March Scopes keep on winning

James A. Kelbly

New member
We would like to congratulate Charles Huckeba for winning the individual 2 gun WBC title using March scope. Charles along with Larry Costa had a great year and keep proving that March is the best optics on the planet. March has been proven in short range to long range to be what winners are using. If you want to perform like the best than March should be on your rifle.

This advertisement brought to you by those with a financial incentive for you to shoot March.

BTW, I have Leupolds, Nightforces...and a March. I like them all.
isn't that

This advertisement brought to you by those with a financial incentive for you to shoot March.

BTW, I have Leupolds, Nightforces...and a March. I like them all.

The classic definition of advertising? Sorry Jim, could not pass this one up.

Yes it is advertisiment along with congratulations to Mr. Huckeba and Mr Costa and anyone else that has won using MARCH SCOPES. Without shooters like MR Huckeba and Mr. Costa MARCH SCOPES would not be as known as MARCH SCOPES has become. I find it funny that almost all short range BR shooters would not use a Remington 40x as a rifle and have to have a custom rifle, but they keep using scopes the same quality as a 40x and not a custom scope. It has been proven other scope mfgers have up to .060ths of POA shift from shot to shot and MARCH SCOPES has about .003ths due to all turrets being hand lapped in. When the Super Shoot this year was won by .0001ths, maybe more of you should look into MARCH SCOPES and the quality of a CUSTOM scope. It has amazed me how well MARCH SCOPES has done with so few on the firing line compared to other mfgers. We here at Kelbly's feel very blessed that we are selling the best optics in the world and we would like to thank everyone that is using MARCH SCOPES.


P.S. Hows that for getting the MARCH name out there!
Not only the big boys use March

My friend Richard Milton won the Louisiana VFS championship using his Panda equipped w/ a March scope. He followed this by winning the UBR Unlimited championship at the Nationals in Kentucky in September. In this he had to go against the "heavies" including several rail guns. James Mock
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Hey, no problem. Just speaking in the interest of full disclosure. There are a ton of people that visit the site that don't know that you are the only source of March scopes in the US and have a built-in conflict of interest.
Jim or anyone else that knows,

where can i find more about the POI shift for the various Benchrest scopes? i'd like to read more about that.
Well said Jim

I am the tipical middle of the pack shooter and certainly not my friends Larry Costa, Mike Ratigan, Gene Bukys (he uses his own frozen scopes/system),Bart Sauter and many others (I wish I could do what they regularly achieve but I keep trying...). After using in competition for about 15 years a very well known scope brand that I had to return (excellent service though) every year for inspection/repair, some a few times/year, when March showed up in benchrest I changed to them and have since several scopes and would not change them for any other brand, and yes I tried the most known ones.
Why do I use March scopes? Simply because I have yet to detect a "suspect" POI change after all these years and many, many thousands of shots and to me this is a good reason to keep using March. I have no particular reason nor interest promoting March just making "justice" to a good piece of optical equipment, expensive? Yes but you pay what you get!
I know they have talked on this website in past about POA shift in scopes and we have had many a conversation over the years about POA shift. Articles on this subject I do not know of.

That does it!!! EH!! now I am mad!!! If I do not get a MARCH 50 X in the mail by December 31st "I WILL ATTEND 2014 SUPER SHOOT, it's no wonder I have been loooseing!! God how I love this wine!!
I have used a March 40x scope on my number one rifle (BAT DS) for about five years now, and cannot fault it.
I must admit that when they first arrived in Australia, I made the statement that it would be a cold day in hell when I paid over three grand for a, well...I now own four of them.
Yes, I still use Leupold and Lightforce on other shooting discipline rifles....hey, you would not play 18 holes with just a putter would you?

Brendan Atkinson
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That does it!!! EH!! now I am mad!!! If I do not get a MARCH 50 X in the mail by December 31st "I WILL ATTEND 2014 SUPER SHOOT, it's no wonder I have been loooseing!! God how I love this wine!!

Ok Jim...time to step up to the plate. If Gammon shows up at the next Super Shoot it will officially be your fault!
I am sorry you cannot blame me as the US Customs lets him in to this country and I have tried my damndest to tell US Customs to keep him out. Bill has been coming since the 70's and you know how long it takes the goverment to do something.

Allan Tucker told me the tolerences on the Leopolds a few years ago at Kelblys range but you would have to ask him as he is not there anymore. The toolerences are out there you just have to ask, it would be interesting to see if Leopold would say the true specs on their current models,

Full disclosure: I have bought quite a few March scopes. The three rifles that were stolen from me had March scopes so they had to be replaced when I thought they were gone for good. When the rifles were found by the cops I now had 7 of them. All are 50 power with the middle sized dot .
Every winter I put the scopes on the Hood checker and every year I smile. No change, no need for a visit to the factory.
This summer there were a few times where I bitched about seeing poorly in mirage. I was particularly bitching at the IBS nationals. One of he competitors said he could see fine through the scope and that maybe it was my eyes. When I got back I checked my eyes and they were fine, what was not fine was my glasses, they had a slight distortion on the plastic lenses , maybe from heat??
Anyway, when I go to the line I feel confident that the scope will do its job . If a shot goes where it's not supposed to then the scope moving never enters my mind. One less variable to worry about fellows.
I am sorry you cannot blame me as the US Customs lets him in to this country and I have tried my damndest to tell US Customs to keep him out. Bill has been coming since the 70's and you know how long it takes the goverment to do something.


LOL, but you would still be able to hear him laugh, even if they tried to stop him.:)
And why shouldn't KELBLY'S INC be able to advertise ALL THEY WANT on WILBUR'S FORUM????


when ANY ONE OF Y'ALL does as much for the sport of BENCHREST as KELBLY'S has (DOES!!).......

hEEEPers PEEpers my peeps, pickin' on Big Jim and Little George is kinda' like shooting oneself in the private parts to spite the wife, ain' it???.....

just my opinion

Even If you Don't Win

I know that feeling Larry. I’m a nobody in Benchrest Competition.Haven’t won much of anything since I’ve been shooting,except a few pieces of Fake wood,every now and then. When you don’t practice like you should, A scope that chips away at my hard earned aggs is unacceptable.

I have been a satisfied owner since 2005. I have not received any proceeds for ranting about how much I like the March Scopes,however, I would be more than willing to accept.:D

It just gives me satisfaction in knowing that many people around the World are happy with March Scopes and I witnessed the evolution of this product.
