Sad Day

Ammonium Nitrate can be purchased at any garden shop. Urea, 46-0-0, which is very common crop fertilizer, is available at most any farm supply store, it's even available from Lowes, even Walmart. I think you will find CA's restrictions are more about Proposition 65 than anything else.

I don't think the death penalty has really that much to do with these incidents. I'd more likely think they new they would not survive or get away with it. Remember Tim McVeigh, it didn't take long for his death sentence to be carried out.
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The first incident I remember like this was some guy shooting students from a campus tower.
A while back I had a chance to fire an AR with a "bump stock" at my local range and took a good look at the set-up. At that time, I told the owner that, as far as I was concerned, it was not legal and should not be legal. It would be an interesting legal battle, but an attachment that makes a semi- into a full-auto is thereby illegal because a full-auto is illegal without a permit. If one modified the action to full-auto, the weapon would be illegal. I one modifies the stock/trigger to fire full-auto, it is illegal.

I am quite interested in finding out, if we ever do, how this lone gunman was able to amass several dozen AR-type firearms, modify them with bump stocks, smuggle them into a Las Vegas strip hotel which has impervious security, stayed with them for several days in a room which he modified, altered the hallway by installing cameras, had food delivered by room service, brought in several thousand rounds of ammo, likely practiced and sighted-in rifles in the weeks before, and not a single person seems to have said "huh?". No member of his family, none of his friends, none of the local law enforcement saw anything suspicious. Reports say he fired 1,200 to 1,700 rounds, which is a considerable pile of brass. Yet the pics released by the FBI of the room show only a dozen or so. The bump stock only works when firmly bedded into the shoulder and a certain amount of forward pressure on the front pistol grip: a posture very difficult to maintain while shooting out a hotel window at targets 400 yards away and several hundred feet below.

Doubtful we will ever know the shooter's reason for wanting to kill large numbers of indiscriminate people assembled in outdoor events. Apparently he scoped out three or four other sites in the months leading up to this shooting and opted not to act.

How do you prove that this assassin was suffering from a severe case Of Gambling Addiction?

I've read that the search for a motive, in this case, has included an autopsy of the Shooters Brain.

The search, for motive,seems to be focused every where but at a compulsive Gambler who eventually just snapped.

The Last thing that the Las Vegas Casinos want is for this tragedy to be linked to a Compulsive Gambler.

Why is it necessary to determine a "motive" for the shootings? It won't un-injure the injured or bring back the dead. How has determining a motive ever been used to knowingly prevent a similar situation? They've had shooters who were known mental cases as well as being on the FBI's radar for one reason or another; YET they were able carry out their plan of attack. Even if they know why Paddock did what he did it will still be next nutjob in.

From a Law Enforcement perspective,"Motive", is important to Crime prevention efforts. lots of money and lip service has been devoted to research on how to prevent crime. Been that way a very long time.

Does all this research and talk work? You’d have to ask all the Organizations tasked with coming up with the answers. Its unfortunate that we live in a World that includes, what I call, socially functional NUTS. All it takes is a little push, to tip the scales, and you end up with an unexplainable mass murder.

What it boils down to is an endless search for a solution that doesn't exist. Kinda like the "War on Drugs".

Don't forget those ARs were modified to shoot full auto. That S.O.B. was a smart physco. He didn't walk into the crowd of people and start shooting. He was on perch where nobody could get to him until he had killed a bunch of folks. That's the worst kind. That is not a compliment. Now the gun control crowd has already started those poor folks aren't even buried yet. Its always the guns fault. Doug

I don't believe it was an AR. 10,000 rounds in a few minutes. MATT
Why is it necessary to determine a "motive" for the shootings? It won't un-injure the injured or bring back the dead. How has determining a motive ever been used to knowingly prevent a similar situation? They've had shooters who were known mental cases as well as being on the FBI's radar for one reason or another; YET they were able carry out their plan of attack. Even if they know why Paddock did what he did it will still be next nutjob in.

Listen to Glenn, he knows of what he speaks.