HG class (voted down)
Legal on Legal LG's only (voted down)
Legal on ANY GUN, YES

A LG is an Any Gun.

It should also be noted that these changes are pending a one year trial basis. Which means if any of these have somehow been deemed to be a bad thing at the end of the year, they will be repealed BY THE MEMBERSHIP (or the board if the membership has stated a case strongly enough to do so.)

And as always, if a member feels a majority is against something, they may petition to change it. There is a procedure for that as in all clubs. Life goes on. Let's go shoot and have fun.

There is a better explanation of the rules change on the 'Daily Bulletin"
This is part of what is posted on 6 BR

Matt Dienes, Williamsport Public Relations officer, has announced important changes to the Club’s Rules for 2008 and beyond:

“The Original Pennsylvania 1000 Yard Bench Rest Club is pleased to anounce that that following rules are effective immediately:

1) The light gun weight limit has been raised from 16.5 lbs. to 17 lbs. (making it consistent with IBS and NBRSA rules). For Williamsport, this weight limit is now the only restriction (no stock width, barrel diameter, or attachment rules anymore.) However, the existing Light Gun front/rear rest rules still apply, and the gun has to be a single shot only (no semi-automatics).

2) You can now shoot any rifle in the Heavy Gun class, including rifles with Muzzle Brakes. So now you can shoot your Light Gun with the break on.”

We like these changes. This will make it easier to compete with a Light Gun in both classes, which should encourage more shooters and help keep costs down. A good Light Gun CAN be competitive in Heavy Gun class. Not too long ago our own Jason Baney won the HG class at the Williamsport World Open shooting his 16.5-lb 6BR.
Just to clarify, I know IBS does not allow muzzle bakes in HG (including a "legal LG"), but I believe NBRSA does. If this is right, it would be a good agenda item for the next IBS meeting; the three sanctioning body rules are so close now it would be a shame for IBS to differ only in this.

It would also be a good thing if rest rules were common, or if that is too much, at least spelled out *prominently.* At an important level, a DQ is as bad as not being able to shoot.
Yes brakes are allowed in HG in NBRSA matches. I believe brakes were voted down in HG for IBS matches the last meeting. Hopefully this will give IBS more incentive to pass it next time though.

Thank you Joe, Frank,Phil,Matt and whomever else has worked so hard for the Williamsport club. Even though I am more of a part time shooter I have noticed how all you guys try to get the most people to compete. You guys have no fear of new competitors and that is what makes you guys great competitors and good for the club in its day to day operations. My hat is off toall you guys.
Yes brakes are allowed in HG in NBRSA matches. I believe brakes were voted down in HG for IBS matches the last meeting. Hopefully this will give IBS more incentive to pass it next time though.


Good luck with the "incentive". I'm under the impression that the IBS doesn't care what others do. They consider themselves leaders not followers. Williamsport will probably go to a 5 shot group before IBS compromises on anything. Did you guys at Williamsport think about the people who may have had new guns built over the winter to satisfy the old rules.
Now with the new rules a LG is obsolete at 16.5 w/3" forend. If you made these ideas public maybe people that had new guns built over the winter would have used stocks with wider forends and rears, heavy barrels, making 17# etc.. HG would have brakes on them. No, I'm sure you didn't think of this for if you did you wouldn't have rushed the changes, instead the new rules would be effective for the 2009 season giving people time to make the adjustments.
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I'm under the impression that the IBS doesn't care what others do. They consider themselves leaders not followers.
This shows either a lack of knowledge about, or an insensitivity about, how the IBS 1,000 yard rules were first formed. Some people in IBS are fractious, yes. But aren't we all?