I like these prices

Chism G

Active member
I had to stop and top off the tank in my old Ford F-250 Diesel. It only held 3 gallons. Couldn't resist.
No telling how much longer we'll be seeing these prices around here.


Yeah...I can't figure what's going on there. Even i know that we'll pay twice that without blinking.
There is a double edge sword to these cheap gas prices.

In parts of the Country that depend on Fossil Fuel Energy as a source of income, layoffs are becoming severe.

It does no good to have cheap gas if you don't have a job.
At the other end of the spectrum.....When gas was pushing $5 a gallon, some people were having to choose between putting gas in the car to go to work or buy groceries for the family.

Yeah...I can't figure what's going on there. Even i know that we'll pay twice that without blinking.

Huge battle between Saudi's and Iranian's over controlling market positions for crude oil, along with the desire to bankrupt competing fracking supply operations.
There is a double edge sword to these cheap gas prices.

In parts of the Country that depend on Fossil Fuel Energy as a source of income, layoffs are becoming severe.

It does no good to have cheap gas if you don't have a job.

You are so, so correct.. We should protect our country and not import gas. It has driven the price of calves by one half here in Florida, not good for the cow calf business. Of course gas at too high a price is not good either. A very tough subject economics.
Bargain shopper

I bought Diesel when it was almost $5.00 a gallon. My Truck gets about 16 miles per gallon in town. At the price in the photo,it pays at the pump. The extra $3.00 saved, will go towards the expense of shooting Benchrest.

I bought Diesel when it was almost $5.00 a gallon. My Truck gets about 16 miles per gallon in town. At the price in the photo,it pays at the pump. The extra $3.00 saved, will go towards the expense of shooting Benchrest.


Glenn, I remember pulling my 5th wheeler to Phoenix and back when diesel was at that price. My truck was getting about 6.5 miles mpg. I was stopping for fuel so often it felt like I was getting 6.5 gallons per mile. My credit card bills looked like it too.
A friend of mine lives in the country. He got broke into twice last week.
He says the cheap gas has dramatically increased the number of people
driving around looking for places to burglarize.
Interesting theory, I don't know what to make of it.
Huge battle between Saudi's and Iranian's over controlling market positions for crude oil, along with the desire to bankrupt competing fracking supply operations.

If you read international news, not this communist stuff we have here now, you will find opinions that the reasoning for this low oil is to hurt the Russian economy. After all Putin is working hard to bring Christianity back to Russia. Meanwhile here, the "powers that are" are working hard to destroy Christianity in the US.

If you read authentic history of the time you will find out the Bolshevik communists destroyed some 155,000 Christian (Russian Orthodox) churches and murdered their ministers in the 1919-1922 period. From that time to the Russian Putin era the Russian (Soviet) empire has been atheistic. "Secular" is the new PC term they use.

Had FDR not come along and aided Stalin/Lenin/Trotsky during the 1934-1945 period with some 400,000 trucks, some 42,000 warplanes,,etc . the iron boot of the Soviet would have fallen before WW II.

Just for starters, You can read these on line or order a hardcopy from Amazon/



Law Of Supply and demand

Jerry...Thanks for the History lesson. If you want to hide something from the General Public,...all you gotta do is put it in a Book,Newsletter,etc.

I remember taking a class in economics when I was in High School. That was a long time ago. My instructor, Mr Fenstermaker, constantly reminded us that the most important thing about Economics is the Law Of Supply and demand. That lesson didn't seem to matter much back in those days. When I see the current drop in gas prices, I blame it on that basic economic principle.

It's been said that we forget 90 percent of what we learn in school. I think about that every time I have to see a Doctor and hope its not true.:D

I heard about those prices. Gas war over in Houghton Lake. Never thought I'd be seeing gas wars again.

Memories...back in the day, I used to throw my compound bow in Valerons Lear 35 and head to Houghton Lake to deer hunt. Valeron had an about 1,500 acre spread of hunting cabins and Mackintosh apple trees...and deer. Andy, do you know if this place still exists?

Jerry, I can't say for sure if it still exists, but I'm inclined to think it isn't. Back in the day there were numerous deer camp/hunting lodges in the area and none of them are still in operation.
Back in the day..so to speak..

I bought a small motorhome (camper it was) for me and my buddy Mark to travel to shootin' matches. We enjoyed it no end. Mark basically kept it running but I bought some tires at a junkyard after we drove through all those nails at Charlotte. We liked it a lot but one day we figured up what it cost as opposed to driving that old Dodge Caravan and staying in a motel. At that moment, it was really close. In some places, the camper was cheaper while in others the Caravan was cheaper. The difference, of course, was the cost of gasoline, distance traveled and how many days were involved. I can't imagine why some of y'all insist on the camper/motorhome deal but that's just me..."never had enough money" me.

I'll ask a question because I don't know the answer. How many of y'all wouldn't go to a whole weekend match if you couldn't take your motorhome? Another quick question - is "motorhome" one word or two?
I bought a small motorhome (camper it was) for me and my buddy Mark to travel to shootin' matches. We enjoyed it no end. Mark basically kept it running but I bought some tires at a junkyard after we drove through all those nails at Charlotte. We liked it a lot but one day we figured up what it cost as opposed to driving that old Dodge Caravan and staying in a motel. At that moment, it was really close. In some places, the camper was cheaper while in others the Caravan was cheaper. The difference, of course, was the cost of gasoline, distance traveled and how many days were involved. I can't imagine why some of y'all insist on the camper/motorhome deal but that's just me..."never had enough money" me.

I'll ask a question because I don't know the answer. How many of y'all wouldn't go to a whole weekend match if you couldn't take your motorhome? Another quick question - is "motorhome" one word or two?

Motor home, motor home....both even in the same sentence.

At 6.5 MPG and $4.12/gal it was expensive but all my junk would not fit in a van. 3 front rests, 7 rear bags...just for starters.

Stay in a nasty motel, nah!

I bought a small motorhome (camper it was) for me and my buddy Mark to travel to shootin' matches. We enjoyed it no end. Mark basically kept it running but I bought some tires at a junkyard after we drove through all those nails at Charlotte. We liked it a lot but one day we figured up what it cost as opposed to driving that old Dodge Caravan and staying in a motel. At that moment, it was really close. In some places, the camper was cheaper while in others the Caravan was cheaper. The difference, of course, was the cost of gasoline, distance traveled and how many days were involved. I can't imagine why some of y'all insist on the camper/motorhome deal but that's just me..."never had enough money" me.

I'll ask a question because I don't know the answer. How many of y'all wouldn't go to a whole weekend match if you couldn't take your motorhome? Another quick question - is "motorhome" one word or two?

Wilbur, I think the general consensus is it's one word, Motorhome.

Some of the upper end Diesel Pushers are called a Motor Coach, two words. I suppose because it sounds more expensive.

I have had three, two gassers and the Monaco Diesel Pusher I have had since 2002.

My best advice to anyone about Motorhomes is,.......make sure you REALLY want one. The things depreciate like a boulder falling off a cliff, and always need something done.

My wife uses ours more than I do now. I would just as soon stay in a hotel now.
Low prices

The problem that comes with these prices is the cost of jobs lost, One company alone chopped 10,000 more a week ago for a total of 34,000 cuts... one company alone. Going to be a lot of families not able to pay for fuel no matter how low it goes!
low gas

If you had money invested in the stock market you've lost more on it than youll get back in gas prices. Unless you drive a hell of alot. The market goes down when prices get too high or too low.