IBS and Precision Shooting Magazine

Since 1970, the IBS has used Precision Shooting magazine as it official publication; the magazine ceased printing effective November 2012. Obviously, this situation is not of our making yet we have to deal with it nevertheless. As a result of PS's apparent demise, the IBS must seek another way to keep its membership informed. The Executive Board met via teleconference on November 15, 2012 and voted to put the issue to the membership.

Agenda item ballots will be mailed on or about November 28th and will also include a simple survey form. Members will be asked to register their preference for one of two options. Those options are: integrate IBS information and match reports into Precision Rifleman (the new NBRSA magazine), which will require a dues increase to $60; OR use the current IBS website-with enhancements-as the way to communicate with members. The latter option will result in a reduction in dues by 20% to 40%.

All ballots and surveys must be postmarked by January 1, 2013-I encourage ALL members to respond. The Executive Board will make a final decision on January 12th.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
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So no magazine for a slight decrease in membership or a Slight increase to have a magazine? Jeff, I think we need to know real numbers as best possible instead of your post. Give us a real figure both ways instead of increase and reduction for no PS. Not jumping on you, just need better info.
Butch, the numbers are in there. $60 with PR magazine. If we go web site it will be $30-$40 depending on what it costs us to bring in a web consultant to make some structural improvements to the web site. My guess for the latter is $30-$35 without magazine. I am not sure $5 is going to sway a person either way.

I know that you have a lot on your plate. I have been a member for a couple years. I liked the mag. even as lacking as it has been for the last few years. Just wanting to know what it will be like later.
I wonder how many IBS members are without internet access, either because they do not have the technological or monetary means?
In Maine, I know some of our regular shooters do not have a computer. Randy J.
Internet would be the way to go, print medium is on its way out. These days most publications including Newsweek have all gone to an Internet format.

Ed, what about people that don't have internet? They have to pay for a service they can not receive?..... jim
Good Lord.
In this day and age everyone has some way of accessing the internet if they try..........
But then there are always those who want a free lunch also.

Some don't want anything to do with the Internet or computers. We can't dismiss them. The few there are could be catered to via mail.
Some don't want anything to do with the Internet or computers. We can't dismiss them. The few there are could be catered to via mail.

These few can be dismissed. Won't hurt their feelings one bit. It's the right time to make the transition but do it right. Likely, reducing the membership dues isn't a good idea for the moment. Website maintenance to the extent needed is expensive. You get what you pay for.
These few can be dismissed. Won't hurt their feelings one bit. It's the right time to make the transition but do it right. Likely, reducing the membership dues isn't a good idea for the moment. Website maintenance to the extent needed is expensive. You get what you pay for.

I think Wilbur makes a very good point . Keep the dues the same and enhance the current website and update it weekly with match information and results.
most members who wish to access the internet do so here, pay wilbur 1000 per month to use a forum on this site and pay someone 500 a month to put stuff on it there done, at 18g a year (need a coffee break not as I want ot be a union employee and must exercise)

the new NBRSA mag nice but not worth what they are paying for it, the results could be placed on the net for much less, the era of framing the results has passed (or at least my winning so I could frame them has passed)

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The cost of producing a magazine worth the paper it's written on would buy one helluva website.

Incidentally, I've "almost been there" countless times with such a website and have a pretty good idea of what's required to make it happen. I'll help any way I can for the asking. Pretty much, it needs a CMS backdrop for the semi-static information and database driven content for the dynamic stuff like match results.

The current IBS website is pretty good!
These few can be dismissed. Won't hurt their feelings one bit. It's the right time to make the transition but do it right. Likely, reducing the membership dues isn't a good idea for the moment. Website maintenance to the extent needed is expensive. You get what you pay for.

Curmudgeon! Grouch! Then again you may be right...depending on who the few are?
Curmudgeon! Grouch! Then again you may be right...depending on who the few are?

I'm sure you're on the money with the "depending" disclaimer.

Years ago, when new browser versions and PC architecture were almost a daily occurrence, I fretted about those that would be left behind if we changed web pages to the latest greatest. My son Elmer and I fought constantly as his thoughts were along the lines of not waiting on anybody. As far as I can tell he was right - which makes me wrong and I hate it when that happens.
I'm sure you're on the money with the "depending" disclaimer.
. My son Elmer and I fought constantly as his thoughts were along the lines of not waiting on anybody. As far as I can tell he was right - which makes me wrong and I hate it when that happens.

You're amongst the many on that feeling!
I think do the website. Keep the dues the same and use the difference in cost to be used to prompte BR/IBS and to offset future cost increases that are sure to come. Twenty dollars will not likely make or break someone for a year, but if it is used with a thought to the future of the sprot or IBS then if it is used wisely the funds could make a difference in the sport.
All of this could be done fairly simply, if all match directors would simply scan their results, and equipment lists, and instead of saving as PDFs or documents, saved them as JPEGs (pictures). This allows them to be uploaded to FREE photo hosting web sites, that will provide links to the files, as well as any accompanying pictures, which can be organized into an album for that match. These links can simply be emailed to all the members, and the documents and pictures saved on their computers, if they like, as well as being posted on the IBS web site. Of course copies of the files should be archived in case there is a problem with the hosting site. You guys need to put your check books back in your pockets, and use what is available for free, except for paying someone to organize the albums and email the links, which should take a minimum of effort.

The key is to get all of the match directors set up so that they can provide the needed files in a timely manner. While PDFs and documents can be converted, it is easier to simply save the scans as JPEGs (pictures) in the first place.
PDFs contain searchable data. Images do not. Finding so & so when there is 100 people at a match can be hard. Equipment lists. Lots of reasons to have searchable data, at least, at some point. I'm assuming people want more than a list of winners? If not, what is the IBS role, anyway? The hosting club can post an image...