IR 50/50 2024 schedule


Well-known member
I just looked at the IR 50/50 website and found the Virginia State 3 gun match, and regional 3 gun match will be this weekend at Piney Hill.

Yes, I know 4 days' notice isn't much time but if you can please plan to be there.

Too much snow and ice for me this weekend but you guys have fun.

This may be a false alarm. I just looked back at the IR 50/50 website and it no longer shows the matches.

At this point I have no idea what is going on.

If anyone does, please post.

Yes, I was looking on the site and couldn’t figure anything out.
I was hoping there might be something In Fairchance, In April. And maybe if I could get my stuff together maybe come and shoot it. I also wanted to see about rejoining the gun club and seeing what club matches were happening that I could make.
I’m looking forward to this spring and summer and shooting a few matches.
You are correct... the matches you described (3-Gun State and 3-Gun Regional) are on the IR5050 schedule for January 21... but you'll need a time machine to shoot them. Jason still has the 2023 schedule up.
Par for the course, right?
I didn't check the schedule before seeing this post but got curious & I see it on the schedule. I can see several months ahead doing so. I did have to use the search function though. It wasn't on the Home page schedule. I see the UL National results too Tim.
You are correct... the matches you described (3-Gun State and 3-Gun Regional) are on the IR5050 schedule for January 21... but you'll need a time machine to shoot them. Jason still has the 2023 schedule up.
Par for the course, right?
IR50/50 is a joke. There are a bunch of us who are disgusted with it, especially after the Indoor Nationals. I personally called Dawn Killough and lobbied to kick it out of the Triple Crown.
You are correct... the matches you described (3-Gun State and 3-Gun Regional) are on the IR5050 schedule for January 21... but you'll need a time machine to shoot them. Jason still has the 2023 schedule up.
Par for the course, right?

If you go the IR 50/50 website and look at the schedule, then search month by month 2024 you can see some matches scheduled. Mostly matches in California and WV. If you search "all" nothing comes up.

This website has been screwed up for years. You never know if it is the program or just lack of attention from whomever maintains it or both.

So much history was in this website dating back to the very beginning of RFBR in this country. It has been sad to watch its demise.

I have the IR site up right now, Nov 10th, 2023, State and Regional matches are posted. The 11th and 12th, Nationals, are not posted. FWIW, if you know how to navigate the site, you can find the information, or lack of it in some cases, on the site. Also remember, the results have to be sent to Jason to be posted. Not saying these particular results were not sent in, but I know of other results that were not. As a match director for IR last year and an assistant to the MD in prior years, I always follow up when I send match reports in. Like it or not, part of the MD's responsibility is to make sure their club has the correct information sent and posted on the site. I did the same when I MD'd the other sanctioning body and though it is very well organized, stuff was occasionally not quite right. Never posted on a forum about any of it, either sanctioning body. Took the responsibility that being a MD entails and went to the source and I got it fixed......always. Being a MD does not stop after the match is over.

I certainly hope the sanctioning body survives. I even changed sanctioning bodies at the other club I run for the 2024 season to IR 3-gun. While things are far from perfect, I have found a simple phone call to Jason, or even a text, normally provides some satisfaction. Although I never did it, I am sure my course of action got better results than posting my concerns on a forum. I know all of the posters on this thread except for one. Some better than others but can confidently say those I do know would not be shunned by Jason if they have questions or concerns.

FWIW...Indoors Nationals the owner and operator of IR-50/50... WAS THERE...and left before final results and awards. He had the same input that I did, we both showed up and shot.
I have the IR site up right now, Nov 10th, 2023, State and Regional matches are posted. The 11th and 12th, Nationals, are not posted. FWIW, if you know how to navigate the site, you can find the information, or lack of it in some cases, on the site. Also remember, the results have to be sent to Jason to be posted. Not saying these particular results were not sent in, but I know of other results that were not. As a match director for IR last year and an assistant to the MD in prior years, I always follow up when I send match reports in. Like it or not, part of the MD's responsibility is to make sure their club has the correct information sent and posted on the site. I did the same when I MD'd the other sanctioning body and though it is very well organized, stuff was occasionally not quite right. Never posted on a forum about any of it, either sanctioning body. Took the responsibility that being a MD entails and went to the source and I got it fixed......always. Being a MD does not stop after the match is over.

I certainly hope the sanctioning body survives. I even changed sanctioning bodies at the other club I run for the 2024 season to IR 3-gun. While things are far from perfect, I have found a simple phone call to Jason, or even a text, normally provides some satisfaction. Although I never did it, I am sure my course of action got better results than posting my concerns on a forum. I know all of the posters on this thread except for one. Some better than others but can confidently say those I do know would not be shunned by Jason if they have questions or concerns.


I appreciate what you have said and done, and you are so right about the MDs carrying such a load to help all shooters participate.

I, as well as every shooter I know hope the IR 50/50 sanctioning body survives. If it doesn't RFBR in this country will be at the mercy of the English and Eley to keep it going.

Since you never did what you advised, you probably don't have the same disappointment as those that did.

As far as phone calls I've made my share, so perhaps you could make one on behalf of all of us about where all the data from the last 25 years of IR 50/50 Nationals, shooter of the year, (SOTY) and state champions are and how to search the site to find it.

History is important, if you don't know where you have been, you can't know where you want to go.

FWIW...Indoors Nationals the owner and operator of IR-50/50... WAS THERE...and left before final results and awards. He had the same input that I did, we both showed up and shot.
I understand that John. I did mention in my first post that things were not perfect, but Jason was not the match director at those events. Owner of the sanctioning body has nothing to do with the proper posts of results or schedules. That is part of the MD's responsibilities, not the owner. I was told he asked them several times to send results. He has also asked several times for schedule input for the Sporter and 3-gun Nationals at the same venue. Last time I talked to him he has not gotten a response. I can assure everyone that when I get my 2024 IR MD packet, I will be sending in schedules for both clubs to be posted on the site. I will also follow up and make sure that not only will they get posted, but they will also be posted correctly. That's part of the MD's job as MD, not the owner.

Now I have only been shooting IR during two different owners. The prior owner got grief over some things as well. I understand why people B****, but IR will never be what ARA is, although it does fill a niche in what some shooters want to shoot and I feel strongly that supporting it has nothing to do with bashing it. Yes, I get frustrated with Jason too, but bashing him or the sanctioning body does nothing to help save it. Quite the opposite in my opinion. Neither owner since I have been shooting it has had the infrastructure ARA has, either before the sale to Eley, or prior to that. Probably never will because the revenue is not there, but that's the standard IR is compared to.

100 years from now all this will have the same importance that rifle matches 100 years ago have today.
John, although you and I disagree on several things, the above is not one of them! 100 years from now we will all be in an urn or feeding the ground worms.

Your statement. "Although I never did it, I am sure my course of action got better results than posting my concerns on a forum."

Tony, I have never advised anyone here, or elsewhere, to post gripes about a sanctioning body on a forum. It does NOTHING except promote more dissent amongst the ranks. My 'advise' as you have said I never tried for myself is because I know it doesn't work, especially in the content being discussed here. The proper place for those gripes is with the source. Believe me, I have griped a lot, even before becoming a MD but not on a public forum. And I have had disappointment, but I have also had some successes. I would have had nothing more than what you have gotten posting here if I had followed the gripe on a forum path.

Now I know over the last season you came to this board to promote clubs in your area for IR shoots. That is positive support that hopefully helps participation, especially coming from the current HOF points leader. Bashing or speaking of issues on a forum about how bad things are is nothing but negative. When it comes from that same HOF leader, it carries a certain impact that does not help the game you love to shoot. Counter productive, period. Please explain how that helps save the sanctioning body, or help it do better? Also, I understand exactly why you are upset about the loss of history on the IR site. Perhaps in the future that can be recovered, but have not talked to Jason about that. I too, would like to see that come back, but truly believe that there are other issues that need correcting first.

I am adding a club to IR 3-gun. I am also coaching shooters who shot UL at the one club to help with a change over and will be offering a competitive setup for shooters who want to try it. I do have a new guy to IR that will be taking advantage of the equipment offer this coming season for some matches. I had no one take up that offer last year. Did I get discouraged and B**** about it? No, I stayed positive and took other avenues, including polling the IR guys in Iowa and Illinois to see if another IR 3-gun would see participation. It was received very well. I will also continue to stay in touch with Jason to help support him and IR even when he frustrates the hell out me sometimes! It is no secret that IR could be bought. Do I think someone else would pay more attention to it than is happening now, maybe. The bottom line is this though, if we don't band together and try to help it survive, there won't be a sanctioning body to sell or save. Posting negative opinions on a public forum does nothing to help this situation at all.

I challenge all of those that love shooting their Sporter and 3-gun matches to find ways they can help, even though it can be frustrating at times, instead of only griping about things in a place that gives no help to the cause.

"Battered wife syndrome" comes to mind.
"Battered wife syndrome" comes to mind.

You may be right. When you are abused and neglected and afraid to speak of it publicly you could call it that.

Scott, my post simply mentioned that the website wasn’t working correctly and not a lot of the 2024 schedule had been posted. I don’t think that was bad mouthing IR 50/50. Criticism yes, bad mouthing no.

You seem extremely sensitive to any criticism of IR 50/50. On the off chance you are about to become the new owner please know I will help in anyway I can.
