Bob Pastor
Not Obsolete
Believe me, your light gun is not obsolete. A 16.5 lb. rifle can and is competitive in any class "as long as the shooter does his or her part" Williamsport shooters have proven this for years, in any competitive venue we've participated in.
Bob Pastor
Good luck with the "incentive". I'm under the impression that the IBS doesn't care what others do. They consider themselves leaders not followers. Williamsport will probably go to a 5 shot group before IBS compromises on anything. Did you guys at Williamsport think about the people who may have had new guns built over the winter to satisfy the old rules.
Now with the new rules a LG is obsolete at 16.5 w/3" for-end. If you made these ideas public maybe people that had new guns built over the winter would have used stocks with wider for-ends and rears, heavy barrels, making 17# etc.. HG would have brakes on them. know, I'm sure you didn't think of this if you did you wouldn't have rushed the changes and instead the new rules would be effective for the 2009 season giving people time to make the adjustments.
Believe me, your light gun is not obsolete. A 16.5 lb. rifle can and is competitive in any class "as long as the shooter does his or her part" Williamsport shooters have proven this for years, in any competitive venue we've participated in.
Bob Pastor