Sad Day

Yes, Justin got the bulk of it down.

To complete the "world turned upside down" scenario, seems now the NRA is a racist and terrorist organization, at least in the minds of some.
On a recent news program Laura Ingram explained the Judge Roy Moore events where this recent Georgia Senate winner was fired TWICE from judgeships for bringing his 10 Commandments plaque into the office.

Is this not a valid explanation of where we have let American society degrade?


Tim, Im just getting back on here. That bump stock is a after market part isn't it. Neither one of my ARs will shoot that fast. Anytime you put after market on something its modification to me legal or illegal. To me that aint the problem. The nut behind the stock. You get the same old faces that turn up everytime theres a gun crime. Chuck and Nancy, Giffords,all the late nite tv show fools. Hell Scalise said no more gun control.
My thoughts

There are types of guns on the market that I wish were not but they are. There are types of people that I wish were not amoung us but they are.

I have several rifles that I highly prize and a favorite that means a great deal to me. I would destroy every firearm that I have without a second thought if I believed it would stop crime but I know better so I will keep them.

As great as our country is the people in Washington cannot completly protect us.

Concho Bill
Sad day

ITS SAD AND AMAZING TO see how much fake news gets out before an investigation'

It seems the news these days is pure speculation even fox news''.

Lets see what comes out in the investigation.

I have a few questions myself as to what where why and how?

One is how did he manage to get all of that would be deadly equipment up to his room without help?

T here must have been a pretty fair amount of luggage to carry .

Personally I think there was more then one person involved due to 2 windows broken. and more then one perch from the news photo,s
Tim, Im just getting back on here. That bump stock is a after market part isn't it. Neither one of my ARs will shoot that fast. Anytime you put after market on something its modification to me legal or illegal. To me that aint the problem. The nut behind the stock. You get the same old faces that turn up everytime theres a gun crime. Chuck and Nancy, Giffords,all the late nite tv show fools. Hell Scalise said no more gun control.

Yep. After market.
The basic product is still a semi-auto.......And it really does not matter. The pro/lib/commie/NAZI/defeatocrat/loser/butt hurt snow flakes are coming for every ones firearms. Unless, you are one of the "Elite"/hollywood/govt/dc elite/swamp.....
Hey, just look at Biden's motor cads when he was VP. They ran over their own escorts on 3 occasions, killed 4 pedestrians, and had countless accidents.
And all Joe could do was laugh at the guy in the wheelchair......berry's motor cads did the same....Only found in local newspaper.
Michigan told berry and his crew to stay out. Detroit "Civil Rights Leaders" told berry, biden, al sharpton, jesse jackson to stay out....
ITS SAD AND AMAZING TO see how much fake news gets out before an investigation'

It seems the news these days is pure speculation even fox news''.

Lets see what comes out in the investigation.

I have a few questions myself as to what where why and how?

One is how did he manage to get all of that would be deadly equipment up to his room without help?

T here must have been a pretty fair amount of luggage to carry .

Personally I think there was more then one person involved due to 2 windows broken. and more then one perch from the news photo,s

Gerry. Apparently the guy was loaded. As you know money pays for a lot of sins.
Roman Polanski comes to mind....He likes to rape little boys and girls.......
Bill - I'm somewhat guilty of thinking the same way as you but the guns we don't think should be allowed actually fit the second amendment wording more so than a single shot Benchrest rifle. Just sayin'.
Small consolation

This may be a small consolation but I am glad this criminal wasn't able to obtain a mini gun or something similar. The sheer thought horrifies more than what has happened.
Bill - I'm somewhat guilty of thinking the same way as you but the guns we don't think should be allowed actually fit the second amendment wording more so than a single shot Benchrest rifle. Just sayin'.

Guys and gals, since about the turn of the twentieth century there has been this element taking control of "essentials" such as our banks, our news and information systems (CNN,CBS, MSNBC, NYTimes, etc), even created Hollywood! Every crisis such as this recent Las Vegas event, they use these "shocks" to try to disarm the law abiding. Some of this methodology is described in Naomi Kline's "Shock Doctrine". Things like 9/11. Shocking events where we would want to be secure rather than free. Was it Benny Franklin said that "those who would give up freedom for temporary security".... or something like that.

The thing required by us law abiding is to stay vigil and elect and support the proper people,, folks like this newly elected Alabama Senator Judge Roy Moore.

(Oop, this could get don't use a Bump Stock???)


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News mentioned Calif. as being one of the places he puchased rifles. Back ground checks are mandatory as is the waiting period and you have to be a resident. Not sure how he could have pulled that one off so their is more to it than is being said.
Wilbur I totaly agree with your statement and the first time I have heard it put that way.
After thought

Wilbur, I am often amazed by your wisdom and dry wit. The best flintlocks of the time the "Bill of Rights" was written would not be much protection today.

Concho Bill
To accumulate his Calif. purchases not being a resident one might tend to think he had a dealers license. He surely had the monetary means and the lack of a record to be able to procure one. Amonia Nitrate also requires a very stringent Ag. license out this way and it makes one wonder how he was able to purchase it.
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To accumulate his Calif. purchases not being a resident one might tend to think he had a dealers license. He surely had the monetary means and the lack of a record to be able to procure one. Amonia Nitrate also requires a very stringent Ag. license out this way and it makes one wonder how he was able to purchase it.

From what an organic chemist has told me nitric acid and ammonia are readily available in industrial quantities. It's a more complex and messy way of making the compound but doable.
Thank you it sounds like there is a work around for just about anything now days Andy to be found on the Internet or possibly otherwise and thankfully he was not able to use it as he planned.
Sad day

I guess we are back to square one on some things
Since cane and able bad people have done bad things,

I doubt any law would have prevented the outcome.

I still think after a few days that there is more to this then what the news has said so far.

I think other people are involved If the investigation continues and is done properly i believe other things may come out.

Seeing he had other ways to do his mayhem he may have done even more carnage .

I hope they continue the investigations.
I could only hope their findings are open and truthful while knowing full well some of it will end up being highly classified and probably rightfully or wrongfully being so. This country has never been one to nip all the wrong doings in the bud. The Libs. have taken it upon themselves to provide more rights to the unmorale criminal element instead of the law abiding morale. A perfect example of yet more to come was the signing by Gov. Brown in Ca. taking it upon himself to sign in making this state a Sancutuary state today. One could only hope the Federal Govt. would now cut off all of their funding as no one I have spoke with agrees to such a thing. The real problem is the Fake News would now convince everyone living here to beleave otherwise and how does one get around them doing just that we really do not have a televised say in the matter.

Sad day

since the ending of the death penalty criminals have become bolder. Knowing they will only be jailed instead of being executed.

It has made hard core criminals bolder. liberals and some churches has made us change our laws.

Maybe it's its time to rethink the death penalty ' Knowing one could only get life in prison encourages things like this.
since the ending of the death penalty criminals have become bolder. Knowing they will only be jailed instead of being executed.

It has made hard core criminals bolder. liberals and some churches has made us change our laws.

Maybe it's its time to rethink the death penalty ' Knowing one could only get life in prison encourages things like this.

Many states still have capital punishment as an option.
since the ending of the death penalty criminals have become bolder. Knowing they will only be jailed instead of being executed.

It has made hard core criminals bolder. liberals and some churches has made us change our laws.

Maybe it's its time to rethink the death penalty ' Knowing one could only get life in prison encourages things like this.

When I lived in upstate New York Dannemora State prison was about thirty miles away. There was one prisoner there who was sentenced to Life with no chance for parole. While I lived up there he killed another prisoner and a male and female prison guard. He was still breathing when I left the area.