Shooting at Rachel's Glen some years ago two of my "daisies" became tangled with the "tail" ribbon. As y'all know, that pretty much disables a flag. Knowing full well I was not allowed to fix it myself, I asked the then youthful target crew member (Scott Knight) to drive his four wheeler past my flags and untangle the tails or just rip off the tangled ribbon. By the look on his face I knew he suspected something was not just right with my request but he did it anyway. Nobody said a word but I'll have it over my head forever that:
I knew the rules, the intent of the rules, and the grey areas therein......and I cheated.
Thank you Wilbur, you've nailed it!
As usual, Wilbur puts it into a perspective that I can relate to...... HONOR!
If folks are bound by their moral principles to act HONORABLY as Wilbur just illustrated then there'll BE no real problems. Honesty and Honor...... I've met very few people who when asked for clarification or help won't turn out to be perfect gentlemen, by their standards. And by the same token I've seen an awful lot of newbies get in trouble for "not knowing the unspoken rules" which the old dawgs and lifers have known so long they've forgotten. Some geezer will bark at some kid.... and never see him again. More's the pity. I sincerely hope that geezer is never me.
IMO if the rules allow it, it's allowed....... period, end of story. Rules aren't made to be "guidelines" nor "bent" or "made to be broken" or any of the other lame ass "interpretations" I've run across in various venues, ESPECIALLY not by the "in crowd"...... I'm already seeing some of this in BR shooting and it gets my goat. If a rule needs to be clarified or even changed then OK, campaign for it and get the votes and CHANGE it but in the meantime getting ones tail in a knot over something that's allowed in the rules is simply whining.
If the rules say you can shoot for 7 minutes then IMO you can shoot for 7 minutes. Now if the sign says "please, no shots fired after your record string" then it's be pushing a little bit to do it..... but until it's a RULE then we only have a difference of opinion.
The problem with the whole "etiquette" deal is that IME it's a training thing. Different people, different training, different rules.....I know folks from age zero to 100, I know folks in every state in the union and I've lived and worked and played from Portland Maine to Portland Oregon, from the Florida panhandle to the Baja panhandle, and if I've learned one thing it's that "etiquette" is subject to interpretation. My Gramma's etiquette is different than your Gramma's, guaranteed. You put a New Yorker in the same room with a Texan and you'll likely see a good time is had by all...... why? because they both pretty much get up and say what they think, no "etiquette" morass to navigate. No hurt feelings to deal with, just two strangers on the way to becoming friends. Now I could pick on some other states where you put 'em in the same room and the fur might fly.
I enjoy Texans and New Yorkers, South Carolinians and North Californians...... I've got close friends who're 1/2 my age and those that are twice my age, men women and children of all sorts and sizes, but my personal friends exhibit one characteristic, honesty. No walking on eggs, no reading between the lines. No need for "knowing the rules" and no need for etiquette training. It should be no concern of mine whether you hold your fork with your left paw or your right.
I don't do french restaurants
I don't play "house rules" without a shakehands meeting beforehand
And I don't expect the worst of people just because they're different than me.
I do still chew with my mouth shut, cuz I was taught it was polite.