Friend Jackie Schmidt

Jackie Schmidt

Jackie I remember the post were you said you don't go to the super shoot and to your credit you are handling this thread very well.
The othe posters should take note of this and not get all nasty.
In a sort of a pickel....I think.

If Bill did know Jackie hadn't been to the SuperShoot, then I would say the post was uncalled for in it's context. However, I read a lot of posts and I didn't know Jackie had never been to the SS.

I love Jackie's no-nonsense approach to benchrest...a trait you'll find amoungst most of the top shooters. Thanks for that Jackie. I have never met you but who knows, hopefully will someday.

As far as Bill is concerned, I have met him a few times. And all I can say is he is one of the best people you'll ever meet in person. Heck, he'll let you shoot his gun, pay for the target and supply the ammo and refuse anything in return. I do get a little confused by the what he posts here because that is not the way he is in person as far as I can tell. But my father used to love to just give me enough knowledge to get myself in deep and expected me to figure the rest of it out on my own. Learned a lot that way even though I wanted to hang him at times. I believe it's called, reasoning things out. Something most kids can not do today.

Please Jackie and Bill, do not let a spike be drove between you guys. Your both above that and I believe a lot more a like than you might think.

Family, God, Country and Benchrest Central....there's my top four..he..he..

Jackie I remember the post were you said you don't go to the super shoot and to your credit you are handling this thread very well.
The other posters should take note of this and not get all nasty.

The thread where Jackie said he had never been to the super shoot is at"
In post #51 Jackie stated he had never been to the super shoot ... after Lynn had posted a question about it ...
... and then in post #79 Bill talks about his experience at the super shoot ...
My friends

My friends:

I've got my pictures done and called my buddy who posts them for me....he's leaving the place where his computer is, early, and has an off day tomorrow..

I'd just tell you of my Super Shoot memories but it wouldn't be near as good without the pictures.......

If I can got someone to post them tomorrow, I'll finish......I don't want to do this after the Super Shoot is over.....

I've got a neat story about my buddy Sal, and, I found a pencil drawing I had done of him on the back of one of my Super Shoot targets.....Sal's gone now but if he's looking down from Heaven, I think he'd get a kick out of me telling the story of that pencil drawing.....

And I want to show you my heartbreak 200 yard, I know everyone has their excuse, but the winner of course, this target is mine...

I'll finish if I can get someone to post pictures tomorrow...

Your friend,
Bill Calfee

If you haven't read Jackies posts for ages how on earth do you know he has all these memories that he is just busting to share with you and everybody else ??

Personally, I think you truely are the dumb old country hick that you make out or you are sneaky and manipulative. Goodness knows and I give up trying to decide for myself.

If you are the genuine nice guy that some others make out here then I owe you an apology for a few things I have questioned over the last week or so. I'd like to think the best of you and I am happy to be wrong so please accept my apology, I am sorry.

If you are sneaky and manipulative I hope get a laugh out of having maybe fooled me !! :) I hope that isn't the case.

All the best with Spec 5, I truely hope it is as good as you claim and you can figure out why it is so good.

Bryce (New Zealand)
Friend Jackie:

I love ya man.........Even though I never post on your threads, and, you find time to post on every thread I've ever posted here on BRC, I love ya......can't help it....

Jackie, the Super Shoot is under way.....I have fond memories of my shooting there......

I went to the basement, and pulled up all my old Super Shoot targets and stuff...I've kept all of those wonderful memories, all these last 30 years..

I'll make you a deal, Jackie, which I think folks here on the Centerfire forum would simply love......I'll post some pictures of my Super Shoot experiences, oh man, I've got a bunch, then, you can post all of yours, cause I know you've also got a bunch too.......ain't it awesome!

Jackie, man, have I got some Super Shoot experiences to tell, and gosh, so do you...........let's do it OK?

At my first Super Shoot, I did a pencil drawing......oh, you know what, let me take a picture of that drawing, and, some other things that happened, then, you get your Super Shoot memories together, and, while the shoot is going on, me and you Jackie, will re-live old Super Shoot memories.......I know you're game..

I can't wait to see your memoreis, just as you want to see mine...

As soon as you have you Super Shoot memories together, we'll start...

Folks all across the world want to see this.....I love old times, just as they do, and you...

I'm getting ready......OH Jackie, I have so many fond Super Shoot memories, I, and the entire world, can't wait to see yours too....I know they will be simply awesome.....

your friend, Bill Calfee

"Friend Jackie Schmidt"


"Friend Jackie:

I stopped reading you threads and post long ago....."

And then,

".....I started this thread to reflect on some fond memories of the Super Shoot......."

I don't buy it :mad:

Me neither Al, but like I said in my post above I have given up trying to figure out if Bill is genuine or a sneaky old !!

I'd sincerely like to believe he is genuine and be wrong about a number of things I have questioned over the last week or so. Maybe I will never know, I can live with that !! :)

How's mum and the baby ??

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I'd like to too.

Mum and the baby are awesome :) We're all leaving in the morning to go camping until Monday....... we'll see how the little guy likes living outside!

Good luck with that Al, new baby and camping you say ?! I don't see a relaxing time ahead for you my friend !!

Have a great weekend. :)


New Baby. I gotta ask. How old are you???.
Most of us talk about our new Grand Babies, or even Great Grand Babies.......jackie

LOL :)

I'm 46, our "baby" is (WAS :eek: ) an eight year-old in first grade and then SURPRISE!!!!

We've got a newborn, 4wks old this weekend..........My eldest son and his wife are expecting their first but we beat them to the punch!

Took some getting used to, the idea that is. Back when my wife found out we were expecting there were some tears. We're blessed with a HAPPY and HEALTHY and WONDERFUL little man, cute as the proverbial button (aren't they all :rolleyes: )

It's actually pretty weird and unexpected still.......luckily we've got a house full of babysitters so we're still pretty free to go on with our projects.... I'm even easing into the match scene just a little :)



That sounds wonderful. I have a son that is only 9 years younger than you, he and his wife just had my first Grandson. I already have to beautiful Grand Daughters by my Daughter, who just turned 30.
I really can't say that I can comprehend what you are going through, while 46 sure isn't old now days, I just don't know if I would want to be changing diapers and being kept awake all night.
But a blessing is a blessing, and you sure have the right attitude toward the whole thing. God Bless.......jackie
Baby boy!!!! wowow

Congrats Al....that is way better to talk about than tuners ... Sounds like you still got lots-0-vertical!!!hahahahah...
My kids are 40-38-36-34-32-30-28-23...I was 36 when the baby was born...and I have apreciated him more than all the others...I was old enuff to realize what a blessing it is to have a healthy child and see life at its will be a better dad now than you were years ago...(not that you were bad then) will be much more patient -understanding and apreciative .......good for you...enjoy every moment with that new son and your great family and life itself....
Roger ....not dead yet!!!

Come on people, Do we need to build a bigger sand box to play in? This board is meant for interesting and for the most part educational tid bit's on the game of benchrest shooting and not composing a novel on cutting someone down and talking crap. I very seldom get on this board except when Im home and in town but I get on to either find a friend or try to pick up some good information to take to the range with me the next time I get to go. We should be thankful we even have a site to get on and and talk among us as friends and competitive shooters around the world. Bill if you read all these different posts you either see what you have done to yourself and others or you just dont care how people will view you and what is now thought of you. Heck you might not even care. I have been told that you need thick skin in this game but they forgot to mention some people are down right cold in nature and speak before they think which I believe you have done.

Peace on earth and may god bless you with a crossfire
Expiper And Doug

Better than a tuner? Are you sure? My father and I will be tuner testing in the morning getting ready for sundays match.We need to redeem ourselves.

Who ever said Bill Calfee was wrong? What if he knows exactly what he is talking about and the posters who haven't been using tuners for 20 years like he has simply don't get it yet? Could it be he already knows he is right?

Gimmie a break
I was not talking about anybody being right or wrong. It's about people speaking before they think and saying stupid $hit. Guess I wont get back on here for another six months
Jackie, Bryce and Roger, thanks for the kind words :)

I'd say "I need all the help I can get!!" But it would be a lie :eek: I really have never minded changing the perfect little tykes (growed up on a farm ;)) but I gotta' tell ya'.......this kid's got more babysitters than Carter had pills! And I haven't even lost any sleep except for that first few days. He sleeps through the night, "like a baby"..............

We were DONE 7-8 yrs ago, just couldn't WAIT to set back and hug up on the grandkids and then THIS! My wife is just absolutely glowing though, all of her friends "want a baby" now :)

No regrets........he gonna' be a shooter! He'll still be tagging around the house for years after the others are gone, I'll have a shooting buddy....


Alinwa, congratulations on the new addition. If my memory serves me right you are 1 year older than I and you now have just as many rug rats as I do{I guess I should say we have before the wife reads this}. My youngest was born the year I went to the World Shoot at Kelbly's in 2005. Talk about joy and stress all at one time. Good luck and God bless.