technicallity here...
a criminal is one who has been convicted of a crime.....
he was not and propbaly will never be....
so a killer he was....
a lawbreaker he was.....

yeah i know but it is word games that get us in trouble...
just look at the press and wayne on meet the press....

mike in co
The very definition of a criminal is someone who doesn't obey the law.QUOTE]
technicallity here...
a criminal is one who has been convicted of a crime.....
he was not and propbaly will never be....
so a killer he was....
a lawbreaker he was.....

yeah i know but it is word games that get us in trouble...
just look at the press and wayne on meet the press....

mike in co
The very definition of a criminal is someone who doesn't obey the law.QUOTE]

I don't think you're right here mike.....

What you seem to be saying is that two people who engage in a Bonnie-N-Clyde style spree, shooting and robbing their way across the country for six months and dying an a blaze of gunfire wouldn't be referred to as "criminals?"

Because they haven't been tried in a court of law?

I disagree, show me wrong :)

Jerry has it right. I was told that I could get a CC permit without attending a class since I am a veteran. I said no thank you, I already have permission to carry or "bear" a firearm.....granted by the constitution of the US. Dave the Constitution does not state that one must carry the firearm in the it must be legal to carry it as one prefers. Maybe I should get the CC permit, but it seems to me that it is just redundant permission. James
yes al
i'm taking a narrow view of the word...which i often do..
ciminal ...guilty of crime...guilt means as in court,
a person who has been legally convicted of a crime....

outlaw a fugitive from the law, a habitual criminal....

i'll agree that one who shoots someone in cold blood is typically a crimnal.....but...

but have a merry christmas...
mike in co
Have a good Christmas James. In Iowa the last 2 years you can open carry, i was just saying i didn't think it was a very good idea to do that. Mary and I both took the class and she doesn't doo too bad with a handgun at a target, a real situation in the home could be different. On Fathers Day, when all my kids and their spouses were here we shot up an old refrigerator in the back yard with the 9MM. Most everyone, but one son in law had a good time ventilating the former beer cooler. Are we rednecks.................damn right.....:cool:they were listening all those years..........:eek: Oh, by the way, no one was hurt but the Fridge........

Merry Christmas Dave. I did not mean in any way that a CC permit was not advisable. I just did not think it was necessary for me. I have a Kimber 1911 that two of my grandsons and I shot quite a bit a few days ago. One is 8 and the other is 12. Both shot it pretty well with some mild handloads. The legislation may be coming that infringe on our rights, but they had better hurry. In this area 20 round magazines are selling by the hundreds. Also, I have not heard a single "talking head" define what thay mean by "assault weapons". Maybe the powers that be will pass some great legislation like they did in 1994, i.e., banning weapons with bayonet lugs and other such "assault" characteristics.
Our Congress reminds me of the Biblical passage which states, "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly). Proverbs 26:11
Gun Bans

The Brady Bill and related legislation is living proof that Gun Bans Don't prevent Crime. I'm curious to see how a resurrection of failed logic can be worded in a way that will gain majority support in congress. In the wake of the Newtown tragedy,there are powerful arguments,for weapon bans. A typical response to such a senseless act. I know from experience that weapon bans and restrictions make illegal Gun trafficking a profitable crime. I also know,from experience, that there is no way to prevent criminals and mentally unstable people from obtaining guns. I agree that changes will come,but it will be another failed attempt to fix a problem perpetrated by criminals and sick people. Not Guns.

The 1968 Gun Control Act signed by LBJ was another worthless piece of gun legislation.
so is this you ???
3002 Alta Vista Ln

Well, one thing is certain. There will be some additional gun control legislation passed and signed into law. The NRA will not even be at the table this time acorting to Wayne.

In case you are wondering, I believe that the technology of the firearm has advanced past a certain practical point. Some restrictions are needed. We need a voice of reason at the table to curb the liberals who would ban all firearms and shut down our ranges while they can.

I am very conservative and my only democratic vote was for LBJ.
Some restrictions are needed. We need a voice of reason at the table to curb the liberals who would ban all firearms and shut down our ranges while they can.

And we also need voices of reason to balance the other end of the spectrum that thinks you are wrong and no restrictions are needed and none should be enacted. I regard both ends of the spectrum to be identical (fanatics) and equally dangerous. Fortunately, most people ignore their yammering.

I did not vote for LBJ--he was much too liberal for me, not to mention dead wrong on Vietnam..
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And we also need voices of reason to balance the other end of the spectrum that thinks you are wrong and no restrictions are needed and none should be enacted. I regard both ends of the spectrum to be identical (fanatics) and equally dangerous. Fortunately, most people ignore their yammering.

I did not vote for LBJ--he was much too liberal for me, not to mention dead wrong on Vietnam..



THIS really clearly states our differences better than I could have, and no "attack" by me!

Thank you.

Thank you for clearly stating that adherence to our Constitution is "fanatical" and "dangerous," and in your words "identical to liberalism." Now, in one aspect we actually agree! I too feel that "liberals" and "conservatives" are often standing back to back on extreme ends of the circle on a lot of issues, but not on gun rights as pertains to our Constitutional law. Simple, factual exegetical reading of The Constitution of The United States, no interpretation needed and as supported by our Supreme Court does not support what you want. Now, if you want to get a movement going to amend the Constitution because you feel our forbears were WRONG then I'll respect it. I won't agree, but I'll respect it.

And you.

Caving in to emotionalism gets zero respect from me.

Your words like "LBJ was to liberal for me" are just that, words. Your BELIEFS on the other hand, come through clearly.

It's these beliefs I disagree with. :)

Well, one thing is certain. There will be some additional gun control legislation passed and signed into law. The NRA will not even be at the table this time according to Wayne.

I agree, Bill, but only IF We the People, we the voters allow it to happen.

Why do pols listen to lobbyists mostly? They rarely hear from their voters in their own district!!
i was looking to see if a lump of coal could be delivered at this late date...

mike in co
"you're a mean one mr grinch, you're as cuddly as a cactus...." (the Thurl Ravenscroft version)


I really don't understand why gun control is an issue. When considering preventable children deaths, guns do not even rate in the top five. Here are the top:

2. Traffic accidents
3. Drowning
4. Burns
5. Poisoning

NUMBER 1: Abortion

As I have said many times, I find it appualing that those who want to protect "Our most important resource, children", are the same people who support the number one reason for child death....abortions. What about all the other listed reasons? They say abortion is a choice...we'll...aren't guns. They don't want me to have a choice about guns but they want freelance abortions without even parents knowing when it's a minor getting one. WTF. For one, my constitutional rights are not to be "On the table".

The total number of children killed in mass murderings since 1990, with high capacity mags does not even add up to one year of children drowning in swimming pools. But some want to take them away?? Why not ban pools??? Oh..I forgot...they are what they want... not guns. Also, anyone that mentions that guns in the city are for recreational use only so there isn't a need....well....what the heck is wrong with recreational guns???? Again, aren't swimming pools recreational????

People that are willing to bend over becuase it's "not a gun that I use or see a need for" should be the ones stripped of their guns rights.

Also, I was talking to a friend at the VA the other day, the VA has been ordered to turn over all names of those who have seeked any type of mental health help, whether it's just nerves from a divorce or PTSD. This will be the first bunch banned from the man.
Want to make this discussion "LOGICAL".....this hits to the heart of LOGIC.
I am interested in the those who want further gun restrictions. I, myself, have no use what-so-ever for semi-auto's .....matter of fact...I would be perfectly happy with single shot weapons......but it is just wrong to deny them to others when it is clear that they have every right to have such weapons.
Let's learn lessons from the past (for a change) and not act on emotions, but logic.
I really don't understand why gun control is an issue. When considering preventable children deaths, guns do not even rate in the top five. Here are the top:

2. Traffic accidents
3. Drowning
4. Burns
5. Poisoning

NUMBER 1: Abortion

As I have said many times, I find it appalling that those who want to protect "Our most important resource, children", are the same people who support the number one reason for child death....abortions. What about all the other listed reasons? They say abortion is a choice...we'll...aren't guns. They don't want me to have a choice about guns but they want freelance abortions without even parents knowing when it's a minor getting one. WTF. For one, my constitutional rights are not to be "On the table".

The total number of children killed in mass murdering since 1990, with high capacity mags does not even add up to one year of children drowning in swimming pools. But some want to take them away?? Why not ban pools??? Oh..I forgot...they are what they want... not guns. Also, anyone that mentions that guns in the city are for recreational use only so there isn't a need....well....what the heck is wrong with recreational guns???? Again, aren't swimming pools recreational????

People that are willing to bend over because it's "not a gun that I use or see a need for" should be the ones stripped of their guns rights.

Also, I was talking to a friend at the VA the other day, the VA has been ordered to turn over all names of those who have seeked any type of mental health help, whether it's just nerves from a divorce or PTSD. This will be the first bunch banned from

All the types of deaths you've mentioned above are the types of deaths we've become anesthetized to and are ignored just as we ignore background noise. It's something we've become accustomed to.

The mass murder of 20 children is as dramatic as two airplanes killing 3000 people, which, if you look at the bigger picture, is a very small number. It's the way it was done, and who did it, and through what means, that draws the attention of millions. And, because it was dramatic, the media is drawn to it, because that's what sells.

Why do people go to NASCAR races? To watch cars go around in circles? They're looking for something dramatic, something out of the ordinary.

Killing 20 children with a semiautomatic rifle with an extraordinarily high capacity magazine is out of the ordinary.

As the public sees it, it's the TOOL that did the killing. To them if you get rid of the TOOL the problem goes away. You're dealing with MASS EMOTIONS not mass logic. EMOTIONS rule in this type of situation. Find away to eliminate the emotions and get back to logic, and then you might have a chance.
the wording of this post shows us a old senile set in his ways narrow minded person.
he is 72 or so old
his guns are ok no one elses are set in HIS ways
the ar platform is aprox 50 years old...plastics and aluminum in gun new technology in guns in years...senile
everytime i see someone use the word "reason" when it comes to gun rights it means he thinks it is ok to give away MY constitutional rights...senile.
pure lack of common sense as it applies to the founding documents of MY country..obvioulsy not HIS counrty....

yes as a gun owner, a lump of coal for your behavior this year would be a present.

mike in co
Well, one thing is certain. There will be some additional gun control legislation passed and signed into law. The NRA will not even be at the table this time acorting to Wayne.

In case you are wondering, I believe that the technology of the firearm has advanced past a certain practical point. Some restrictions are needed. We need a voice of reason at the table to curb the liberals who would ban all firearms and shut down our ranges while they can.

I am very conservative and my only democratic vote was for LBJ.
Thank you for clearly stating that adherence to our Constitution is "fanatical" and "dangerous,"...

Your words like "LBJ was to liberal for me" are just that, words. Your BELIEFS on the other hand, come through clearly.

No one here is talking about banning individual gun ownership (and please don't revert to the slippery slope argument which is pure nonsense). Clearly, reasonable restrictions on assault rifles and high capacity magazines do not infringe on second amendment rights. The fanatics want to make it into that but it just doesn't wash.

My, how great it must be to know someone else's beliefs, never having met them or conversed with them! And how easy it is to put a label on someone in an effort to discredit or marginalize them. Sad, really.

But hey, Merry Christmas!