Life Is Tough,But If You Insist On Being Stupid, It Is REALLY tough

jackie schmidt

New member
I started a align boring job out at a Shipyard this morning, and just after I got things set up and running, I stuck my hand where no hand should go, and almost lost about 3/8 inch of my trigger finger. It cut completely through the finger nail, and about 2/3 the way around.

I got to an emergency room, and they sewed it all back together. Looks really bad, and feels worse.

It has been 30 years since I cut an end off of a finger. I guess I am no smarter now than I was back then. You would think that the concept that says "anything that will cut steel will not even slow down for meat" would have sunk in in 60 years. But, at least I think they will save this one.

I guess I going to have to learn to handle a Jewell Trigger with my middle finger for the time being......jackie
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Jackie, I hope your finger heals without complications. I am glad the ER team could help you and I am sorry it happened!

See you at the Bluebonnet this May.

Take care,

life is tough

You are not alone Jackie. I lost 3/8 ths. of an inch on one when I stuck it into a jointer, and that after 30 yrs. doing woodwork. Nope, it didn't get sewed on.
On the light side, maybe now some of the others will have a chance on the line?

Good luck to you.
I fully understand that "What did I just do?" feeling. Last time I had that I had to tape my nearly severed fingertip back on. Did that while slicing onions. It's amazing how crystal clear our stupidity appears on such occasions, immediately after the event. :eek:

You live in Norfolk? All the stuff I weld Is shipyard.

I'm guessing it could be easy to become a little complacent after time. Maybe it's positive to get a wake up call that wasn't more serious. In your business I am sure there are numerous opportunities to get seriously injured or worse. Thanks for posting this as a reminder to all of us with machine tools that even professionals can easily get hurt. I hope yor finger recovers nicely. Of all your fingers it had to be that one didn't it.

You live in Norfolk? All the stuff I weld Is shipyard. Are you related to James Pendergraft?

Jackie, your story makes me sick to my stomach .... I hate to have any pain in my hands at all ..... please take care and get better soon ....
Jackie, I feel your pain. I'm nursing a broken left little finger courtesy of a 24 oz. framing hammer. It's all purplish and discolored...kinda' matches the color some of those old Leupold scopes turn. ;)

When I did it, my wife came downstairs and said: "I didn't know that one person could use that many swear words in that short of time. It sounded like I was on a pirate ship." :eek:

Must be something in the water................
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Jackie, I feel your pain. I'm nursing a broken left little finger courtesy of a 24 oz. framing hammer. It's all purplish and discolored...kinda' matches the color some of those old Leupold scopes turn. ;)

Must be something in the water................


I have done a lot of carpentry and never hit my little finger. Didnt anybody tell you that you are supposed to hit your thumb instead?

I can imagine how long it took you to type that post with trying to keep that finger out of the way:rolleyes:

Take care of that finger and do NOT let it get infected ....
I have done a lot of carpentry and never hit my little finger. Didnt anybody tell you that you are supposed to hit your thumb instead?

It's a sad but familiar story, Joel. Working over my head, bad angle, standing on one tip toe, tongue out the corner of mouth, just this one last nail to go.......

S@%!*&+^$@f*@%G*!@D()&^%!!!!!!!! :mad:
Missing fingers and thumbs

Missing some part of your hand is a sign that your a working man where I grew up. My dad lost most of his thumb in a machine that puts tread on a tire. My brother lost his thumb inside a knot on a rope when a horse tried to pull the barn off its foundation. Me, being somewhat averse to pain, opted for an office job - I find it painful at times but I haven't lost any appendages yet.

Get well soon!
Sorry to hear that, Jackie

Hope all goes well in the healing process. You will no doubt learn to use the middle finger on the trigger, but when you hear the 30 second warning and slap that bolt open with the index finger......YYYYEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWW!
Yep,sometimes a band aid just ain't gonna do it.If you feel silly now, just wait untill you're out in public with your finger in the doctor recommended elevated position.Get well soon.
You know, when I cut the back of my calf muscle with a chainsaw. I kinda though the same thing you did.
I can relate to that.

Many years ago while starting out on drilling rigs the very end of my trigger finger got between the top of the drill pipe and a horn (handle) on the elevators comming down .

It will take a while to mend - be patient .

You will have had a better doctor than I did in a small Alberta town .:mad:

My finger works fine now on Jewel triggers .
Exercise helps .:)

That wasn't "stupid" Jackie - just a slight lapse in "situational awareness" .........

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