I like these prices

If you read international news, not this communist stuff we have here now, you will find opinions that the reasoning for this low oil is to hurt the Russian economy. After all Putin is working hard to bring Christianity back to Russia. Meanwhile here, the "powers that are" are working hard to destroy Christianity in the US.

If you read authentic history of the time you will find out the Bolshevik communists destroyed some 155,000 Christian (Russian Orthodox) churches and murdered their ministers in the 1919-1922 period. From that time to the Russian Putin era the Russian (Soviet) empire has been atheistic. "Secular" is the new PC term they use.

Had FDR not come along and aided Stalin/Lenin/Trotsky during the 1934-1945 period with some 400,000 trucks, some 42,000 warplanes,,etc . the iron boot of the Soviet would have fallen before WW II.

Just for starters, You can read these on line or order a hardcopy from Amazon/




Interesting, however not particularly accurate.
First off the Saudis and Russia are dating again and although this is painful to Russia, Saudi Arabia is talking about a major arms deal to cushion the blow, especially after our fearless leader embarassed them by backing away from a joint effort on Syria that they learned about on the news rather than gettin a heads up from that useless Easter Island head secretary Kerry.
They continue to pump and deflate prices primarily aimed squarly at the US energy effort, much of which is fairly highly levered. A lot of US energy debt has dropped like a stone and there will be "some" defaults and a lot of restructuring.
It won't stop it but it sure will slow it the hell down.
This is why big bank stocks have been down...... Everybody is worried who might have too much energy debt exposure.
These low oil prices just caused a major job provider to let go every employee in the state except 11 for now. The current administration's policies toward drilling and fracking have caused one of my house's value to get cut in half overnite last week. SWN energy is the company. Usually i watch the railroad- its a precursor to whats to come in the economy. Im one of the hundreds laid off from union pacific just in little rock. Check their stock price over the last year.
These low oil prices just caused a major job provider to let go every employee in the state except 11 for now. The current administration's policies toward drilling and fracking have caused one of my house's value to get cut in half overnite last week. SWN energy is the company. Usually i watch the railroad- its a precursor to whats to come in the economy. Im one of the hundreds laid off from union pacific just in little rock. Check their stock price over the last year.

No love for BHO but unfortunately it's not them. A colapse in global energy prices and commodity prices. Usually moved by rail, it ain't pretty.
There is another side to it.

Since oil is so cheap, major chemical companies and other manufacturers that use a lot of crude in the manufacturing of other non energy related products are booming. Our major customers, the Tow Boat And Barge Transportation Companies, are busy as ever.

If that traffic starts to wain, and they start tieing up boats, that is when things will get really bad.

We have had quite a few people coming by our shop since the New Year looking for work. I go by the assumption that the bottom can fall out at any time. I remember that big recession of the early 1980's that devastated the Marine Industry. It seems nobody knew what happenned, or knew how to keep it from happening again. It was like someone walked into a room, saw a big switch, and reached up and turned everything off.
I'm waiting for the price of bullets and powder to go down, I was told the prices were high because the price of gas! So make up my mined what way we going.

Joe Salt
That is a funny one joe...some one was full of it!

On basically fixed income, prices going down is a good thing.

You want to invest ? invest in true prescious metals...BUY GUNS.
Once a month buy a new name brand gun and put it away in the box.
When was the last time you saw gun prices go down ?
When you retire, sell them when you need cash...no taxes!,
Tthe only winners in the stack market are the commisioned emplyees.
Wait till its time to go shooting, the prices will double again. But doesn't it make scents the more gallons of gas, that you sell you would still be making money. Its like going into two different Gun Shops one wants $30 a pound for powder and the other wants $25 Who will sell the most powder?

Joe Salt