Cut Rifle 6 Grooves

Whose my Friend? Livonia`s Buddy? That`s a Hoot! I run with the Holy Turd and that is the #1 Decalfinator,those Eck rifles want to be ,the Turd like `s Decalf and does it consistently! Have you ever seen the Pink Cape award that we presented Allan Hall with this year, we need to present it annually to some one that illustrates a opposite view , Tuna you are in the running for the 2012 Pink Cape, and seriously you should be honored if you are chosen ! It is a honor ! I have pictures of Allan recieveing his Pink Cape ,he got it mainly for his Barrel indexing skills and demonstrating them at Kettlefoot this year! So keep stoking the ashes and you may win!

Pink is not my style.........And I haven't worn a cape in years. I don't have names for my rifles but TURD is a classic ........

I was gonna use ENFORCER but somebody already uses that as an alias.....The I was going to call it the Cookie Monster but that name is in reserve....Index barrels how the hell do you do that ?

Willy your a Hoot and a breath of fresh air

PS Gordon told me he always wanted to win the pink cape
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Pink is nobodys manly choice of the rainbow,it represents the Susan G Komen breast cancer awareness group,so it ain`t that bad of color ,and it brings out the best in men,think about it! No problem putting Gordon in the mix, he is the artist formally known on Rifle barrels as ECK,right? When I first seen that ,I thought whose initials are E.C.K.,I even asked somebody ,lucky me they did not know either or did not understand the question. Shooting ARA down south we just don`t have anybody with 3 letters in their last name,we have to put our initials and last 4 of ss# 4628 wjc is mine so when I saw ECK I thought the K either stood for Killough or Kenimer so I asked,that sounds stupid but its true. You don`t have to wear the cape,Indexman and Zoro do ,you hang it on your office wall for a dust collector and conversation starter win the IRS is auditing you!
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Pink is nobodys manly choice of the rainbow,it represents the Susan G Komen breast cancer awareness group,so it ain`t that bad of color ,and it brings out the best in men,think about it!

I heard you look good in pink ......Send me a rifle and I'll paint it any shade of pink you want on me .....I could even match the barrel for you.......
Pappas has the only Pink rifle, he is a USMC Viet Nam veteran,ain`t scared of nothing, so I`m not going Pink! Pappas has an exclusive on Pink 22 RFBR rifles,so we don`t copy that, 1of 1, no imitations please!
All I shoot is imitation barrels the King said so......You know Willy there are lots of shades of pink I can do.

Hey Rock Creek put up a 6 groove Harry for the SC match.....Wonder who will be unlucky .....
How am I doin' so far? 6-groove..... All I can say is, Thank you Gordon, thank you very much for selling me this fine rifle.



Damm looks like a 248 nice going Issac,,,,,,,,,,, I see you have a Harry 6 groove lump too .......Your gonna win the pink cape for your first target ......
Edgerat,Good shooting For a first target and no wind flags thats real good shooting.Tuna what was your first target?
Thanks Mel and Jim! Second target, just piddlin' around until the brown truck gets here with my flags. First target was 1068fps 5-machine Tenex from 2008, this target was shot with 1047fps 3-machine from 2008.

Team Eck ! Yall boys might be interested in something ,there is maybe some good news over on the Calfee Falcon thread on RA, maybe,Just maybe Rumor has it!!
Team Eck ! Yall boys might be interested in something ,there is maybe some good news over on the Calfee Falcon thread on RA, maybe,Just maybe Rumor has it!!

nah that's just a rumor .....They are trying to work you up Willy.......But I think you will see them soon enough stay tuned....

Kinda quiet like over there anyhow
Edgerat, looking good. Just out of interest what setting have you got on the tuner? Looks to be in the 300 to 400 area from the pictures. Also what barrel length do you have?, looks around 25”

Again, good shooting, keep it up.

I was told, very sternly, to not touch the @#$%()&!@# tuner.... I will look at the setting tonight. All I know is it is a straight .875 barrel with a heavy ass Harrel's tuner on it and it still shoots. It's not supposed to but, it does.
I was told, very sternly, to not touch the @#$%()&!@# tuner.... I will look at the setting tonight. All I know is it is a straight .875 barrel with a heavy ass Harrel's tuner on it and it still shoots. It's not supposed to but, it does.

Just practicing will make you better ECK guns shoot...........or you can always find Zeus
I don't think Zeus, Cat trapper, Grover Niles, Beau or ole Billy Calfee himself could do anything for this gun, it is flat hummin'!!!!! Due in no small part to the red and black care package that arrived today. :cool:
A 999 combined two gun score with cut rifle barrels today ....6 grooves might just be out to prove cut rifles shoot.

Isaac shot a 248 good for 4th in his first match out of 25. Way to start with the Hooters 6 groove even a beat up turd can do ok....I think you qualified for a new Eck turbo sporter
The Hooter's gun was shooting pretty good yesterday, it was shooting through some conditions that other folks were sitting out. Cut-rifled barrels for the win! I got some funny looks yesterday when I told people I was shooting a cut-rifle Rock Creek barrel. For the most part this is Lilja country out here.
Jim ,That 999 was shot with 2 shooters using two different lots of ammo.Just a matter of time and Rock creek 6 groove cut barrels will be on top.