i'm gonna get up on my soapbox
and ask you to stop.
you are the second person , atleast, that has contaminated the disscussion with a seperate subject.
please stay on topic...
else we are back at divide and conquer.
please start your own thread if you want to discuss a side or seperate issue.

mike in co

What happened in Ct is a tradegy, all of us can and will agree on that . I think! Tradegy's happens every day there is no stop to them it is just as much a part of the Human Experience as is breathing.

I feel complettly that the Liberals don't care one bit about tradegy, what they do care about is an opportunity. This terriable incident is providing that opportunity. That may be a hard way to look at this, but the Liberals themselves provide all of the proof anyone needs to see how they feel and think.

This year in the United States alone there will be 1,210,000 aportions. That is right at 3,315 a day. Every day! or 138 per hour. So in the 15 minutes of horror that happened in Newtown, CT on Friday November 14, 2012, just in roughly the same amount of time as those 20 children were murdered, there were 34 additional children murdered by abortion.

Yet were is the voice of those 34? Were is MSNBC? or ABC? howabout CBS? Where is the outrage for those 34?

There is no outrage, not now and probably not ever. You see its not about those 20 little children it's about the "Guns". The Left is doing what they always do when a tradegy like this happens. They are trying to punish all gun owners. You know the ones I mean? The ones who didn't do it.

Well said, all! :)

And to add another statistic to Rolands litany, lead story today on Yahoo is about a mother backing over her child, sad.... tragic. Happens a couple hundred times per year, more than 200 kids driven over by their own parents. And the hue and cry is to "make this stop!! The auto industry has known about this problem for years but they're unwilling to".... blahh blahh blahh...

I personally know more than 10 persons who've tragically killed their loved ones. Sad, tragic but it happens. People die, KIDS die....

But back to guns, back to the difference between vicvanb and myself. (((Vic I hope you come back on to tell me I'm WRONG but I can't see it happening.))) RIGHT NOW, since I've taken the stance that YES a lot of these laws ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL vic and other government apologists have again relegated me to the wacko pile. To answer this I'll use two instances, one to illustrate "government think" and another regarding laws, the Supreme Court and the concept of Constitutionality.

#1, I've been teaching Hunter Ed for a number of years, We're known as the North Clark County Hunter Safety program. I've built and set up an entire classroom at my home complete with projection, gunsafe, seating for 36 students and parents..... all on personal and donated funds and time, this is not a small endeavor. Plus we've opened and maintained about 15 acres of land with three outbuildings to store archery equipment, range equipment, animals/fences/boats/signs etc for a complete walk-through field course. We have been an accredited, NRA sanctioned facility for 8yrs and have operated under WDFW with a wonderful group of dedicated volunteer teachers, both my fellow course teachers and others from across the state. Here in WA we have an unbelievably dedicated pool of volunteers, great teachers and mentors... SO GREAT that the WA State course is the only course recognized nationwide. You get through us, you're good-a-go anywhere in these United States. We've been "unpaid employees of Washington State Dept of Wildlife" all this time. Then, about 18mo ago our course "changed jurisdiction," WDFW handed us over to the State Police Dept because "someone" miss-spent our Pittman-Robertson Funding. (For all of you old-timers and all of you fellow manufacturers, you know what I'm talking about here, the voluntary tax WE VOTED FOR specifically for the preservation of wildlife) So anyway, now we're volunteers under the Police Force.....perty cool huhh???


The first thing PD said at our first meeting was "HI! We're your new boss! We're here to help! Now, the first problem is, YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE ENOUGH RULES!!!" (Of course what they really said was, "in the interest of clarity, since we'll now be working together, we're working on a draft....." The draft has now been finalized... all 80 pages of it....NOW, To alla' you'se real-life LEO's and people who're hired in law enforcement either directly or peripherally, I ask you this, "HOW MUCH FUN WOULD IT BE to make your classes, conform to your fairness rules and HR training, keep up on all your certs and etc etc etc...... ON YOUR OWN TIME, after work, UN-paid??? 80 pages, the last 30 are paperwork forms... a complete CLUSTER of "requisitioning" and "signing in" and "signing out" and ON and ON.....

We don't get paid for this.

We called a meeting, we chose not to sign on..... WE QUIT! With a years worth of classes on the books, WE QUIT. We have all sorts of reasons, we all hold different positions in our coterie, we do different jobs, ALL OF WHICH have been adversely affected and we are every one of us bent about slightly different things.

But the kicker for me????

Above and beyond the fact that "all your guns and bows are now property of the state" and above and beyond "we want you successful courses to keep right on gathering donations......for us," and above and beyond "no stockpiling, you will requisition ammunition as needed" and ignoring "we will issue guns to you as we see fit, when they become available" (I've got to stop, I'm getting pissed)


They made our classroom a "gunfree zone!" NO POOP! We're s'posed to police for legal concealed carry citizens!

We can no longer "bring hunting broadheads into our Hunter Ed class!"


We're having meetings soon.....really, hopefully they can talk us into coming back..... but SOMEtime, SOMEwhere SOMEone has got to get the message, "WE DO THIS FOR THE KIDS!!! Not for the State of WA! Of course a large percentage of our "kids" are adults getting set up to hunt in other states, mothers trying to overcome fear of guns, even people from "town" who've just never fired a gun and want to know "what it's all about" but we do it for the kids....

But back to vic, back to "laws" and the idea that "well the law passed din't it? How can they pass unconstitutional laws huhh??"

"Only a WACKO believes that stuff!"

PLEASE vic, look into this stuff a little and understand that THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT A POLICING AGENCY, we the people are.......Let's take the recent "Heller Decision" as it's called or the "Heller Ruling" or "Heller Case" depending on your viewpoint....... and let's ask ourselves...."what happened here??"

What HAPPENED is, a citizen finally got pissed enough to spend the money.... and this is what happened

On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Heller v. District of Columbia.[3][4] The Court of Appeals had struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 as unconstitutional, determined that handguns are "arms" for the purposes of the Second Amendment, found that the District of Columbia's regulations act was an unconstitutional banning, and struck down...... etc etc.

That law had stood, uncontested for 33 YEARS VIC!!!

You think this is an isolated instance vic????

You think "the government will protect us???"

Read this, "Henderson's dissent"....

In her dissent, Circuit Judge Henderson stated that Second Amendment rights did not extend to residents of Washington D.C., writing:
To sum up, there is no dispute that the Constitution, case law and applicable statutes all establish that the District is not a State within the meaning of the Second Amendment. Under United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. at 178, the Second Amendment's declaration and guarantee that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" relates to the Militia of the States only. That the Second Amendment does not apply to the District, then, is, to me, an unavoidable conclusion.

In other words, "well, OK, so our Constitution guarantees states the right to bear arms but, but, but...."

No vic, I ain't buying in.........Our Founding Fathers were BRILLIANT men dedicated to creating something better. You either believe in them, and in the ideal,

or you DON'T.


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mike, Roland is on topic, he's just using an example to illustrate the ignorance of buying into "Ohhh, it's for the kids" argument.

VERY on topic to illustrate that IT'S NOT ABOUT THE KIDS!!!
If you don't like reading then skip this :) but I get a giggle from peeking inside the courtroom sometimes....

From the Heller wiki; bold italics mine.

The core holding in D.C. v. Heller is that the Second Amendment is an individual right intimately tied to the natural right of self-defense.
The Scalia majority invokes much historical material to support its finding that the right to keep and bear arms belongs to individuals; more precisely, Scalia asserts in the Court's opinion that the "people" to whom the Second Amendment right is accorded are the same "people" who enjoy First and Fourth Amendment protection: "'The Constitution was written to be understood by the voters; its words and phrases were used in their normal and ordinary as distinguished from technical meaning.' United States v. Sprague, 282 U. S. 716, 731 (1931); see also Gibbons v. Ogden, 9 Wheat. 1, 188 (1824). Normal meaning may of course include an idiomatic meaning, but it excludes secret or technical meanings...."
With that finding as anchor, the Court ruled a total ban on operative handguns in the home is unconstitutional, as the ban runs afoul of both the self-defense purpose of the Second Amendment – a purpose not previously articulated by the Court – and the "in common use at the time" prong of the Miller decision: since handguns are in common use, their ownership is protected.
The Court applies as remedy that "[a]ssuming that Heller is not disqualified from the exercise of Second Amendment rights, the District must permit him to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home." The Court, additionally, hinted that other remedy might be available in the form of eliminating the license requirement for carry in the home, but that no such relief had been requested: "Respondent conceded at oral argument that he does not 'have a problem with ... licensing' and that the District's law is permissible so long as it is 'not enforced in an arbitrary and capricious manner.' Tr. of Oral Arg. 74–75. We therefore assume that petitioners' issuance of a license will satisfy respondent’s prayer for relief and do not address the licensing requirement."
Tell you what Mike in Co. I don't give a flying fart what you want or don't won't, as far as I am coincerned you can stick all of your comments anywhere you want. Maybe you are too damn stupid to see it but it is the same topic. You have some kind of agenda and after that you have blinders on, you want to preach to some one go right ahead. But you are not going to tell me one damn thing about what you want or don't want when it comes to me and what I have to say. You sanctimonious piece of ^%$& you always think it's your way or the highway, like most little men boy bullys you want this to go your way, well screw you jack...

Maybe that will get this crap shut down by Wilbur!! If he feels that I need to be banned I will understand complettly.


i'm gonna get up on my soapbox
and ask you to stop.
you are the second person , atleast, that has contaminated the disscussion with a seperate subject.
please stay on topic...
else we are back at divide and conquer.
please start your own thread if you want to discuss a side or seperate issue.

mike in co
Guys, Roland is right. Mike is a bully. It is clearly his way or the highway. He is not smart enough to play nicely by the rules so he tries to intimidate others.
It may be too late for Colorado Mike but even he could learn from others if he would just listen.

Colorado! What a beautiful state.
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Recent cartoon about good guys vs bad guys is pretty good, but I wonder how stupid the " pie in the sky" people who voted the bad guys in office must feel. I'm sure they will find someone else to blame it on. It sems pretty simple to me.
It's strange that all the people who just KNOW that the government always knows what's best for all of us, then when they show up as Al so clearly showed they only screw things up. Jump right in the middle like nobody knows their hat from a hot rock and start throwing rules around. I wonder how many volunteer organizations just flat told the state cops to take their ideas and put 'em where the sun don't shine. Strangely having spent a long time in WA, I'm not really surprised that happened to the state hunter ed program there. Can't give kids hunter ed training, they can't get their first license, fewer hunters, fewer gun owners.

As to the first part of Al's comment about people backing over their kids, I heard on the news last night that one of Glorious Leader's proposed regulations is to REQUIRE backup cameras in all vehicles. Hey it'll only increase the cost of a vehicle a thou of so, which is a piddling amount isn't it.

I just keep hoping that all the folks who got us where we are today with their continuing votes for government goodies and redistribution of other people's property enjoy the next few years with increased taxes on the half of us who pay taxes so that the half that doesn't gets more of our stuff like Al Sharpton wants.
Well Larry its like this, "If you think the government creates problems wait until you see their solutions".

As a person living in a dark blue state let me pass along this sad news. No matter how bad things get the left will NEVER understand they voted exactly for that.
It will always be the someone elses fault. If only we had sacrificed more, If only we had taxed more we could have created Utopia.
Said it before, I'll say it again, Ayn Rand was right.
(((Vic I hope you come back on to tell me I'm WRONG but I can't see it happening.)))

"Only a WACKO believes that stuff!"

Our Founding Fathers were BRILLIANT men dedicated to creating something better.

Well, Al, wrong again. I'm back, Al, and yes, Al, you are wrong. No matter how you spin it, regulating certain types of firearms and certain requirements related to their purchase and possession is simply not an infringement on our 2nd amendment rights. I guess you think background checks for purchasers are an infringment and are unconstitutional? I guess you think restricting gun ownership by felons infringes on their rights?

Yes, only a wacko believes...

Brilliant, yes. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson said that expecting future citizens to live under an inflexible constitution was like asking a grown man to wear a small boy's coat? Now, Al, that is brilliant!

BTW, which militia do you belong to?
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Well, Al, wrong again. I'm back, Al, and yes, Al, you are wrong. No matter how you spin it, regulating certain types of firearms and certain requirements related to their purchase and possession is simply not an infringement on our 2nd amendment rights. I guess you think background checks for purchasers are an infringment and are unconstitutional? I guess you think restricting gun ownership by felons infringes on their rights?

Yes, only a wacko believes...

Brilliant, yes. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson said that expecting future citizens to live under an inflexible constitution was like asking a grown man to wear a small boy's coat? Now, Al, that is brilliant!

If you don’t trust felons with a gun, why on earth would you release them from prison?

Or maybe some people believe ex-cons can’t get a gun because of a law? Did they break a law when they went to prison the first time?
vicvanb you are not sounding so brilliant yourself, what do they do to the felons that try and purchase a gun though a back ground check? NOTHING They should be put in jail, but oh no we can't do that . How about the people that buy gun for felons, NOOOTHING. I have had guns since I was 16 years old and a lot of them and not a one has killed anyone.

Joe Salt
Well, Al, wrong again. I'm back, Al, and yes, Al, you are wrong. No matter how you spin it, regulating certain types of firearms and certain requirements related to their purchase and possession is simply not an infringement on our 2nd amendment rights. I guess you think background checks for purchasers are an infringment and are unconstitutional? I guess you think restricting gun ownership by felons infringes on their rights?

Yes, only a wacko believes...

Brilliant, yes. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson said that expecting future citizens to live under an inflexible constitution was like asking a grown man to wear a small boy's coat? Now, Al, that is brilliant!

BTW, which militia do you belong to?

No militia here, ever. :)

Soooo, when I was in high school we had a limit on the amount of ammunition we could buy. People would drive by the store every day on the way home from work for a week to collect a brick of 22's. Then we had "assault weapons" bans and magazine restrictions.... All things that are out on the table once again. Now vic I'm askin' do you really feel that these measures reduced crime?

And now here we are again. I know you like this guy and trust he's there for you but I'm askin' DO YOU BELIEVE??? Do you really feel that this potus and his cronys are capable of "making the kids safer?"

I submit that you subscribe to the ethic "it's the thought that counts."


Am I wrong?

Well, Cuomo is going to ban Internet sales of ammunition. Have yet to hear if components will be included.
Good chance they will. Better chance suppliers will just stop selling to NY.
What does this mean for the rest of the country?
Obama will not be seen as being one upped by Cuomo. So expect the ban on internet sales to go national.
If components aren't banned originally they will be as soon as they figure it out.
I don't know about the rest of you folks but all my bullets and brass can't be purchased at Wal-Mart.
Kiss BR goodbye.
Target shooters that don't own black rifles have had their head in the sand long enough to get their arses burned.
You can just bend and flex the constitution (legally). That is why a very exhaustive procedure is in place to change it. It's hard to believe some of the people that shoot and own guns would embolden the antis, however there a a few on this site that are also silent because they know they voted for misery--back in the fall they were even trying to justify their vote.
Correction above I meant to say you can't just bend and flex the constitution (legally)
Am I wrong?

Yes, but it's often hard to tell since when you don't want to respond to a point you're off on another tangent.

What I "believe" is that restricting sales of certain types of firearms (and component parts) is not necessarily an infringment of our second amendment rights. I "believe" this has been established as case law. You (and others) seem to think it is an infringment. It is certainly your right to believe as you do even if you are wrong. But then it always seems to somehow slide down a slippery slope so that all those who think it's not an infringment must want to ban private ownership of guns. Wrong again. Seriously wrong in my case.

Trust me, I've heard all the arguments pro and con. As I said earlier, both ends of the spectrum are similarly extreme (and similarly loud, similarly inflexible, similarly annoying, etc). As with any political issue, the extremes won't prevail in this case, in my opinion. As a gun owner, a hunter, a collector, and a target shooter, I'd like fellow gun owners to examine the issues carefully and constructively contribute to the debate rather than just yell, scream and obstruct. And I "believe" we can do this without infringing on our second amendment rights.