Dear friends

harry i just got back from a meeting at fairchance and they wanted
me to offer their condolences and will say a prayer for your daughter
and family. tom c.
Harry & Family

Harry, we are saddened by your loss. Our thoughts & prayers are with you and your family.

Mike & Mary Sherrill
Harry and Family

Sorry to hear of your loss and rest assured that you and your's are in our thoughts and prayers. Your friends, Bill and Carol
A picture is worth a Thousand Words!

My only regret is that I have thousands of pictures from benchrest matches over the years and I could not find one that I knew was Harry’s Daughter.
Harry I truely tried!!
Jan and I are sorry to hear about your loss.
Our prayers are with you.
God Bless your Grand Daughter Mr. Deenen and also your family. Stand tall my friend and give thanks to God for every good thing that has taken place in your life and then take the time to share it with your Grand Daughter in the years to come.

Lord Jesus it is not ours to question why but that little girls hero is her Grandpa right now so please give him the strength to comfort her and the wisdom to raise her into the person she was created to be. Lord please also ask your Father to pour out his blessings on this family for his names sake.

Harry I am truly sorry to hear of such a great lose for you and your family. I have no idea of how it is to lose a child to death but I do know God will be there to help us through such a time. You and your family are in my families prayers.


You and your will be in our prayers: our hearts are deeply saddened for your loss

Bill & Karen Wheeler
Harry Deneen

Harry I read each of your posts and would like to meet you. Our prayers are with you and I feel like I know what faces you, I have a 7 year old Grand daughter to care for 24 hr/ 7 day. Some times we won't get to shoot each match, but a little girls love is Gods blessing. God Bless Bob
We will be praying for your family. May God bless you and your family and Grandaughter and give all of you the strenght to get through this time of sorrow.

Tom and Brenda Aldridge
Jacksonville, Fl.
My thoughts and prayers are with you harry and your family.
John C of IA