Got my second dose

There are

The common cold is caused by a Coronavirus.
It is very unstable.
Looks like Covid19 might be similar.

more than 200 viri that cause the "common cold". A virus mutates, just like us and all the other species in existence. Viri just do it much faster, like insects.
As FDR once said

There is nothing to fear but fear itself. There have been millions of people vaccinated now and no widespread deaths associated with the vaccine. Having received all the vaccines I did when I was in the military, I have never been reluctant to keep receiving it. I'm 76 and still telling the story. Go get the vaccine.

Got my second dose of the Moderna this morning. No reaction so far, but I'm taking Monday off just in case (and for my anniversary too).

Big article by some Doc in the WSJ the other day saying that the infection rate in the U.S. is likely around 75 percent now due to asymptomatic cases, and that, plus all the vaccinations should pretty well knock the virus way down by April. I hope he's right. I want to go out to eat for my birthday (late May).

My work tells me that we're never going back to the office. That's a real hit because that's where most of my friends are. I told them I'll probably retire on August 31. There's not much satisfaction in the work anymore. Besides, I've got a lot of shooting to do.
We never stopped

going out to eat and seemed to have walked through the pandemic so far. We wear masks coming and going but once seated, take our masks off and enjoy. I should have immunity in another week according to what I've read and been told; 98. something percent they say. I competed most of last summer without using a mask when shooting and most of the time at matches without issue. I'm pleased to be where I'm at.

So, I felt pretty good all day yesterday but got up in the night to pee and hurt all over. Finally had to take two extra-strength Tylenol to get back to sleep. This morning, had two more rounds of that plus an Aleve and felt good enough for a two mile walk. When I got back, I started fooling with seating depth measurements in my .264 Win Mag. I guess bending over the gun didn't suit my back and it started to seize up and hurt a lot. A nap and a hot shower fixed that mostly. I feel mostly OK now, but I'll keep the Tylenol handy.

So, the other day, our 'leader' told us that 500,000 have passed from complications from Covid. EVERY YEAR 650,000 people die from heart disease. What's the big deal??? Shut down the economy, close schools for a year, and spend money that our grandchildren cannot possibly payoff. what is the upside to this???
covid shot

Got my 2nd. shot yesterday. Feel a little draggy but o.k. It got an old friend of mine. He had a weak heart. I think if youve got something wrong with ya, it will finish you off. So being a cripple, I aint takin no chances. Doug
Youd likely feel different

So, the other day, our 'leader' told us that 500,000 have passed from complications from Covid. EVERY YEAR 650,000 people die from heart disease. What's the big deal??? Shut down the economy, close schools for a year, and spend money that our grandchildren cannot possibly payoff. what is the upside to this???

if someone close to you morted from it. It's a real for sure killer but only 10 percent or so; the very old and minorities make up the bulk of those who die from it. I'm sure you've heard all of that before. Likely the same number will die from Heart disease again this year and I don't think their numbers are correct for Covid 19 but it will and does kill some people.

Got my second Pfizer dose and got sicker than the first time. Three days later back to my normal POST COVID level, so I still have some residual problems from having had COVID, but it didn't kill me. Alive to Shoot Another Day!

Well, I have had both

One of the Gatlins was on FOX this morning. Tested positive after his second shot.

My Spousal Alternative hasn't had any and she didn't contract Covid from me, as yet anyway and it's been about three weeks since my second shot. Wonder if people who have had a flu shot would test posative after having received a vaccination?

My Spousal Alternative hasn't had any and she didn't contract Covid from me, as yet anyway and it's been about three weeks since my second shot. Wonder if people who have had a flu shot would test posative after having received a vaccination?


Not in my case Pete.
I took my first shot Thursday. Even though I have had Covid, I took the vaccine on advice from my family physician.

No ill affects.
My Spousal Alternative hasn't had any and she didn't contract Covid from me, as yet anyway and it's been about three weeks since my second shot. Wonder if people who have had a flu shot would test posative after having received a vaccination?


It depends on what the test is looking for.

It you are testing for the presence of the
virus it should be negative.

If you test for antibodies to the virus and
the immunization worked the test should be positive.
The trick with immunization is to get the body to
produce antibodies to aid in fighting off the virus.

Small pox was a funny one.
Milk and horse 'maids' never got small pox.
Jenner realized they had been exposed to cow pox or horse pox.
Both of these elicited an antibody response that was effective
against smallpox.

It quickly became traditional to put the cow pox on the left upper arm.
Around shoulder height on the outside of the arm.
It left the characteristic scar that was easily checked for.
And while it can fade slightly with advanced age, it often
remains at least faintly visible.
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It depends on what the test is looking for.

It you are testing for the presence of the
virus it should be negative.

If you test for antibodies to the virus and
the immunization worked the test should be positive.
The trick with immunization is to get the body to
produce antibodies to aid in fighting off the virus.

Small pox was a funny one.
Milk and horse 'maids' never got small pox.
Jenner realized they had been exposed to cow pox or horse pox.
Both of these elicited am antibody response that was effective
against smallpox.

It quickly became traditional to put the cow pox on the left upper arm.
Around shoulder height on the outside of the arm.
It left the characteristic scar that was easily checked for.
And while it can fade slightly with advanced age, it often
remains at least faintly visible.


AFAIK I'm of the last generation of 'scar arms'...... we got shot with the big silver space gun full of needles (looks like a needle scaler or scaling gun) and drop't the characteristic dehorning button scab. Still got the scar but it's faint,

glows under a black lite though when I get all sweated up

or not