Illinois Concealed Carry

Jay like Obama says I only pay attention to law I care about, I even carry mine to church, Never know when a christian hating Muslim will come in with an AR! If You're not waving it around who will know.

Joe Salt
LOL!! I hear ya Joe. A new carry rig the first week with a permit and in a beer joint all at the same time, it was real easy to stay legal this time.

I wasn't anywhere I havent ever been before. I've covered a lot of territory unarmed and survived.

It's nice to know some liberty has been given back to the people in this state and I needed to wind down from the drive home so I thought I'd post about it.
The recent comment about a legal case to put your firearm in the state of Illinois . It is legal in the state of Illinois to carry your firearm in the console of you long as the magazine is separate from the pistol. The console does not have to be lockable , just a cover that shuts. This was explained to me by two instructors at two different classes. I know that it would be nice to have the firearm at the ready when needed, but I'm thinking that this is better than locked in a case in the backseat . I am just relaying what was explained . Ballard Shooter
They sure are hypocrites, voter ID not supported by liberals, but to legally carry a gun, and you get FBI check up and have to keep photo ID and pay a fee. How about a fee to vote....
I'm sure glad I live in Indiana instead of Illinois. I lived for a few years as a child in Illinois and remember my day varmit hunting back then 60's. I love Illinois as much as my home state, until you get to far north.

Indiana keeps relaxing guns laws and except for the Gary area (chicago) and a couple of others, sherriff's are unanimous in the support of gun ownership. We can now have guns in our vehicles on school property again. We have lifetime concealled carry permits. But of course, we have a Republican governor and congress.

Yes here in NEW YORK STATE Our Lifetime concealed has been taken away, now every five years you have to have a background check and pay $25 to have it done. All about getting in your pocket! They won't deal with the problem.

Joe Sat