looking to get into rimfire benchrest shooting

several of us joke about what our idea of accuracy was 3 years ago compared to today. isn't being competitive relevant to who and where your competing with? and then at the end of the day with the equipment you have, being able to say. I did the best I could. to me that's my definition of competitive. where and who are you shooting with?
If it were not so politically incorrect, I could make a number of great jokes about you and special olympics.
Don, who knows what evil lurks in mens minds.:) you should try volunteering. it does a soul a world of good.
I only ask about your equipment because the figures you use for purchasing equipment are a bit skewed to real world figures. You could have purchased a PSL winning Turbo a few months back for $4000.00 not $5000.00 (but I routinely see 40X's around $2000 to $2200 that would be an excellent choice not only for a beginners gun but a seasoned competitor, I bought a used Turbo 3.5 years ago for $2700), a brand new Pappas one piece rest (I bought a used Hongisto 2 years ago for $450) is $675 not $1000, a Weaver 36X scope for $380.00 (through Killough Shooting Sports) not $2000.00+ for a March (it's plenty good enough for competition), and $995.00 for a case of Eley Match ammo (through Killough Shooting Sports) that you could easily test and tune, practice with and still shoot 75 registered ARA targets in a season. Yes, it's still a lot of money, I know. But even if you had to purchase bases and rings for a used 40X and all the bells and whistles of a one-piece rest, well proven scope, a fine set of windflags, and a case of ammo it would easily fall under the $5000.00 you quote just to buy a rifle. The ammo would be the only thing that you'd have to replenish from season to season. Yes, the price keeps going up from year to year, but the quality seems to be getting better and better. I shoot around 100 registered ARA per season and I usually purchase around a case of ammo each season.
Carp, those numbers were just my impression of what someone looking in over the last few years could easily believe it takes to start out with a truly competitive setup. You last post should change that perception for many.
And thank you, its obvious now there wasn’t any hidden agenda in your question.
Just for a lot of folks information, I bought my rifle used on the Benchrest Central Classifieds. It isn't the most well proven rifle, probably never will be, but it is an excellent rifle and I'm sure there are more that have been available here. I've seen several 40X's that I would love to own. Most have been in the $1700.00 to $2200.00 range. Nothing against the Annies or Suhls, I have seen several of those that would shot with anything out there.

John M. Carper
I'd have to say that it depends on the competition and how involved you want to get in the game. There are several Coopers at our club and they are competitive here, but as someone else noted, they don't seem to be used by the top shooters in the game.

I've been shooting a Winchester 52C that has been reworked by Butch Hongisto and it's not a bad shooter, but it's never scored a 250 on the IR 50/50 target. I've spent about $1,100 over 12 years on that rifle, but it's not the greatest, but it's been affordable. This year, I've bought a completely made-up rifle with a Rem 40X action that may be a bit better...hopefully a 250 rifle.

After several years of relatively inexpensive converted target rifles being used at our club, the local game just got much more competitive (read expensive). There are several Turbos, Coopers, and at least one Calfee rifle supposedly coming along this season. Most of those rifles will be in the hands of some very good shooters.

If I were to have bought the Win 52C and tried to shoot it with the factory stock today, it would have been quite discouraging and I may have quit the game.

Good luck in whatever you choose for a rifle.

Unfortunate trend for this site.

4 pages of replies to an OP that doesn't appear to have come back to this site since his first and only post. Troll ??? I don't know but it seems to be happening a lot in the past months and not just on the rimfire forum.
Troll or not, this has been a good discussion.

I think that there has been a good bit of information and opinions shared on this thread. :)

look at his name, negative post,i think that explains it
I agree that there are some very affordable, yet decent starter rifles in the BR Central Classifieds. Most have been owned and shot by benchrest match shooters and may be excellent values. Rimfire barrels, especially chrome-moly ones can outlive their owners. Often, people move to rifles built by the biggest names that might give them a point more per target.

Sometimes, mistakes are made by those who sell excellent rifles, just to buy one that doesn't shoot as well...for them.

Just yesterday, I posted a partially benchrest-modified Anschutz 54 Match rifle with the original barrel (no tuner). It may make a good starter rifle, but may be bought to make up a "super rifle" by one of the better 'smiths.

Last week, I bought a Rem 40x listed in the BR Classifieds. If it doesn't meet my expectations and the Annie doesn't sell, I may decide to jazz it up myself. Guess that's what makes the BR world go 'round!
Just want to say Hey, my first post here, and I would just like to say this thread has given me some very valuable information, so troll or no troll it has been helpful to this new guy. It will be fun to explore the rest of your site, and get smarter, I hope.
4 pages of replies to an OP that doesn't appear to have come back to this site since his first and only post. Troll ??? I don't know but it seems to be happening a lot in the past months and not just on the rimfire forum.

Thank you Ray! I have been watching this and it seems like nobody has read the OP's thread, It is no wonder he never came back! There are 20+ post of nothing to do with what he asked, just Ego's letting go! good night!
i have been searching the all over the net for somthing pre owned that i might be able to compete with.i found something that might be a good deal but would like some feed back. is the price fair and is this something that would be competative? Cooper TRP-3 22LR


thanks in advance

I don't own any bench rest rimfire rifles although i am looking into it myself,however I do own a cooper 57m just a bolt action clip fed plincker.I couldn't find any of my old targets as I am moving loading room so I ran down to my shooting shack and squeezed of a few rounds 7.5-10 mph wind all my calipers are boxed up for move so tape measure @ 25yds off bags with my kids standard cci bulk ammo 1/8th-3/16th groups not benchrest by any means but coopers will shoot. my kimber @half the price did almost as well.
I guess you usually get what you pay for @ any rate hope you find something satisfactory to you. have lots of fun and GOOD LUCK!!!
new benchers

Hi, I came across this thread while looking for information on what to look for in a bench rest. Very good posts. I found them ALL useful. I'm overwhelmed by all the info and new jargon. What do I need to know? Anyway, from this thread I've learned that I will be shooting CCI 36gn thru my Marlin 26N on sand bags and looking for something better -yet to be determined. I have a Sure Shot Shooting vise I got at Cabela's on sale. It has a yoke in back and clamp on the front for the fore stock. I've since read that real bench resters go so far as to pinch the trigger and don't clamp or even touch the rifle, even tho some rests have a strap on the front and some a tray to hold 25# of weight so it won't 'recoil'. So, I guess I'm admitting that I don't know what I need to know but will sift through here and the internet to try and figure it out. This is why I have been a lurker, or Troll so far. Well, anyway, I'm off to find out what makes a good rest. Thanks again for the opportunities to pick your thoughts/opinions. Negpos, if you're out there, come on in, the water's fine.
regards, Zig
Fly South

Until the snow melts, your only choice is to fly south and attend some matches. See what's beeing used and go from there. Presently your choices are a bit on the lean side. If that's all you have, and want to jump in, use it. I'm sure there will be someone in your neck of the glacier that will help.

First off let me honest and say I just shoot at two local clubs,neither of those are sanctioned shoots.
But Gene Davis has shot with us several times and his Equipment is top shelf in MHO. Several of us use guns that Gene has turn in to very good shooters.
We have a few qood Kelby guns, some bench rest type of Anshultz,several CMP 40X that Gene has did complete overhauls and a lot of CMP 40X as we received them just added tuners

Now here is the part that will have a lot of swearing at!
There are 5 Coopers TPR all looking the same,Hohen tuners,lightened trigger and 36X weaver scopes. All of them are very good shooter after a couple of bricks
of high speed ammo shot through them,AGAIN this just my opinion and I have just bought one of the Coopers, that I ordered in early July. It will shoot with my Davis reworked 40X action,bench mark barreln and Gene's trigger job

If annyone lives close to Coshocton or Dover Ohio and would like to try our shoots or want imfo send me an e-mail s-m-allen@roadrunner.com

Good shooting