PSL 102 shooters

Congradulations Dan, scoring team, winners and all participants. What an awesome experience. I came in low enough to be a spectator and thoroughly enjoyed the whole time, practice day and shoot.... Met some great people and saw some great shooting....some on the same bench I just came off of. Great, just great. I'll post more pictures when I get home.

Like paying a hundred bucks to watch golf but, "actually" getting to try them shots yourself. But, next time I'm headed to be much higher on the list and let someone else do the watchin'...

p.s. That's the 1st time I've been up past 10 pm in a long long time.
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Will there be an equipment list?
Need to see what the pro's use:D

Open up the Excel file that Dan provided then click on the Orange Equipment Tab at the bottom of the sheet. It shows what everyone shot.
Free of charge

Congradulations to Dan and his crew and all the competitors of this first PSL Event. Looking forward to trying it out ourselves, when our health improves. Excel Reader is available at NC thru Microsoft.
Fred & Dorothy
Congrats Dan on a very successful first match! Congrats to Craig for a great win! Looks like things were very tight up at the top!

I see that the 2500 bounty is still up for grabs!
Knowing some of these shooters, that equipment list looks suspect in some areas. Does anyone else see any discrepancies?
The Equipment List is not Correct. There was a program Interface Error (Human) that caused the names and equipment to not match up.
Dan knows about it & My guess is he will fix it when he gets home.

Go ahead anbd tell them what you were shooting.
Bob Collins

This first PSL match was my first benchrest match. All I can say is what a great bunch of guys to spend a couple of days shooting with! Dan ran a fantastic match and was very accomodating of my pressing travel schedule...yes, I made it to my plane on time. Bob Collins tried to help me get my gun in tune and let me use his rest and some equipment. Allan Hall helped me get my new action working properly, even if saying all the while that front lugs were a waste of time. Everyone gave me condolences in trying to figure out "The Barn" for my first match. I came away with a real appreciation of what a good .22 can do and the desire to get my position/prone rifle to shoot like that on a regular basis. I am humbled by the caliber of shooters and rifles I tried to compete against. In no other shooting sport have I had so many people unselfishly try to help me beat them. Maybe, after my ego has some time to recover, I might try this game again.

Thanks again,
Eric U
Eric U,

Welcome to the world of rimfire benchrest. I think you'll find that type of help at virtually any match you go to. Don't listen to some who would have you believe that rimfire benchrest is a bunch of swelled headed shooters full of themselves. The people I've met over the years are some of the best you'll find anywhere. Cherie and I have shot from Maine to Florida and have yet to find a place that didn't welcome us and go out of the way to make us feel welcome. I have been acused of talking with a funny accent a few times though.;)

doug is correct that the equipment list is wrong. the program is good but the user has problems. I will post a correct list when I get home.

regis, will you email me any pictures you have? thanks!
The equipment list will always be a little suspect as I saw a lot of guns get put away for a replacement or loaner. That place is tuff to tune to.
ice storm

I see you survived the ice storm. Did You and Darrel have much damage?
Larry Burchfield
Darrel lost a couple of limbs and my woods looks like the forest after the battle of the bulge. It will take a year to clear out the dead wood.
Bob posted that I should tell people what I was shooting:
If you are wondering why?:rolleyes:
Since I did not bring any of my rifles to the match Bob said give this Hall a try.
After fumbling around trying to load ammo in a left port I decided it did not shoot bad!
Bob I want to thank you for loaning me a Great Rifle and the Ammo that worked to shoot in the match.;)
Since I had never shot this rifle I had no Idea what to do when it went south on the last 2 targets but I sure had fun on the first 3!!!!!!!!!! :D
But I guess you knew that after seeing who was in first place after 3 targets.
Mr. Weeter

Since I had never shot this rifle I had no Idea what to do when it went south on the last 2 targets but I sure had fun on the first 3!!!!!!!!!! :D
But I guess you knew that after seeing who was in first place after 3 targets.<snip>

Your comment "went south" could be very helpful to some of us newbies if you can explain just a little. I'm taking your comment to mean the rifle just fell off. By didn't know what to do, could you explain what your options were you might have tried to "get it back"??

I'm not for sure if i'm asking my question where you can understand. Can a rifle just quit shooting in a match one day and be back on the next time you take it out?

thank you, joe