IR 50/50 2024 schedule

Cabin fever.
I never bashed anything or did I take Tony’s post negatively. I just voiced the truth of my experience. I just actually thought it was too early and nothing was posted yet and then when I seen Tony’s posts about a match, knowing what the weather was like I was like wow. Too cold and snowy for me to even think about it.
Yea I never took anything negatively. So I don’t see where taking about it, is an issue. Actually learning a few things, like information and who to call.
The schedules and results are posted when they are received. The only match unfortunately that is not posted is the indoor nationals. Why I do not know but the website is having some internal issue with these results that the webmaster is working on.

The match schedule is located on the home page at the bottoms of the screen. Not to be confused with match results.

The old data has been saved and not lost.

IR5050 does not run thier own national tournament as does ARA. National matches are ran the same as a club match. These matches are ran by the match directors. Match directors are who and what makes the best all matches. If you like the product then support the match directors. I am trying to update and upgrade the website the best of my ability. I understand it’s not perfect but it’s also not finished not do I have thousand of $$$ to make it all happen in snap of fingers. Progress is being made and in an order. I am open to design suggestions on layout of the site. Everyone on here and anywhere else has or can find my phone number. 304-266-0081. Text call leave a message.

Remember if I hadn’t purchased IR5050 it was going to be gone. No longer any results posted or kept up with or old data saved.

Btw it doesn’t do the sanction any favor posting such criticism about how awful it is when you want it and want to see it all updated and saved. Hard to get new clubs and match directors when the seniors of the sport are being so critical.

If you have any questions. Just reach out to me please. Try not to be so darn critical. And remember IR5050 is not back by a big corporation. I believe ABRA had one of the biggest most supportive club and that is Coal Tipple.
Jason, are all of the historical results available to view on the webpage, or anywhere else for that matter? Also, do you have any timeline on when the Indoor National results might be on-line for the folks to see?


FWIW...Indoors Nationals the owner and operator of IR-50/50... WAS THERE...and left before final results and awards. He had the same input that I did, we both showed up and shot.

John, I have been going to the IR50/50 Indoor Nationals since 2013. Bill Hinegardner was at that time the owner of IR50/50. He was there every match, but he was also the Match Director at that time also. He sold it to Wayne Wills, as best as I can remember, Wayne attended only two Indoor Nationals during his tenure, and one of those was to introduce 10 Shot, on the night before the Nationals. Best I can remember, he was not present for the Nationals match itself. Personally, I don't recall the IR website, ever what you would call up to date, but it finally gets there. What Jason needs is support, not criticism. This is JMO, but then I don't shoot enough sanctioned matches, to really have an opinion that matters.
2024 schedule for Piney Hill has been found on thier Facebook page and schedule posted as Piney Hill has scheduled matches to the IR5050 website. An email to match directors will be sent out very soon to start collecting more match schedules.
I would look at the Sporter and 3-Gun Nationals on your schedule and see if it makes any sense at all.
So who actually won the UL Indoor Nationals? The website lists Gary Hitte on top in first but when we left the match Don Kowalski was the winner.
So who actually won the UL Indoor Nationals? The website lists Gary Hitte on top in first but when we left the match Don Kowalski was the winner.
John, I think Gary won the yards 750-61X and Don won the meters 750-53X. In the end, looks like they both scored the same 1500-113X.
Don did win 4 out of 6 targets, but I don't know if that matters.
I have posed the question to Jason: he will clarify it soon. Please stand by.;)

I remember in 2016 Dewayne Loan won the Nationals by finishing second both days. Dexter won the yards, and I won the meters. Thats about as close as I have ever come.

Edit: Actually Maurice won the yards. 750-63X
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I just reviewed the results and discussed with Jason, so I understood what I was looking at. I think in this case, with essentially two different matches lined up on the same row, and the winner was determined by a tie-breaker, it's hard to lay out those results, given the format used. Jason does have a plan to make improvements to highlight the winner in the future. Hang in there, give him a little time, and I'm sure you'll see improvements in how the data is displayed...


6 target ties are broken by the highest score for target 1 Yards.


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6 target ties are broken by the highest score for target 1 Yards.
Not relevant. Not a three gun match.
The posted results should not need to be subject to debate.
Don had more X’s and his first miss was on 8 vs Gary.

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The question being discussed was how to break a 6 target AGG tie if shooters have same score and same X-count.

If you're talking about the image above, yes, the new scoring program is a mess. This graphic is sorted to show final standings for Yards AGG. When it's sorted this way the individual target results are a complete mess.
The question being discussed was how to break a 6 target AGG tie if shooters have same score and same X-count.

If you're talking about the image above, yes, the new scoring program is a mess. This graphic is sorted to show final standings for Yards AGG. When it's sorted this way the individual target results are a complete mess.
Not a six gun discussion. The discussion is about the unlimited indoor nationals and the final results showing a tie. And the wrong person as listed as winning.
How to break the tie in the six target match.
It has always been two three target matches, not six. There is an award for yards and one for meters, then another award for the agg of both, overall championship. Sometimes same shooter wins all three and sometimes there can be three different winners. This time there were two. Overall determined by the 6 gun rule.
Software glitch has the name/scores inverted at the top spot.
Not a six gun discussion. The discussion is about the unlimited indoor nationals and the final results showing a tie. And the wrong person as listed as winning.
How to break the tie in the six target match.
If you're talking about a IR5050 Nationals then it's a 6-Gun (or target) discussion.
The rules are very clear...

"Six Gun Agg Ties
The scorer will check score of UL-1 class at 50 yards to determine
winner. Highest score wins."

So, Don Kowalski was the winner (best 1st target Yards) and the new scoring program doesn't seem to know how to break ties correctly. I know the early version of this new program broke ties by the bench number! I'd bet that's what happening here.
It has always been two three target matches, not six. There is an award for yards and one for meters, then another award for the agg of both, overall championship. Sometimes same shooter wins all three and sometimes there can be three different winners. This time there were two. Overall determined by the 6 gun rule.
Software glitch has the name/scores inverted at the top spot.

IR5050 Nationals are 6 target matches... comprised of 3 Yards targets and 3 Meters targets (except 10-shot which is 5 targets).
When totaling the 6 target UL AGGs the placement in either Yards or Meters is irrelevant.

The 3 Yards targets and 3 Meters targets are also considered matches with their own Hall of Fame points awarded... but, again, a shooters placement in either match is irrelevant when totaling the 6 Gun AGG.