New .6 rule POLL

Alvin, I like it. I don't keep very good records, but as best I can reckon, over 2/3s of my LRM points came from the Nationals or match wins. (BTW, the old Nationals point system was a little hinky too -- you got a full point for, say, placing 10th in light gun score, but no points for placing second in the overall. I think that's been fixed.)

But I'm afraid you'll run afoul of the "we gotta attract new shooters" mentality if you try to eliminate recognition for relay wins. People care about winning too much, and for most of us, match wins are few & far between.

However, thinking on it, the pleasure is for "winning something," not for how many points you get. That only counts for the very few chasing SOTY. And if that playing ground is level, they *shouldn't* care either.

If the above is correct, we could lower relay wins to, say, a value of .25 points. That would be .025 points per shooter under the new system. You'd need 120 relay wins to make the LRM. If you can shoot for six years, in all ten matches, and win every relay, good for you, you deserve to be a LRM.

Or an even lower number of points for a relay win -- the notion is to give newer shooters something to brag on. Occasional recognition does have importance, after all.
Yes or hall of Fame system is easy! Shoot well and get points. I can't understand why the Plaques are so in demand. This year at the PA. club If I have this right, OneFlyer correct me if I'm wrong. Not only will the Two gun overall get a Jacket, but a NightForce Scope. And I believe HG. overall and LG. overall will get scopes. But you have to shoot all Ten Matches. That may Get Bob Rossen back again. He always kick so butts. Anytime I win something I take the money. I already have plans for all my relay, all in the blue, screamer and all other pins. I'm building a bar in my new Garage and they will be sealed in the Top. So if you win our shoot off you get your gas money back.

Joe Salt
Charles I don't think that a new shooter will have enough experience to worry about points. Let's have something better than those 25 cent pins that you get now for a relay win. Anything you can give them to put in their hands to show off means more than points. If all the fusing ever stops I have plenty of bullets I would like to send down range. For now the fun factor just isn't there.
Alvin you are always welcome to shoot with us. I missed you at last years World Open. I went around and asked where you were at. Matt Kline
Matt I am planning on coming up this year and maybe bringing a few of the oldtime shooters. You,Joe,Ray,Matt D.,Russel,Phil,and so many others make the World Open one tough but fun shoot! We have always enjoyed the hospitality and friendship you guys have sent our way.
If all the venders that helped us out last year are as generous this year, it should be a record turn out. I'm buying a can of that stuff you use on us when you come up. What is it again?

Joe Salt
Joe You know what they say about blind squirrels. Maybe it does come in a can!