Got my second dose

Got my 2nd early this week with no discernable effects from either.

Wish I could say the same about the 2hrs I spent in an oral surgeon's chair this morning. All sorts of effects from that.
Got my 2nd early this week with no discernable effects from either.

Wish I could say the same about the 2hrs I spent in an oral surgeon's chair this morning. All sorts of effects from that.

Pretty rare to have a good time there.

More like tolerable at best.
A long time ago I went to one of the oldest oral surgery practices in the area.
All four impacted wisdom teeth in one shot.

So impacted it took him an hour and he had to cancel this next appointment to finish me up.
Lots of chiseling and hammering according to the report.
Glad I selected General Anesthesia.
No bruises on my cheeks though.
Some swelling (a little bit of chipmunk look) but no bruises.
I got my first one last week Friday AM. All was well until 3 AM Tuesday then all hell broke loose.

Sick? Never so sick in my life. Thursday I thought it was behind me, but no way. By Thursday afternoon I thought it was gonna kill me. Felt just as bad on Friday, yesterday, until 5 PM when the fog lifted I was back to "normal". All symptoms disappeared within an hour.

There is a very long list of "complications" that no one tells you about. I had all but one of the listed problems and all at the same time.

Doc's could offer nothing except sympathy and the advice to NOT take the 2nd dose. I'm 80% with just the one dose. I will follow her advice.

I'm not suggesting you don't get the vaccine, but at least be aware of complications that might happen and plan accordingly. bob
Happened to hear one of the "experts" mention something about anyone that has had the virus NOT to get the vaccine. :eek:
Made a stop at the Drs. office so the wife could get her INR. The nurse mentioned giving shots all day and having to "stand by" with a Eppi pen just in case of allergic reactions. Made for a long nervous day for her. No shots for me.;)
Happened to hear one of the "experts" mention something about anyone that has had the virus NOT to get the vaccine. :eek:
Made a stop at the Drs. office so the wife could get her INR. The nurse mentioned giving shots all day and having to "stand by" with a Eppi pen just in case of allergic reactions. Made for a long nervous day for her. No shots for me.;)

I had Covid a couple of months ago, got my first shot three weeks ago, my second shot Last Thursday.

No ill affects what so ever.
Happened to hear one of the "experts" mention something about anyone that has had the virus NOT to get the vaccine. :eek:
Made a stop at the Drs. office so the wife could get her INR. The nurse mentioned giving shots all day and having to "stand by" with a Eppi pen just in case of allergic reactions. Made for a long nervous day for her. No shots for me.;)

I had Covid a couple of months ago, got my first shot three weeks ago, my second shot Last Thursday.

No ill affects what so ever.
Not sure if it was after Fauchi's 2nd or 3rd lie I was done. He's up to around 67 now.

Then came all the bogus numbers of infected, deaths, ect................

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Totally agree Dave and there has been no mention of the typical yearly influenza deaths as is noted below and there might have been even more for ( 2020 - 2021 ).

Influenza/Estimated deaths (2018-2019)
United States
Totally agree Dave and there has been no mention of the typical yearly influenza deaths as is noted below and there might have been even more for ( 2020 - 2021 ).

Influenza/Estimated deaths (2018-2019)
United States

One might expect that masking and social distancing to have a similar effect of curbing spread of the flu like it's supposed to do for COVID.

OTOH my sister said that she felt terrible after both doses of the Shingrix vaccine.

Some are going to have a worse experience than others.

And people die everyday from a myriad of causes; some preventable.
Seems all Deaths are now being considered Covid related and some are actually coming from the shots and the news media might also be hiding some of those actual facts. I or my Wife haven't taken the shot on the advise of our Doctor due to our own current health concerns as it could actually do us both in. Nor has he or any of his staff so there must be a good reason why they haven't done it either.
Wife does not want to do the vaccine and I have. We were tested for antibodies, her last week and I a couple weeks ago. We are both full of antibodies. I don't think anybody knows how long you are immune after having the CCP virus or after the shots. A lot of what we are posting is speculation.
Wife does not want to do the vaccine and I have. We were tested for antibodies, her last week and I a couple weeks ago. We are both full of antibodies. I don't think anybody knows how long you are immune after having the CCP virus or after the shots. A lot of what we are posting is speculation.

I hope it works out for you two Butch. You had some rough times with it.

Wife does not want to do the vaccine and I have. We were tested for antibodies, her last week and I a couple weeks ago. We are both full of antibodies. I don't think anybody knows how long you are immune after having the CCP virus or after the shots. A lot of what we are posting is speculation.

Seems to me that the current thinking puts it at around 6 months, with the flu maybe a little more. Wouldn't surprise me that we'll need to be re-vaccinated starting late fall or early winter or not long after the current round is completed. The flu shot doesn't provide indefinite protection so it's reasonable to expect that the COVID shot won't either.
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Let a few hundred thousand more ILLEGALS into the USA
any vaccine is/ will be as useless as tits on a fish

The brain dead racist Demoncrats w/ Fauci as an advisor will lock this country down forever.

No vaccine for me......ever!
Sad thing is one cannot believe anything as being truthful anymore. The news media no longer seeks and reports the truth but have actually became a lying political oriented group that is now actually worse than the self serving politicians themselves.