Pretty Good Day at the Range With BRX 8208

jackie schmidt

New member
Pretty Good Day at the Range With XBR 8208

A front blew through Houston last night, and finally producing a great day to do some serious testing of the XBR in some rather large temperature, and humidity, swings.

Got to Tomball early, and started shooting at 66 degrees. I tried the 31.5 load, and it had at least a bullet hole of verticle. I upped the charge to 31.8, still had some verticle, so I did the rest with the tuner. Got the Rifle shooting flat, but it seemed a tad wind sensitive. I started backing off on the seating depth untill I was jumping the Barts Boat Tails at least .005. This produced nice round groups in the mid to high one range.

I shot several groups under match conditions, (on the clock), all pretty good. I then decided to wait untill the temperature started to rise, to see if the load would stay reasonably put.

When it hit 80 degrees, I loaded up a group and the Rifle still shot pretty darned good, a little verticle, but I could still nail sub .200 groups with carefull attention to the conditions.

I waited a while longer, and about 3:00 in the afternoon, it hit 88 degrees, and the bottom fell out of the humidity at 22 percent. I loaded up again, and surprisingly, the groups still looked pretty darned good. I delibertly avoided any changes, just to see if the Rifle would stay in a reasonably competitive tune.

I set the Chronograph up, and that 31.8 grn load was hitting an average 3380 out of my Sporters 21.5 inch barrel.

This was the first day that we had a warm enough day to see how well the BRX would "stay in tune" throughout a fairly large temperature swing.

I never shot anything smaller than about a .160, but the Rifle never did anything stupid, like toss a shot against the condition, or up or down for no reason. All in all, I shot about 12 groups, none larger than about .220, the majority in the mid to high ones.

In the heat of the day, with the humidity in the low 20 percent range, I pulled out the 133 and shot the same load that I won the 200 yard HV with last week end. With the humidity that low, it is starting to get into "no mans land" with 133. The 30.8 grn load produced about 3460, and shot a couple of groups in the .180 range, not to bad in some tricky conditions.

I will admitt that I do like the XBR a more than I did yesterday. I did not go down into any load windows lower than the 31.2 I started with in the morning, the main aim was to see how well it stayed in tune through out the days shooting after arriving a a pretty good tune. The 3180 fps load seems to show no pressure signs.

As for cleaning, I saw none of the black fouling that others have reported. It seemed to clean just like 133, which when shot at the higher pressures, is extremely clean.

Gary Walters was also messing around with the XBR in his Rail, I think he was finding about the same thing as I, he was playing around with a lot of different seating depths, maybe he will comment on some of his findings...........jackie
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Forgive the question, but would BRX 8208 be anything like 8208 XBR?:D:p

Sorry, couldn't help myself!

Glad you got it working-whatever it's called.;)
You beat me to the punch.. I started looking up BRX 8208 thinking there was a new powder out.
I never

worked with it above 30.7grs and if it is as dirty as I have seen it can stay in the jug.

I can shoot VV in low or high charges and there is just ONE black patch and it is the first, I LIKE THAT.


worked with it above 30.7grs and if it is as dirty as I have seen it can stay in the jug.

I can shoot VV in low or high charges and there is just ONE black patch and it is the first, I LIKE THAT.


Ok I must be ignorant. What is W?
I still wish there was some original BalC

Ok now I can take the dunce cap off an put it back on the shelf.

But while we are at it.
I never ever see any kind of accuracy loads being done with ball powder.
Why is that?
Ok now I can take the dunce cap off an put it back on the shelf.

But while we are at it.
I never ever see any kind of accuracy loads being done with ball powder.
Why is that?


Because ball powder isn't accurate.

That seems to be an assumption.
BalC was great.
The thing is I dont ever see anyone working up load with or trying any of it.
Why do we consider it inaccurate?
Is it just because it does not fill the cases?
Some time ago, I was visiting with a retired engineer who used to work for one of the major rifle manufacturers. He has a Borden smithed short BR that is the same capacity as a PPC, and he has a shooting buddy that has a similar rifle that is a PPC. Any way, they have shot these rifles over some period of time at the local range, and in going back over their groups, discovered that their smallest groups were shot with Exterminator, a ball powder. Curious about their results and having a 5R cut rifled 6PPC barrel that only does its best with 67 gr. bullets with a little over 30 gr. of 133, and wanting to try some 62 gr. Watsons in the same barrel, I tried some Exterminator. It looks very promising. I will probably be trying it in other barrels and bullets, just to see what happens. I wouldn't say that ball powders are inaccurate, just that we are in a follow the leader situation, and no one is listing a ball poder on his match results, so there is little reason for most of us to try it. Indeed, if it had not been for my friend's report, I would not have either.

I can remember back a few years when Wilbur Harris had a good deal of sucess with TAC. A few others tried it with varieing results. I can also remember someone shooting 2460 and 2230c and not doing too bad. Many of theThe USA team used Sochem S335 In Africa with good results (too bad its not available here) Maybe its an area we need to explore more.
I'm burdened with the perception, by reputation not experience, that ball powders produce more fouling than extruded powders due to their heavy deterrent coating. If true does it matter?Is this more of an issue with slower powders?
Greg, you are correct

All the ball powders I ever tried burned at least as dirty as Benchmark or the old 10x. I "think" Wilburs load may have been on the hot side and thus not too bad dirty. He always listed fc (full case) for his load
I'm burdened with the perception, by reputation not experience, that ball powders produce more fouling than extruded powders due to their heavy deterrent coating. If true does it matter?Is this more of an issue with slower powders?

Greg, supposedly this XBR is a stick powder made with ball powder technology. Is it dirty, not any worse than many others.

As to the old 10X, I still use it a lot. Is it dirty, not any more than some others.

I don't ever try to get the barrel squeeky clean anyway. Get them too clean and it takes 2-3 shots to get them going again. I remember 2-3 years ago when some were using a product named Blistol (sp?) and then rinsed the barrel with alcohol. That deal took sometimes 4-5 shots to get going again.

Why should a shooter care how black the patch is as long as the barrel shoots well?


Seen Rex and Dennis shoot BLC1 in there 22's..........................Oh MERCY!

Thought I was gonna get an agg win at Denton, But Dennis Wagner brought his HV 22 .100shortPPC / BLC1 and........... Well..... I finished 2nd..;)

Still....I think Rex & Dennis can win with a BB gun;)
