Illinois Concealed Carry

Jay Cutright

New member
I opened my mail box Monday and found out I was one of the first 5000 residents to get a concealed carry permit. I stuck it in my pocket and never thought much more about it.
Tuesday I showed it to a couple fellars at the VFW and told them I hadn't tried it out yet but it was good to know that the handgun that had been stashed away in every truck I owned for over 2 decades was now legal.
Today I visited our states capitol. After taking care of some personal business I headed down to Scheels Sporting Goods and while I was there I started looking for a good concealment holster for my GLOCK.
I paid for the empty box and walked out of there with a new Galco inside the pants holster already hooked over my belt. I slipped my trusty GLOCK in my new holster and headed towards one of my favorite astablishments to see a few friends while I was in town.
I parked my truck and placed my GLOCK back in the Illinois legal handgun case and stashed it out of sight to comply with Illinois law as I was headed for supper in an astablishment that might serve more alcohol than food. I cut through a dark alley and as I approached the street where I was headed I saw ambulances sitting idle on each side of the street a few blocks away from the capitol. I asked the driver, I said you guys already on stand by for the St. Patricks Day celebration? He told me that they always spend their Friday and Saturday night shifts on standby in that alley. As I walked away he told me "be safe tonight".
Later upon returning to my truck I slipped that Glock back in the holster and headed out of town, I had 2½ hours of driving time to start getting used to the feel of the textured grip as it pressed into my skin under my shirt. I drove into the town of Decatur right at 0 dark thirty I decided to pull into a convenience store for coffee. I still had another hour and a half driving on flat land to reach my home on the eastern side of "Southern Illinois".
I stood there filling my coffee cup and looked around to see what was coming through the door and at the cashier standing behind bullet proof glass and thought... it sure feels good to feel safe in Illinois tonight.

It feels good to have freedom in Illinois tonight!
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Think about that situation Jay. You, yes YOU, are now registered. Doesn't make a difference if you actually own a gun or not. You are registered!!

The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution says I have the right to KEEP and BEAR arms! I'll go with that till they "pry my cold dead hands...."

Tennessee does not have "open carry" and we are working on that. The State Legislature just passed a law to allow selling wine everywhere but no "open carry" yet. Wish I could move back to Virginia where "open carry" is legal!!
I think they pretty much know who has guns or not. I don't think it matters if you are registered or not. They listen to you on the phone and monitor and track your computer so they all ready know. I am glad they passed it for you Jay. Now at least you can feel safer. Matt
Think about that situation Jay. You, yes YOU, are now registered. Doesn't make a difference if you actually own a gun or not. You are registered!!

The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution says I have the right to KEEP and BEAR arms! I'll go with that till they "pry my cold dead hands...."

Tennessee does not have "open carry" and we are working on that. The State Legislature just passed a law to allow selling wine everywhere but no "open carry" yet. Wish I could move back to Virginia where "open carry" is legal!!

We have had open carry in WI. for decades. Problem is, if anyone sees you wearing one, they call the cops and when they arrive, they give you the third degree, ask you to remove your weapon, examine it and then it makes the newspaper here the next day. Last year there was a fella on his own front porch here wearing one. They had his photo on the front page along with the cops ( on this guys porch) making him look bad.
Jay glad to hear you feel safe. But you know what ticks me off the most is I've had a concealed carry here in New York State since 1969, but need a permit for every other state in the country. But my son being a deputy can carry anywhere with his badge. Why do we give them that right but not ourselves. This is all screwed up, the government should not be the ones giving us the right to have what we want, if we are a free people we should be able to own what we want.

Joe Salt
Yes, maybe someday we will have the right to carry anywhere at any time, as responsible adults it should be up to us to decide.
I have been a registered gun owner ever since I sent in for my very first Illinois Firearm Owners Identification card. aka a F.O.I.D. card. It's not a good thing to live with. I think felony registration cards make more since. Why should the gun owners be forced to register themselves to exercise thier birth right?
Having to go through the back ground checks and finger printing to get another card for concealed carry is well worth the privilege to be able to do it compared to being deprived of the right altogether. That is what we faced here in Illinois until the NRA won the suite against Illinois last year.
Let me tell something, I'm an Enlife member of the NRA. If it wasn't for the NRA, these pinko-commie B#$$### would have all our guns by now! So when someone says something bad about the NRA watch out, because you don't want to go there with me. I know they're not going to please everyone. It just like any other club you may be part of, not everyone sees eye to eye. So we have to tell our government, go by the Constitution or you're fired. Haven't heard congress tell Obama that yet!

Joe Salt
I'm a life member too. I wish every armed citizen in Illinois would join to support the organization that supported us. We never would've gotten concealed carry without the NRA.
PLUS 1 for the NRA. I live in Illinois also, we have had to have a FOID card for 30 plus years. With that info they can come knock on the door. My application is in the loop, hope to be legal soon.
I have always said I would rather me judged by a jury of 12 than be carried by 6. I don't post hardly at all but this is important to me and the law bidding people of the state. It's about time.

C.C Laws

I'm a life member too. I wish every armed citizen in Illinois would join to support the organization that supported us. We never would've gotten concealed carry without the NRA.

This concealed carry thing is way outa hand...... different laws for each state/city/ many permits does a fella need to travel in the 50 US states..... it`s (permit ) is nothing but a revenue generator for the crooks in office.....
This concealed carry thing is way outa hand...... different laws for each state/city/ many permits does a fella need to travel in the 50 US states..... it`s (permit ) is nothing but a revenue generator for the crooks in office.....

Get use to it! With the chances of a Democrat President in the oval office for as far as the eye can see, it wil never happen. We will always be too busy fighting those Democrat b**tards just to keep what we have.....never mind an expansion of our rights.
I would think for someone like myself that has been fingerprinted, mental checked, and background checked, and has had a permit for 45 years that I should be trusted to even carry in New York City! But no way they still make me get background checked every five years and make me pay for it. And when I got the dam thing it was a life time license. Everything is about extorting money from us. I think the next thing on the agenda is there going to charge you a fee either every five years or every year for each gun you own! When we going to say enough?

Joe Salt
I'm originally from Illinois, but now live blissfully in the south. I'm an NRA Life Member, and hold a CCW License in my state. I'm planning a trip up north to shoot pistols with a couple of old friends, and according to the State Police website I will have to lock my guns up like I was transporting a criminal just to cross state lines. Ridiculous I tell ya.
I suppose y'all are OK with the fact that cheap cigarettes are $60 a carton.......and would vote to make them $100.

Oh yeah, I forgot....cigarettes aren't mentioned in the Bill of Rights....nevermind!
question for Jay

I parked my truck and placed my GLOCK back in the Illinois legal handgun case and stashed it out of sight to comply with Illinois law

Jay- The above is a cut and paste from your original post, can you explain what a "legal handgun case" is? And can you carry in your coat pocket while in a car or truck? Must the hadgun be concealed?

I used the term Illinois legal handgun case because in Illinois when we transport a firearm they have to be enclosed in a case. (Soft case, hard case doesn't matter jhst has to be in it.)
I made the point to say that I was following Illinois law of leaving my handgun in the truck because I wasn't sure if the joint I was going to made more than 50% of its profits from food or alcohol. We cannot carry into an astablishment that makes more than 50% of its profits from the sale of alcohol.
It was a clean place with good food within a few blocks of the state Capitol but as I told in my post there's enough activity to warrant ambulances on stand-by every weekend.
So think about what I had to do in order to be there, surrender my means of protection and walk from the parking area to the pub and back in order to be certain that I wouldn't be in violation of the law.
Or call them up and ask about their profits because intend to bring a weapon into thier premises.

Now that I have my concealed carry permit I can have a weapon on or about me in the vehicle as long as it is concealed. My hunting gun still has to be in a case to be transported. The situation of being in a prohibited area requires me to leave the weapon in my vehicle concealed in a case out of plain view. This encludes glove box, console and even gives a provision to carry directly around the vehicle to allow placing the weapon in the trunk.

The double wammy on the area I was walking into was that it was the first night of the scheduled St.Patriks weekend celabration even though nothing was going on and no vendors were setting up it was still one of the scheduled days of the event.
Illinois concealed carry laws prohibit carry into the area of a special event open to the public that requires the issuance of a permit from the local unit of government. I couldn't carry to get to my destination even if the pub was not prohibited.
There's a lot to learn about where and when we can carry here. There's also a lot of ways to be in violation.

I suppose y'all are OK with the fact that cheap cigarettes are $60 a carton.......and would vote to make them $100.
Oh yeah, I forgot....cigarettes aren't mentioned in the Bill of Rights....nevermind!

Yeah, and cheap beer costs too much too...and every single time I buy some I have to show my driver's license even though the clerk knows me and I was 21 about 50 years ago!