Savage 12F - Reports?

Hey Guys, I'm a newbie to target shooting although I've been shooting/hunting for 43 years. I purchased a Savage model 12 F/tr in
.308 caliber ths year. I load my own ammo using berger 155.5gr. bullets, varget powder, Lapua brass and Fed. 210M (hard to find) primers. While barrel breaking (which I am still doing) I shot my best group of .524 at 300 yards. that next weekend I decided to shoot 500 yards and after dialing in the right moa I shot a "fair" 3 shot group of 2.47" ( I am new to target shooting although I have wanted to for some time) which I was happy with since I am still experimenting. Now my problem. After around 130 rounds down the tube, and much cleaning and babying, my groups are getting erractic even though I have changed nothing. I mic every load and I weigh everything for consistency. I am still on new brass even though I have prepped my old for reloading. Any ideas anyone? Oh, and conditions at the range were fairly consistent on my shooting days. Thanks, Tim
Now my problem. After around 130 rounds down the tube, and much cleaning and babying, my groups are getting erractic even though I have changed nothing. I mic every load and I weigh everything for consistency. I am still on new brass even though I have prepped my old for reloading. Any ideas anyone? Oh, and conditions at the range were fairly consistent on my shooting days. Thanks, Tim

Hmmm, two 1-post guys..... Relatively new gun, I'd check the action screws holding the stock to the action, check that the bases are secure to the action, rings secure to the bases, and scope is tight in the rings. That's fast and cheap checkup. Savages like to have the tang of the action (all the way in the back of the action) floated over the stock. I Dremeled out a little bit of wood back there and made sure it was not under pressure.

Everyones findings seem to agree, if you get a good Savage youget a good Savage. And if you dont you get junk. I think I have 4 of them currently and the BP and hunting grades are great, but the model 12 had 6 serious flaws.:eek: I see others find the same thing. Perhaps its time The market requested Savage hire a full time QC dept.:)
Sorry guys, but I could not be happier with my Savage 12FCV .223 Varmit rifle. At 100 yards with hand loaded ammo (69g Serria MK and 24 g's of Varget) with a Leupold 8.5-25X scope I'm hitting 1/4 to 1/3 inch groups. Yesterday at the 300 yard range out of 15 rounds, on an "F" class target, it was 3 X's 3 10's and the rest where 9's and this was with a slight cross wind blowing.
Now up to a couple thousand rounds in my 6.5 x 284. Barrel died around 1,100 rounds, bought another barrel. Liked the rifle enough to buy a second F12 from Savage.

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So it would seem! I am looking into getting a 12 F/TR, but my ever-reliable gunshop refuses to sell me one, because of the grief they've had. Closest they can do is a Sako TRG-22, which I may go with, never really hear of these issues with a Sako!