PSL 102 shooters

Is all this , scores and equiptment list, going to be posted on your PSL web sight? I can't open an Excel file either.
Ebay Early Retirement

:cool: I have in my posession a USA Wind Flag personally signed by Craig, DJ & Dave (Team Calfee) @ World Champs in Italy 2009, do u reckon I could retire if I sell it on Ebay or at least get enough to buy a Calfee of my own?
Just an aside that is interesting to me.

13 shooters used Eley Tenex including the match winner. The average score of those 13 shooter was 10,528.8 And their average rank (place in match) was 34.4

S67 shooters used Eley Match including the second place winner. Their average score was 10,095.4 and their average rank was 52.9.

But of course with so many more shooters, there were a lot of low-placing shooters using Eley Match, so if one takes just the top 30 shooters, the ET shooters average 10,946.43 and their average rank was 13.7

From the top 30 shooters using EM they average 10,837.5 and their average rang was 17.4.

From the top 30 shooters, there is a very slight edge to the ET shooters, but the probability that this might be due to just chance along is 0.34. In other words, it is a reasonable bet that the much less expensive Eley Match shoots as well as the Eley Tenex.

Well, it was interesting to me at least.

Going South

You asked about “Going South”
To set the stage let me say that I felt the conditions in the Barn were the best I have very seen for a National size match. This was the first time I had ever shot Bob’s Hall.
Target One 2300 14X - Bob handed me the hall with 2 lots of ammo. He said shoot maybe 10 rounds of the Match to warm up the rifle then switch to the Tenex. After shooting about 8 rounds of the black box the rifle settled down and I saw no reason to switch. Except for a few unexplained shots it was shooting 1/8” groups.

Target Two 2400 13X - I shot 10 rounds of the Match to warm up and it did not look quite as good as the first target so I tried the Tenex and after 9 or 10 sighters I went back to the Match. After a few shots and time running short I decided to run the target. Even thou I ended up with a higher score I felt my 1st target was the best.

Target Three 2350 12X - . I started with the Match planning to shoot that for the whole target but the Barn or the Hall had other ideas. Even after 20 sighters and a clik or two on the tunner the rifle would not settle down. I grabbed the Tenex in desperation and I started grouping. It started shooting so well that I thought a 2500 was possible. Oh Well.

Target Four 2050 9X - I tried everything I could (3 different lots – 3 tuner settings) and the best I could do was ¼ to ½” groups. I now knew my 1st place was in jeopardy.

Target Five 2050 7X - Spent an hour before this target begging Bob to come up with an Idea on how to salvage the match. After 10 minutes of trying 4 different lots (90 rounds) of ammo it was apparent that this was not to be my big day. The best I could do was close to ½” groups. Even then as I went down the target I had to move out to a sighter after every 4 to 6 shots to settle the rifle down (Shoot Thru It) or my score would have been even worse.

So what went South? The Shooter went south because he did not know his equipment. This Hall is obviously a 2500 class rifle. Where my 40X is in the 2400 class. The problem was since I had very little experience with the Hall I did not know what to do when it started dropping off in accuracy. If I had shot my 40 X my score might not have been as good on my first 3 targets but I would have know from experience what to do on my last 2 targets. A 2300 Agg would have won. All I needed was a 2375 or 2400 on my last target and I could have salvaged my agg.
I averaged 80 rounds per target trying to learn my equipment which usually had me shooting the last row or two in under 2 minutes which did not help my score.
The Moral of this Rambling is Know Your Equipment before a match. The best shooting rifle does not win matches – The Best Shooter Who Knows His Equipment Does!
More Going south

More about going shouth --- On thur & Fri I found the best lot & speed (when it was cold) getting 1/8 - 1/4 group.....until Friday after noon it warmed, then Sat it was warm almost all day. During the 4th relay, on 4th target, the sun went down and caused a sudden temp change. I shot my best target.

Some folk knew the temp relationship and planned for it...some had ammo that could shoot through the temp range on Sat. Experience, experience, experience plus good gun & knowing right ammo at the right time. But, I beleive experience rules to get near the top.

My very first indoor match and 1st match with more than 9 shooters....had great time and learned a LOT. Very helpful group of men.

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Thank you mr weeter!

Your comments are very helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to answer.

As a new shooter for accuracy -i'm trying to learn the "benchmarks" for a bench rifle.

I am starting to think maybe a rifle will "cycle", maybe shoot great one day -maybe fall off a bit then maybe come back.

Your last couple of targets you say close to 1/2" groups. Is it possible if you shot today the rifle could be back to 1/8" groups without changing any hard parts on the rifle?

Would you mind touching on your cleaning regimen during the 5 targets/ event?

I hope i'm not getting too far off topic here, Sorry for all the dumb questions but getting information from a top shooter like you is just invaluable. thank you very much, joe
The Rifle did not go South - Just the Shooter and he dragged the Rifle with him.
Good Rifles do not Cycle from day to day only the shooter does.
I clean between every target as a Rule! usually 1 wet and two dry. On bobs recomendation it was one Brass brush then 1 wet 2 dry
Match Winner Craig Young

Dan, Congrats on a very successful shoot. Thanks for the pictures. That is one sweet looking first place trophy, are you sure Craig didn't pose for the figure in advance. :)

Congratulations Craig with the win and to all of the competitors.

Congratulations Craig, Wendell, and Mike! Dan, you did a great job with the match. Everything went well and it was a great field to shoot with.

Mike, glad to see you did ok on our bench. I left a lot of 100's on there for ya!:)
Congratulations everyone!


You know how to do things first class Dan.

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Well, at least I got a picture of the trophy [lol] And anyone would be proud of this!!! Congradulations Craig !
I am proud of that trophy. I searched for about 2 months trying to find just the right trophy. I really like this one because the Minute Man matches our logo and represents what we are all about. Each match winner will receive a trophy. We are trying to come up with something really nice for the Overall Lapua Series Champion at the end of the year. Well, $5,000 is nice, but we also want a really nice trophy.

Thanks guys.
I like your trophy, Dan. It symbolizes the American marksman.

I have a thought for an overall trophy. You could call it the Ad Toepperwein Trophy. Ad Toepperwein was perhaps the greatest 22 marksman ever. He at least set a record that has held for over a century.

In December of 1907 at the San Antonio Fairgrounds Ad Toepperwein began a marathon of shooting at 2 1/2 inch square blocks hand tossed up in the air.

At the end of ten days our shooting Texan had fired 72,500 shots at as many wooden blocks. His ammunition was all gone, his supply of wooden targets consumed, his assistants were markedly worn down, and Toepperwein was far from the chipper young hombre who had begun so eagerly and confidently a week and a half before. But of the 72,500 pieces of wood which had been fired upon only nine were missed!

The longest run without a miss had been 14,500 targets. This score stands today as a record not only in number of targets fired upon but in number hit, and for the long run string without a miss.



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Not a target shooter

Saddly, Ad wasn't a very good target shooter. Only fantastic if they were on the fly.
On second thought, this is a bad idea. The guy had a hard name to spell and pronounce.

What would a Topperwein Trophy have to look like anyway? A 2 1/2 inch by 2 1/2 inch block of wood with a hole in it on top of a base? I really don't think it would go over. I just mentioned the man's name because what he did with those blocks was so amazing considering he never could hit a target unless it was moving. But then he did miss nine of them.

Concho Bill