Cut Rifle 6 Grooves

Charlie Tuna Is it true or a fish story? COUGH COUGH......

Toot Toot Like Willy would say

Well an update for this weekend

246 Sporter 249 and 250 Heavy gun ......

Mel I heard you won a 3 gun today with yours ? I also heard Tim shot a 250 with his ......

Cut rifles don;t shoot.........Im so excited I gotta pee ......Time for a sammy baloney this time
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How many 250's? They just get better the more you shoot them. Now a slug of good Burbon and off to bed.
Yeah, Melvin ripped'em I heard. We had a real switchy day today with quartering wind but I shot a couple 248's with decent x's and a 250 16x with the thing on it's first day with still less than a brick through it. Going to try and get out in the AM and play with the tuner a bit. One thing I'm impressed with so far is I did'nt have one unexplained shot with it all day, gotta get some rounds through it.
Tuna almost forgot When you pee aim for the little hole in the bottom of the toilet,Now we are advancing accuracy....... cough cough......
Well ever since Gordon went out to Rock Creek things have been different. I guess when two can share information to change things this is what you get.. Not only that but Dan taught Gordon the secrets of hand lapping a whole barrel, not just the chamber and it's nice to see that Gordon took the time to spend 5 days there lapping and chambering. Then shooting the barrels to see what different laps do to accuracy.

I don't know if any other smiths can re lap a whole barrel over but they should learn. Nice to see someone trying to improve this game without tooting his horn. I think Gordon's new personal rifle is going to be painted with the cookie monster on it

Nice to see someone trying to improve this game without tooting his horn.

If you've spent the last 25 years stroking your own ego and tooting your own horn and you then have a small world created for you to continue I guess its mighty hard to stop. Hell you even get a chance to write crappy poetry and knock out cartoons that look like they were drawn by an 7 year old about it.
Jim ,You are right about lapping,Gordon relaped my 2 cut barrels and the 250's started coming.Gordon you are doing a hell of a job keep up the good work.A big thank you from me and all of the unknown shooter's like me that you have helped.
If you've spent the last 25 years stroking your own ego and tooting your own horn and you then have a small world created for you to continue I guess its mighty hard to stop. Hell you even get a chance to write crappy poetry and knock out cartoons that look like they were drawn by an 7 year old about it.

63 posts any nothing useful in any. Go back to the kids table there Hammy the adults are talking now.
Don`t Wake Wilbur up ,he might be hunting for all those 2010 50/50 record targets and that would be a shame!

Yup be a shame...... Hey Willy, I heard you are putting a 6 groove on a Falcon in area 51 any truth to that ? I hear your first match will be in Tunaland
Jim ,You are right about lapping,Gordon relaped my 2 cut barrels and the 250's started coming.Gordon you are doing a hell of a job keep up the good work.A big thank you from me and all of the unknown shooter's like me that you have helped.


How good were those 2 barrels before Gordon set to work on them?
Yup be a shame...... Hey Willy, I heard you are putting a 6 groove on a Falcon in area 51 any truth to that ? I hear your first match will be in Tunaland

I'm sure I'd read that particular Falcon cum Turbo had already had an outing. But then its not all about what you read. Is it?
Yup be a shame...... Hey Willy, I heard you are putting a 6 groove on a Falcon in area 51 any truth to that ? I hear your first match will be in Tunaland
Nope, Dan K had my Sporter/Ratchet already in TunaLand , shot 25meters with it. Had a Turbo/sporter coming from Flash,that `s out ,so I got 3 sporter barrels now, 2-4C`s and 1 4R Rock,have two other Falcons that are complete UL rifles with6:00 Fp, so I`m flush on Falcons don`t you think and I don`t shoot them any yet. Did you try that Turbo hotline #,Livonia is giving HEAD-cheese for a added value on any Turbos she Buys. If you don`t like her proposal,I`m interested also ,no Headcheese or Liverwurst but a bottle of Ale 8 one comes with each purchase. Tuna are yall trying to get a PSL for 2012?
Nope, Dan K had my Sporter/Ratchet already in TunaLand , shot 25meters with it. Had a Turbo/sporter coming from Flash,that `s out ,so I got 3 sporter barrels now, 2-4C`s and 1 4R Rock,have two other Falcons that are complete UL rifles with6:00 Fp, so I`m flush on Falcons don`t you think and I don`t shoot them any yet. Did you try that Turbo hotline #,Livonia is giving HEAD-cheese for a added value on any Turbos she Buys. If you don`t like her proposal,I`m interested also ,no Headcheese or Liverwurst but a bottle of Ale 8 one comes with each purchase. Tuna are yall trying to get a PSL for 2012?

PSL........ that's not up to me but it's a great range just not in July it's so hot........

No Falcones for this kid..... My turbo's are just fine so no need for me to get riled up yet. I called the 800 # but they wanted to charge me by the minute what's up with that. Ale 8 never tried one but I hear there ok . You will be first on my list Willy but these haven't been touched by the Wizard so may not be worth much

PS I heard another new 6 groove this weekend shot a 250 21X and a 250 19X Strong
We`ll take em all,no discrimination on any Turbos ,Didn`t realize Livonia was charging, she learns quick ,it`s hard to get her away from that White House in Borden,but she is a Toot! Check her out ,Toot Toot!
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1.99 a minute is steep...I new a girl once that was a real TooT .....Too bad back then I didn't have my 6 groove shooter......What you gonna do with all those barrels willy ?

You should make it to Tunaland for the SC shoot next month...Might be a 6 groove in for the 6 gun winner
Sell Um ! The 4C `s cost a bunch in the sporter profile. Mr Tim @ Broughton must pay a ransom they are about $75 higher than a regular Broughton . Gold City has 2 ARA Tournaments this week end,we will be there,come up and Join us ,we would love to look at a Harry 6, now that ain`t a bad name is it ! RC Harry 6 that `ll work!
Headed to Palm Beach this weekend or I would take you up on that maybe next month and it will be cooler......Lucky for me the Harry 6 don't have a VIG on them yet but your friend is trying.... It's going to be an interesting nationals might be a few extra VIG less sixes headed that way and no not the pins.......Gonna send my sporter up for giggles but it will be in a disguise so you wont be able to tell it's a 6 groove..... And you can pop the clip out in two seconds not minutes
Whose my Friend? Livonia`s Buddy? That`s a Hoot! I run with the Holy Turd and that is the #1 Decalfinator,those Eck rifles want to be ,the Turd like `s Decalf and does it consistently! Have you ever seen the Pink Cape award that we presented Allan Hall with this year, we need to present it annually to some one that illustrates a opposite view , Tuna you are in the running for the 2012 Pink Cape, and seriously you should be honored if you are chosen ! It is a honor ! I have pictures of Allan recieveing his Pink Cape ,he got it mainly for his Barrel indexing skills and demonstrating them at Kettlefoot this year! So keep stoking the ashes and you may win!