Primer Availability



Here is some info on primers I just received from Sinclair International via their monthly email of The Reloading Press - May 2009:

Primer Availability

We have had a lot of concerned customers calling to ask about primer availability. Actually, our lines have been flooded with calls regarding the availability of primers as well as the availability of other components. The easiest and quickest way to check on availability is through our new website, whether you plan on phoning an order in, ordering off the web, or using some other means. The following is our view on the current primer situation. Basically, there has been a two-pronged drain on primer supplies for the reloading market.

The first driving force has been the huge demand for loaded ammunition through 2008 and continuing into 2009. The large primer manufacturers like ATK (which would include Federal and CCI), Winchester, and Remington are directing the majority of their primers into loaded ammunition. Ammunition sales are going through the roof as individuals stock up because of political concerns. The huge consumer demand for ammo is in addition to the demand from law enforcement agencies and our military to re-supply their own inventories. I know that smaller ammunition manufacturers have been impacted drastically by the primer shortage since their demands are higher than normal for primers that they have to obtain through Federal, CCI, Winchester, Remington, etc. Many of these smaller manufacturers have had to go to other sources to get quality primers. Because of this situation, some of them cannot keep up with their own ammunition production. Unfortunately, these smaller ammo makers can’t control their own destiny since they don’t have the capacity or tooling to make primers.

I mentioned that there were two factors impacting primer availability; the first factor is creating the second one. Since ammo demand has consumed more of the primer supply than normal, the quantity of primers on the shelf has declined at the box stores, the reloading companies (like Sinclair), and the smaller gun shops. With the fast communication via the internet, the word spreads quickly and the result has been consumers stockpiling and hoarding primers. Individuals are buying and keeping more primers in their own personal inventories and this has prevented some reloaders from having any primers at all. We normally see people buying 1,000 or maybe 5,000 primers at a time, now we are seeing customers buying 25,000 at a time.

The manufacturers are trying to react as best as they can, but their primary driving force is to keep a steady supply of primers going to the ammunition plants because they generate more revenue through this output than they do through the reloading market. A guy from CCI called the other day to order some items from us for his own reloading, and he reported that CCI has been running 24/7 and is still falling behind. They are adding two machines to their line to increase production (I don’t know what percentage gain this will give them). Federal told us a couple of weeks ago to not be surprised if we don’t see many primers from them until the end of 2009.

This is what we know as of today. Our current situation at Sinclair is that we are out of primers but are expecting some Wolf primers of all types sometime in June. We get a few Winchester primers every once and awhile but it might only be 30K to 50K at a time.

Eventually everyone will have enough stockpiled, manufacturers should catch up with ammo runs, and the supply on the shelves will hopefully return. This happened in throughout 1994, just not to this scale.

Best Regards,

Note: Bill is Bill Gravatt, President of Sinclair International :)
I spoke to a Mr. Coy Getman last week regarding some primers that CCI owes me due to a problem in the past. It was on 5-5-09, and the last time I spoke to him regarding this matter was 5-5-08. To the best of my knowledge, Coy is pretty far up the food chain at CCI, and I might add that Coy has always responded to me in a highly professional manner.

The bottom line is, and this came directly from Coy, CCI is not producing ANY BR4 primers (and possibly others?) due to "sensitivity" issues. He stated that the engineering folks at CCI have put a production hold on primers until these issues are addressed and cleared up.

You can make your own assumptions as to what "sensitivity" issues are. I am just telling you wwhat Coy told me.

I have 3 bricks of BR4 's coming from CCI and Coy told me it will be at least another 8 months before I see them.

Coy told me that his friends at Federal are having issues as well. It wouldn't be fair for me to try and repeat what he said they are because I truly do not remember exactly what he said and I do not want to speculate.

He offered me other products in lieu of the BR4's. I declined the offer and chose to wait until they are back in production.

When political concerns and speculations subside, and when manufacturers are tooled up enough to meet the demand, will we be flooded with primers and ammo to the point that people let go of their stockpiles and prices subside? Time will tell.

Joe Cowan
I don't shoot very much compared to competition guys, but I have been trying to buy CCI BR4 rifle primers for my new rifle which will be built in the near future. Like everyone else I haven't been able to get any. :eek::eek::eek:

WOW, the other night I was rearranging my reloading supplies and found 1,700 CCI BR4s!!! :):):):)

These will last me a couple of years. Oh, none of them are for sale. :D

"Aim small miss small", :D

gt40, et. al.
For what its worth I have found no difference in the Br4's and CCI's standard small rifle primer. I know the BR4 cup is a bit thicker but performance if anything seemed to me to favore the standard one. Like wise I can see no difference in the 205 and the 205Match, as to performance. I don't think it makes a whit what primer you use as long as you develop your load with it and stay with it.
Not that there is a perfect primer..... But

I don't think it makes a whit what primer you use as long as you develop your load with it and stay with it.

Yep............ Spend as much time behind the flags in ALL conditions and at as many different ranges as possiable.

Most of what results on our targets is cause from "down range"... Sometimes a "near" perfect tune is fine... It's those darn flags.
primer update

I spoke with a rep at Cabellas, and she told me that they expect Remington 6.5 primers by June 20th, Winchester 6.5s by July 4th, and Federal 205s some time in August or September. She also told me they only had 1100 rem 6.5s backordered.:)
I spoke with a rep at Cabellas, and she told me that they expect Remington 6.5 primers by June 20th, Winchester 6.5s by July 4th, and Federal 205s some time in August or September. She also told me they only had 1100 rem 6.5s backordered.:)

Aren't 6 1/2's strictly for 22 hornet?
Thats correct

The Remington 6.5s are for lower pressure cases like the Hornet, and the reason I used them as a reference is because they seem to be the ones with the shortest time to ship.
I was wanting to know who ATK is, this is what I found.

Alliant Techsystems, Inc. (ATK) Based in the same old place as Federal.
Are we our own worst enemy?

Much of the shortages of powder, brass, primers, bullets is a result of perhaps an imaginary impending political move on the part of current administartion. In Joe's post about "sensitivity" at CCI the first take away is that there is impending doom and gloom from the government on this issue. We've all seen it on the net and later find out that it's all BS hearsay. I personally believe that the 2nd amendment issue is a political third rail that astute politicians stay away from- ask Al Gore- he certainly lost his election thanks to the NRA. Say what you will about Obama- he is an astute politician. I don't fear his moves in gun control until when and if he wins a second, lame duck, term. Let's all calm down and stop crying "wolf" and maybe this false "shortage" will go away. My .02 worth.
I see primers showing up more in local places.

I never seen much Remington around here, but Federal, CCI, Wolf and Magtech are pretty common.

I got a box of WLP couple of weeks ago at a gun store.
I know primers are in short supply for some people these days so I will bring 1000 extra Small Rifle and Large Rifle primers to the Austin Rifle Club match this Sunday May 31.
I will let anyone who needs them have up to 300 for what I paid for them which is about $2.60 per hundred after tax. Except for Frank Wilson. He can have some free since I owe him at least 100.
That should be enough to get a few guys through 1 practice and 2 matches.
These are not for those of you who are sitting on 50,000 to 60,000 Small Rifle Primers (you know who you are) and won't let go of one pack when your buddies can't even get 50 primers to shoot a yardage. These are for those guys who have said they can't make the next match because they don't have primers.
The Large Rifle will mostly be Magnum, but that is all I have. Its better than staying home.
Also I will have some pistol primers for any Bullseye shooters that show up for some. Same deal applies.


PS those 30 BR's really showed em at the Super Shoot this year.
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I spoke with Cabellas again, and they moved thier expected delivery of Rem 7.5s to June 20th, and Fed 205s to June 30th.
Oneflyer ...

Much of the shortages of powder, brass, primers, bullets is a result of perhaps an imaginary impending political move on the part of current administartion. In Joe's post about "sensitivity" at CCI the first take away is that there is impending doom and gloom from the government on this issue. We've all seen it on the net and later find out that it's all BS hearsay. I personally believe that the 2nd amendment issue is a political third rail that astute politicians stay away from- ask Al Gore- he certainly lost his election thanks to the NRA. Say what you will about Obama- he is an astute politician. I don't fear his moves in gun control until when and if he wins a second, lame duck, term. Let's all calm down and stop crying "wolf" and maybe this false "shortage" will go away. My .02 worth.

BRAVO !!! A very clearheaded observation ably expressed. Good show! ;) Art
Larry ...

Yeah, you keep right on believing your little fairy tale. I only hope they come after you left wingers guns first. Larry

For shame. I'm a right wing conservative that doesn't always follow the herd blindly. :) Art

For shame. I'm a right wing conservative that doesn't always follow the herd blindly. :) Art

You should be ashamed, no self respecting conservative should let themselves be duped into thinking that the left isnt out to dissarm and then destroy this Republic.


p.s. the herd elected the obamination
Larry ...

You should be ashamed, no self respecting conservative should let themselves be duped into thinking that the left isnt out to dissarm and then destroy this Republic. Larry

When are you predicting Armageddon ??? :( Art
Cabellas reliability?

Just wondering if any of yall have delt with back-orders with Cabellas, and how much can I trust thier estimated shipping time of primers??