Friend Jackie Schmidt



Friend Jackie:

I love ya man.........Even though I never post on your threads, and, you find time to post on every thread I've ever posted here on BRC, I love ya......can't help it....

Jackie, the Super Shoot is under way.....I have fond memories of my shooting there......

I went to the basement, and pulled up all my old Super Shoot targets and stuff...I've kept all of those wonderful memories, all these last 30 years..

I'll make you a deal, Jackie, which I think folks here on the Centerfire forum would simply love......I'll post some pictures of my Super Shoot experiences, oh man, I've got a bunch, then, you can post all of yours, cause I know you've also got a bunch too.......ain't it awesome!

Jackie, man, have I got some Super Shoot experiences to tell, and gosh, so do you...........let's do it OK?

At my first Super Shoot, I did a pencil drawing......oh, you know what, let me take a picture of that drawing, and, some other things that happened, then, you get your Super Shoot memories together, and, while the shoot is going on, me and you Jackie, will re-live old Super Shoot memories.......I know you're game..

I can't wait to see your memoreis, just as you want to see mine...

As soon as you have you Super Shoot memories together, we'll start...

Folks all across the world want to see this.....I love old times, just as they do, and you...

I'm getting ready......OH Jackie, I have so many fond Super Shoot memories, I, and the entire world, can't wait to see yours too....I know they will be simply awesome.....

your friend, Bill Calfee
Speaking as a member of the "entire world" I personally have no interest in your Super Shoot memories and pictures Bill.

Thanks all the same.

I know that you know Jackie hasn't placed the Super Shoot high on his shooting priority list, your sarcastic post was simply pathethic. I wanted to say something earlier but figured Jackie should have first reply.

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Friend Jackie:

I love ya man.........Even though I never post on your threads, and, you find time to post on every thread I've ever posted here on BRC, I love ya......can't help it....

Jackie, the Super Shoot is under way.....I have fond memories of my shooting there......

I went to the basement, and pulled up all my old Super Shoot targets and stuff...I've kept all of those wonderful memories, all these last 30 years..

I'll make you a deal, Jackie, which I think folks here on the Centerfire forum would simply love......I'll post some pictures of my Super Shoot experiences, oh man, I've got a bunch, then, you can post all of yours, cause I know you've also got a bunch too.......ain't it awesome!

Jackie, man, have I got some Super Shoot experiences to tell, and gosh, so do you...........let's do it OK?

At my first Super Shoot, I did a pencil drawing......oh, you know what, let me take a picture of that drawing, and, some other things that happened, then, you get your Super Shoot memories together, and, while the shoot is going on, me and you Jackie, will re-live old Super Shoot memories.......I know you're game..

I can't wait to see your memoreis, just as you want to see mine...

As soon as you have you Super Shoot memories together, we'll start...

Folks all across the world want to see this.....I love old times, just as they do, and you...

I'm getting ready......OH Jackie, I have so many fond Super Shoot memories, I, and the entire world, can't wait to see yours too....I know they will be simply awesome.....

your friend, Bill Calfee

Since we all know that Jackie has not been to the Super Shoot, yet, due to seasonal work commitments, I am not sure what the intention is or how this will play out.

Never the less, I am always up for a trip down memory lane. In fact, Ive always felt that most of Bill Calfees best writings were not that of a technical nature about tuners, relaxed triggers, bore slugging, etc., but about past unique personal experiences that many of us could relate to.............Don
I've never been to the Supershoot either, bad time, too far. However, I have been to a few week long National Competitions -- Phoenix, Midland, Fairchance and Desoto come to mind. Jackie remembers Desoto, some crazy chick on a crotch rocket rear-ended him on the highway going in excess of 120 mph -- and lived. Maybe Jackie can post some picks of his car after that encounter.

Anyhow, I digress, I'm shooting on Jackie's relay at the Nationals this coming Fall. Why not come out and join us in Phoenix Bill? It would be the perfect place to debut a "stopped muzzle" centerfire rifle and whoop up on us wise a$$ city folk.
I am sorry to say that if you had ripped someone else like you just did to yourself, I would have probably deleted the post, but since it is you doing it to yourself, I am in somewhat of a quandary.

As you well know, the topic that has been the bone of contention on this centerfire Benchrest board is whether your theories and unusual way or describing them have any application on the typical 10 1/2# 6 PPC. Not who has been to the Super Shoot. Seems like the old tactic of changing the subject when loosing an argument ploy to me, and a mighty poor choice of alternate subjects. I guess what sticks in your craw is that although you have the best of credentials with tuners in rimfire, folks don't seem to want to just take your word about those design principles being directly applicable to the PPC...but that is the way it is. It would seem that what you are left with is put up or loose your credibility. It isn't up to anyone else but you to prove that you are right. To coach a thing, generally it would be a good thing to have done it. Jackie has given us all a lot of good coaching on this subject, for which he seems to be the best qualified.
Friend Jackie:

I love ya man.........Even though I never post on your threads, and, you find time to post on every thread I've ever posted here on BRC, I love ya......can't help it....

Jackie, the Super Shoot is under way.....I have fond memories of my shooting there......

I went to the basement, and pulled up all my old Super Shoot targets and stuff...I've kept all of those wonderful memories, all these last 30 years..

I'll make you a deal, Jackie, which I think folks here on the Centerfire forum would simply love......I'll post some pictures of my Super Shoot experiences, oh man, I've got a bunch, then, you can post all of yours, cause I know you've also got a bunch too.......ain't it awesome!

Jackie, man, have I got some Super Shoot experiences to tell, and gosh, so do you...........let's do it OK?

At my first Super Shoot, I did a pencil drawing......oh, you know what, let me take a picture of that drawing, and, some other things that happened, then, you get your Super Shoot memories together, and, while the shoot is going on, me and you Jackie, will re-live old Super Shoot memories.......I know you're game..

I can't wait to see your memoreis, just as you want to see mine...

As soon as you have you Super Shoot memories together, we'll start...

Folks all across the world want to see this.....I love old times, just as they do, and you...

I'm getting ready......OH Jackie, I have so many fond Super Shoot memories, I, and the entire world, can't wait to see yours too....I know they will be simply awesome.....

your friend, Bill Calfee

I would never call you a liar but I did a quick search and see that you have 199 posts in the rimfire section and can't find one single instance where Jackie replied to one of those posts(I did not look in any other sections). Maybe it's a glitch with Wilburs software.

I think I am starting to enjoy your posts about food more than the ones about rifle accuracy because you take the time to explain how to make a killer sandwitch but bounce around the accuracy issues.
I hope that I did not offend you by this post but you need to pay attention to what you are saying when you do make a post.
I am just pointing out that starting threads like this greatly reduces your credibility.


I think you have helped a lot of people and are always willing share information and you actually answer questions... unlike some others...

Keep posting... please.
I am sorry to say that if you had ripped someone else like you just did to yourself, I would have probably deleted the post, but since it is you doing it to yourself, I am in somewhat of a quandary.

Just delete Bill, I'm sure you wont ruffle too many feathers ;)

I think you have helped a lot of people and are always willing share information and you actually answer questions... unlike some others...

Keep posting... please.

I agree 100%. Jackie’s posts have helped me more than I could ever say. I can only show respect for Jackie, he's a stand up guy and a true gentleman.

Thank you Jackie for all of your help and the information you've shared.

Just my opinion here, I used to come here every night to read something new or see new things being developed or just look at the classifieds, now the posts that involve Bill Calfee are my mainstay, just for entertainment! I feel that Wilbur or the Super moderators are starting to let things go too far.

The way I see Bill Calfee, I feel he is selfish, he has had generous offers for help and equipment, and I feel that they have been genuine and has not even offered a thanks to any! or a reply to any! Its like a big soap opera. What exciting thing will happen next?

Ron Tilley
I think so too

On the other hand, where would a moderator begin .... short of stopping the whole deal. Plain truth of the matter, Bill's posts are the catalyst but not the problem in themselves - except for maybe this instance and I'm not entirely convinced that dishin' it out instead of taking it is so bad.
On the other hand, where would a moderator begin .... short of stopping the whole deal. Plain truth of the matter, Bill's posts are the catalyst but not the problem in themselves - except for maybe this instance and I'm not entirely convinced that dishin' it out instead of taking it is so bad.

Wilbur you are the boss here! I only see things as a outsider, and I play for neither side. I have read Bill Calfee's writings in PS and here on the rimfire board and really respected his constant ability to produce the best rimfires and his devotion to the accuracy world but as a outsider from the postings here the discussions just turn out to be entertainment and slanderous exchanges. I feel that stopping the whole deal sometimes would save alot of exchanges that are not needed. again you are the boss here. Ron Tilley
I've pretty much kept my head down naming favourites about tuning since I joined this site not all that long ago, mainly because all my experience has been in fields where the degree of accuracy is expressed much differently & more importantly, isn't usually tested at 100 or 200 yards.

Now, I will say this. Back in February, I cut out the guts of a handful of postings which summarises what the Beggs tuner is about & kept it in a document on my PC. Since then, I have downloaded shots of a number of other tuners, the Boyd, Lambert, Calfee & Schmidt among them.

In that whole time, all I've found out from Calfee posts that wasn't in that PS article that's on a few websites, is that head cheese doesn't come from a cow's udder.

Bill Calfee and Wilbur

Bill tell me it isn't true!!!!!!!!!!! You actually know what an Agg is in a competitive arena and can tune? I didn't know Rimfire people could do that.
It is almost 1AM in California and I will not be able to sleep now for several hours.LOLROFLMAO
Sorry Butch.

Wilbur your second post was your best post ever.
Oh Heck

I guess I should say something here, everybody knows that the intention of this thread was to in some way embarrass me.
I can handle it. As just about everybody knows, while I do love to talk, I also do a lot of "talking" at the firing line. While I have been able to, on occasion, make two bullets touch in the past, my main concern is, at this time, getting ready for the upcomming Texas State Unlimited and HV Championship in two weeks.
Most of the shooters who log onto this site know how to separate the wheat from the chaffe. We, and by "we" I mean us who actually take ideas and prove them in The Competitive Arena, will continue to do what we do, that being, giving shooters a good array of how things work in the real world of Competition. That is what tends to separate this site fromthe miriade of others.
Having to put up with rude behavior is simply a product of the Internet. People feel safe to say things that they would never dare say to someone's face, they hide behind some sort of an electronic safety shield.. Although you would think that it would always be in the back of their mind that, in the future, they just might happen to "bump into" someone in, in person.......jackie
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Hmm. Jackie brought up some good stuff, "wheat and chaff" and "bump into someone". I would suggest the East West Showdown in St Louis. Jackie's tuner and ideas against Bill's tuner and ideas. This would be some middle ground in which things could be proven with some real meaning.
I love to reminince about the past and enjoy it quite a bit, and I enjoy shooting BR. I think this would be a great way to promote accuracy and the game of BR, by having a "Shoot Off of the tuners." I think I would drive there just to see it.
This post is not in jest but is a suggestion. I don't know if the St Louis shoot fits everyones time table but another centralized shoot could be arranged at another time if it works out.
from a nobody

Bill & Jackie,
Lets compair your hall of fame points. Oh wait a min Bill I can't find your name or any points that you have earned. But there is a Jackie's name and at least 1 point listed!

Jackie please keep posting and helping us.
Friend Jackie:

I stopped reading you threads and post long ago.....if you've made mention that you never attended a Super Shoot, I, of course, wouldn't have seen it.

Actually I'm surprised to find out you haven't.....I hope you get to attend one day.....There's no other match in the world that gives one the experiences, that the Super Shoot does , for us short range centerfire benchresters.......


The Super Shoot is under way.....I started this thread to reflect on some fond memories of the Super Shoot.......

When I first started short range, centerfire benchrest I was what you might call a big fish in my little pond here in some point I just had to see what old Bill Calfee could do out in the big ocean.....the only place to find out, how good one really is, was the Super Shoot.........I had to know, could I play with the big boys?

I was scared to death at my first Super Shoot......I was an old country hick, wasn't no shooter, but I had to try......

MY friends, if Wilbur don't mind, I have a couple more pictures to take, then I'll get back on here and re-live some of my awesome Super Shoot memories with you.....

(for you folks who would find this offensive, may I suggest that you just don't look)

Your friend, Bill Calfee