Lowell Hottenstein... Your Prayers Needed Now!

Very saddened to get this horrible news. Will miss Lowell's presence at the matches and the many conversations we had. Rest in peace.
Sad news regarding Lowell's passing

Lowell will be greatly missed by everyone. My condolences to Barb and Kenny. Our prayers and thoughts are with Lowell and his family.
Bob Hamister

So sorry to hear of this sad news. All my best and prayers to Barb, Kenny & all in MI. Lowell always had time to stop and give you advice or help you out no matter how busy he was. He'll not only be remembered as a master bullet maker but a great friend.
This a very sad day for all of us in the BR shooting family. Lowell was one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and one the best damn bullet makers there ever was. Just think of how many HOF points were won using this man's bullets.

Our thoughts and prayers to the whole family. We are truly diminished.

Joe and Stacy Hynes
I spoke with Lowell last week and we were both hopeful that he would get good treatment and get well. It is such a tough blow to learn that he had passed. We are certainly diminished.
Our prayers and condolences to a wonderful family that have all become dear friends.
We will miss you buddy.
till we meet again...

The number and consistent tone of these comments reflect the kind of man Lowell was. His contributions to us as shooters and as friends are huge and will be sorely missed. Lowell, the pleasure was all mine........ Scott
Very sad news indeed. However, it is as this time we should remember not what we have lost instead giving thanks for what we had.
The New Zealand Benchrest community send their condolences and prayers to the Hottenstein family at this very difficult time.

Peter Haxell
Sorry to hear of Lowell's passing. He will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with Barb, Kenny and family as they go through this time.
Lowell was one of the "Great shooters" in Benchrest and has left a mark in this sport that will last. He was a great bullet maker, toughest of competitors, kindest of people, represented his country extremely well at the World Shoot and raised a pretty fierce competitor to follow in his shoes. He helped many competitors in Michigan and Ontario get started and was someone who everyone looked up to.
My condolences to Barb and Ken and the whole family. May God rest his soul.

I knew Lowell Hottenstein when I attended an IBS School in East Tawas, MI in 2008. Being such good shooter, he was one of the instructors, along with others great shooters like my good friend Joe Krupa, and I had the bless to be one of the students among those two.
Even not living in US, I had the chance to meet him again at NBRSA 2008 and Supershoot 2009, when at that time, after answering endless questions I made to Lowell about how to make such nice bullets, I had the honor to be invited to his house and shop where I spent a full day, when he teached and showed me how he made all those exceptionally accurate 68gr. BT bullets.
His generosity to share his deep knowledge about bullet making inspired me. And I bet many others.
I will miss him. Rest in peace my friend. And prayers to his family.

I was so sorry to hear of Lowell's passing, he was a true legend in the bench rest community. He will be sorely missed by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him. Our condolences to Barb and family.
Gary & Bonnie Cain
Can anyone share any details of when Lowell got sick and what treatment(s) he underwent? I talked with him in mid-Sept and had no reason to think he would be gone so soon.