OnTarget Target Data System

For those with only a black/white printer, there is hope. On Target has targets that are black/white and being tested, targets 50, 51 and 52. These targets do not have the normal rings of other targets but can be scored based on distance from center of crosshairs. Ask for version 3.80 if you would like to participate in the testing before general release.

This morning I release OnTarget TDS v3.80. It's available for download from the TDS DownloadPage.

There are seven new targets in the 50's range. Each target prints using only black ink and has an outer ring with a single inner dot. Shots must be completely inside the outer ring to be automatically detected. Detecting bullet holes on a black and white target is a new feature for the program so please let me know if you run into problems. I've done a lot of testing but I could use the feedback from the field.

I've noticed some confusion, both here and elsewhere, about the color of the targets used in TDS. When I define a target I specify certain parameters including, the ring configuration, the column and row counts, and the color of the printing. When TDS is detecting the bulls and bullet holes it must know the color of the rings so it can separate that from the background color and the colors around the edge of the hole.

For example, the number 36 target is defined as having blue rings. If the target is printed any other color, red or black for example, TDS will not be able to locate the bull because it expects the rings to be blue. Bullet hole detection will also fail for similar reasons.

The seven new targets have the rings defined as black. The upside to this is that the targets are less expensive to get printed. The downside is that bullet hole detection is much more difficult. One trick that may help is to use a colored backer on your scanner so it shows through the holes when scanning the B/W targets. Any color other than black or white will help the program detect the holes. Take a look at the #50 target I included in the Examples folder and you will see that I drew bullet holes in various colors for the test.

Give v3.80 a try. Good or bad, let me know how it works for you.


As an outdoor writer, I subscribe to several Internet wire services. There was an interesting article in the Shooting Wire today concerning scoring that I thought all would find interesting.


Steve W.

Steve the author of the referenced article is 14 years behind the times in relation to The Olympics' shooting sports scoring.
Sydney 2000 Olympics saw electronic scoring with instant feedback to spectators, shot for shot, from overhead score displays at the SISC.

Obviously local shooting clubs have financial limitations precluding them from installing similar systems to that at the SISC; but On Target and similar systems are addressing the issue of cost; and of immediate feedback so important to stimulating and maintaining interest in an event. ... Kind regards, Harry.