Interesting Day With A Scope At The Range

Another fly in the ointment. I received an e-mail yesterday that Nightforce is bringing out a new scope for short range benchrest. A fixed power 42X that weighs 20 ounces. On their web site, it's listed under the competition model. I bought a NF competition scope last year that I've been very impressed with it optically. Haven't decided yet on holding point of impact. IMO holding point of impact is the top priority of a benchrest scope. Figure lots of good barrels have been removed because of scopes not holding point of impact.

Mike, did you get any info on pricing yet? I did a quick Google search and ended up with roughly $2400 and this just does not feel right.
they wear out. The erector tube sliding back and forth with little springs to return it to position just can't be a long term item. I have had issues over the years with various BR components....barrels, triggers once in a while, but the most vexing issues have been with scopes.

If you happen to get a good March for 3K and it gives you 5 years of really dependable service, that's only 600 a year...not much more than 1000 bullets and the powder to drive them. Put that way, perhaps I should go shopping for a March...after I do my taxes. :eek:

For those of us who own March scopes that are over five(5) years old,and out of warranty. If you suspect that your March scope is the weak link, Wouldn't it make sense to send it back to Japan and let the designers fix the wear and tear. The out of pocket repair/refurbish would be cheaper than buying a brand new March scope. The turn around time(Japan and back) was about three weeks, the last time I sent one back.

I haven't noticed a problem with my two March scopes. That doesn't mean that I don't have one.

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Jackie, you have me curious as to what you are thinking after this test. My first thought was the non adjustable scope in non adjustable rings look and sound very stable and seem to shoot very well. The problem is to get mounts that are shim able enough to get a close point of impact to point of aim that would work in group shooting. Some barrels would give enough change in impact when changed to give you a reason to redo a new set of rings. Maybe a set of Burris style rings with the offset inserts that allows for windage as well as vertical adjustments would work.

I don,t think you have to send them back to Japan for a repair on a March scope. I think I read a article that had sent some to Japan to learn how to repair the March scope. And the repairs could be done in the USA. I will check with tomorrow and post my findings.


I don,t think you have to send them back to Japan for a repair on a March scope. I think I read a article that had sent some to Japan to learn how to repair the March scope. And the repairs could be done in the USA. I will check with tomorrow and post my findings.


Your inquiry is certainly appreciated John. I wasn't aware that the repairs could be performed here in the US. I was of the impression that all repairs requiring disassembly of the scope were performed at the DEON OPTICS factory in Japan. Let us know what you find out.

I'm curious.

Old school external adjustable rings by Lee Six. There is still a record on the books that was shot with these


  • Lee Six external adjustable rings 003.jpg
    Lee Six external adjustable rings 003.jpg
    23.7 KB · Views: 359
Alan hall showed up one time with a set of rings resembling those one time. Biggest group i ever saw a 220 russian shoot. He just laughed as he took em off, put on some davidson bases and lined it right out. Those and a set of the ultralight rings he sold for a while are the only 2 rings i actually saw double a group size. I still have a set for a reminder.
Mike, did you get any info on pricing yet? I did a quick Google search and ended up with roughly $2400 and this just does not feel right.

The e-mail from Nightforce was just announcing the new scope. Nightforce 42x44No pricing listed. The competition scope that is selling for a little over $2300 is the 15-55X variable model. Found a pricing for it. $1795 retail which is where NF requires all their dealers to sell.
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Some March repairs can be made here. If it is internal it has to be sent back to Japan. That was the answer I got. Sorry bout the mix up.


Some March repairs can be made here. If it is internal it has to be sent back to Japan. That was the answer I got. Sorry bout the mix up.


John..thanks for the info. No mix up at all. I'll call and find out exactly what repairs can be made here in the US. Just in case I need a fix,


Thanks Glen, I,m not sure if the lady I spoke to was really sure about the answer she gave me. Hope you get a better answer than I did. Not a knock on the lady I spoke to. Just some times people in customer service don,t have all the answers.

Another story about customer service. I called a large restaurants customer service number to inquire about gluten free hamburger buns. She had no idea what gluten free buns were or are. Just another story.

Please let us know what you find out Glen. As I,m sure it won,t be the same as mine.

I hear ya John. Except for replacing the aluminum caps on the windage adjustment and focus knobs, I dont know what other external repairs could be made to a one piece aluminum tube without specialized equipment. The caps would be a replacement not a repair. I'll call tomorrow and share my findings.

Take care and thanks again.

Alan hall showed up one time with a set of rings resembling those one time. Biggest group i ever saw a 220 russian shoot. He just laughed as he took em off, put on some davidson bases and lined it right out. Those and a set of the ultralight rings he sold for a while are the only 2 rings i actually saw double a group size. I still have a set for a reminder.

CCBW, remember when Allen showed up with his first set of the super light weight rings and put them on one of your rifles? How did they work out? I still have a set somewhere but never did use them. The set of 2 probably weighed less than 1/2 oz.

Dennis Thornbury shot his HV 200 yard five shot agg. record back in '96 using a set of those rings. I have not had any problem with mine. I put them on to get the height, and kind of like the scope up there. There are some things that need paying attention to as far as tightness goes, so I check them from time to time, and have never seen any accuracy problem comparing to more ordinary rings.
Those rings were pretty good until Allen "fixed" them. I found the resulting set while browsing this pile of, preparing for the club match this weekend at Riverbend. If I can get those flag stands I stole from Douglas Barrels freed up I'm good to go....I hope.
A couple of our RF shooters Have Vldadas

I shot a rifle with one of them on it a couple of years back and liked it a lot. Very good glass.

Dennis Thornbury shot his HV 200 yard five shot agg. record back in '96 using a set of those rings. I have not had any problem with mine. I put them on to get the height, and kind of like the scope up there. There are some things that need paying attention to as far as tightness goes, so I check them from time to time, and have never seen any accuracy problem comparing to more ordinary rings.

I like em as high as possible myself. Keeps me off the stock