Gasoline prices.....

I filled up for under $50 in MONTHS...

....$2.05/gal!!!! down here in the RGV Mickey!!

Wife said $1.99/gal

this am when she took this kids to school.

Wonder how much more it will go?? That drop was 48 hours.

hasn't been below $2 in a Looong time.

3.05 a gallon here in town, see what an added tax on a corporation does for folks here in Alaska. Tell me again that corporation absorb the tax and not pass it on to the consumer. Cause that's the biggest crock of crap that democratics pedal.
west texas

Weds 10-22-08

Junction, Tx $3.28 ( on IH10 in the middle of nowhere)
San Angelo, Tx $2.21

75 miles apart

Go Figure.
West Texas

You were on an Interstate. San Angelo is 100 miles north of Junction(Interstate 10) and 100 miles south of Interstate 20. They get the travelers on those interstates. You almost have to be going to San Angelo to get there.



"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"

But Sonora was $2.43 at the same time on IH10 60 miles West of Junction and 60 miles South of San Angelo.
Why the discrepancy?
Yes this is good for now, But like someone pointed out before me the Saudi's and OPEC are going to "Curb" production to help raise the price of oil.
In this country that is called "Market manipulation" or actually "Price Fixing" and people go to federal prison for things like that.
It goes to show that the world needs a real "World Trade Organization" The one that is operating now is just a really bad joke....
And I am not laughing...
the price of pump gas is not based on COST, it is based on the market, what the market will pay......when you are 40 miles from the next's gonna be higher, 100 miles from thier destination and the tank says "E"....they pay more.


as long as we are paying, they are selling.....

we quit driving as much, the price goes down.

mike in co
UK Petrol

Here in the UK our petrol prices have also dropped considerably. Todays prices average $7.1 per gallon so I reckon I can afford to get my Scooter out today...

Here in the UK our petrol prices have also dropped considerably. Todays prices average $7.1 per gallon so I reckon I can afford to get my Scooter out today...


drop the diesel Kevin, go petrol... averaging around $6.60 per gallon in my valley.... so excited about the "low" price, planning a long road trip next week! :D

As of 10/24 it's down to $2.59 here in Maryland, and falling.

First: Let me understand if this is supposed to be a feel bad or a feel good thread.

....for 10 months out of the year it really does not matter as my driving is limited.

Now that hunting season started & my gas bill is about to go up, this is a great thing!!

Selfish, yes, but I'll take it......come on $1.50!!!

Gas Prices

Here in central South Carolina I just came back from Wally World and their gas is 2.32.
not pick'in on nick, but to all of you out there.
you shoot expensive precision rifles, you buy the best brass, and the most expensive powder. you spare no expense on this precision shooting hobby. you go buy a automobile or truck that cost 10 or 20 rifles and you put no name cheap gas or deisel in it.....come on!!!
todays transportion is precise engineering when it comes to the motors. fuel injected, mirco injectors.....and you pump dirt thru them !

you are ruining your investment!

yes i have done tests...
the latest is with a low tech 93 plymouth sundance, base model 2.5/4 auto. (it only has 40k miles so older tech, but not wore out)
mainly in town driving, short stop an dgo stuff...not goos for milage. with safeway gas i was getting 20mpg, change to shell and it goes up to 22. that is a 10% increase in mpg for a 2% increase in cost.

you would not shoot dirty powder down your bbl, why put dirty gas thru your injectors ?
you save a nickle or so per gallon, and ruin $100 injectors.......

its a case of a penny saved and a dollar lost.........

for the record i was at a costco, filling up as they put gas in the underground tanks.........slowly every pump started to slow down...then stop. the tanks were low, but the new gas swirled the crap off the bottom of the tanks and clogged every filter on every pump( it appeared everyone was pumping regular). they had someone come out and change the filters, but there was so much dirt that those clogged with in a day and the next set of filters only last a then the dirt was mostly settled in the bottom again or in your tank.
i used to use costco in a carburetted vw. when i took the carbs apart they had gunk in the bowl, where when using name brand ( shell and texaco) the carbs had always been clean.

mike in co
What kind if crap have you been listening to! The only real difference that you are going to see is more oxygenated or alcohol in the fuel in High emission areas. You know that there are only a few refineries and all the stations share the same gas.
Check it out.
We stay away from the stations that seem to do very little business or look old and run down because they might have water and/or nasty stuff in their tanks. We also pass up a station that is in the process of having gas delivered to avoid sucking up anything that is being stirred up from the bottom. Right or wrong, I've never had fuel-related problems with our vehicles.

I have been in the auto repair business for 40 yrs. I bet I haven't seen 6 cases of water in the gas or the wrong additive 2 times. This ain't the olden days. It is kinda like all the fuel injection flushes that a lot of shops and dealerships like to sell. 99% of the time, you don't need it.
You guys can buy all that hype, but I will buy my fuel at the cheapest place that is convenient to me.
The solution to our energy problems

The USA uses a lot of oil/ natural gas and coal. Some goes to producing energy. A lot of the oil goes to producing gasoline. If we could divert the oil used to heat homes, industries and power plants toward gasoline production you might see $1.50 gas at the pumps. Solar power is too expensive, fragile and intermittent. Wind power is expensive and worse of all intermittent...untill now. The solution is simple. Build wind farms on benchrest ranges and benchrest ranges on wind farms. The effect of the command "commence fire" on a windmill farm would be immediate and powerful. Of course you would have to have a match going on continuously (impractical) or just one benchrest shooter trying to tune his/her rifle. This can be done. Of course they must be paid for doing this. I suggest $249,999.99/year (taxes you know) prorated per number of days spent at the bench. A government grant for alternate energy production could bump that up to over 1 million. This solves many problems. Wind powered energy would be plentiful and continuous. NBRSA membership would skyrocket as new shooters lured by big government handouts would flock to the sport. Existing competitive benchrest shooters would be in great demand to meet the need to mold these raw recruits into the marksmen of tomorrow. They would attain the status of cultural hero's and make obscene amounts of money. Angelina Jolie would want to have their children, probably all of them. I suggest the board take this up at the next annual meeting; especially the part about Angelina Jolie. Tim
There are only a few area stations that we avoid, and it really is pretty rare to plan on stopping for gas and find that there is a truck there filling them up. If nothing else we're avoiding a possible mess.
