Counterfeit Leupold Scopes

There was a thread in the Centefire forum where we got into intellectual property rights. Small scale, of course.

But this warning from Leupold reminds me -- we in the U.S. can erase a large portion of our debt -- the 1.1+ trillion owed China -- by just telling them to write it off as payment for thievery of our intellectual property, and all those counterfeit goods semi-sanctioned by the Chinese government.

Sadly, we owe Japan nearly the same amount, and Brazil quite a bit. Anyone got evidence of counterfeiting/intellectual property theft by them?
Big surprise there.

I play some in the coin, bullion, numismatic fields and the increasingly perfect Chinese counterfeits just flooding the market have a bunch of people freaked out. If the Chinese will include poison in exported pet food because it increases their profit margin by a couple of per cent, I'd say counterfeited scopes are barely worthy of comment.

They play to win, rules be damned, reminds me of the democratic party.
And forgot to pay for it?

I'm sorry guys, I can discuss world affairs and current events fairly well. I just can't do partisan politics.

Over the years I have found most, not all but most, partisan politicians, by the time they get to the state capitols and Washington to be greedy, arrogant, and self serving.

If they were true statesmen, as they claim to be, they would come, serve for the betterment of the nation and the world, then, after 2-3 terms they would leave.

They would come from real jobs, with real life experiences, and go back to real jobs. We do not have that condition now!!
No, but

Is that the same democrat party that lied us into an 11 year war in Iraq and Afghanistan??

It's the same Democratic Party that presided over the near dismantling of our financial system via relaxation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rules. Barney Frank, heard of him? They're all scoundrels, the whole lot of them!! No partisanship here.
I think my post has been 'hi jacked'.:D

Sorry 'bout that. The whole country has been hijacked.

Tom Fruechtel, Leupold's just retired CEO, is a friend of mine. I'll bet he is glad to be out of this mess.

But, hey, who else makes scopes in the US??
It's the same Democratic Party that presided over the near dismantling of our financial system via relaxation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rules. Barney Frank, heard of him? They're all scoundrels, the whole lot of them!! No partisanship here.

Could very well be, but the American populace reelected them them to office.
Could very well be, but the American populace reelected them them to office.

Yes, and if I live to be 200 years old, I'll NEVER understand why they did!! Based on how the vote 'appeared' to turn out, I now find myself faced with the fact that approx. 6 or 7 out of every 10 people I meet when walking downtown are bloody, blithering IDIOTS. I know of no other type of individual stupid enough to have voted in this manner.
Oops, we hijacked again, sorry!!

Yes, and if I live to be 200 years old, I'll NEVER understand why they did!! Based on how the vote 'appeared' to turn out, I now find myself faced with the fact that approx. 6 or 7 out of every 10 people I meet when walking downtown are bloody, blithering IDIOTS. I know of no other type of individual stupid enough to have voted in this manner.

You can't figure it out? Look at the last two the GOP has run for President. IMO, the average American, especially those of us with children and grandchildren, are sick of these senseless wars that cost us TRILLIONS and mangle our offspring. (The current estimate of US guys and gals, who were wonded or lost at least arms and legs, if not worse, just in Iraq is 106,000!!! )

And for what gain??

Even most of the GOP old guard is wondering what is happening to the party. What happened is the "neocons' moved into the GOP in the 60's from the Democrat party which they had occupied since they came from Marxist/Leninist Russia at the turn of the 20Th century.

Look some of them up yourself.

For instance-
Irvine Kristol

I write all this as a former, loyal Republican (until the second term of GHW Bush). I had voted GOP in 6 Presidential election cycles. Now I vote independent.
I think if you look on Leupold, they say something about checking the serial number on the scope. Look on there web page it may be there!
Oh any person that spent more than they made is STUPID these guys don't even make that grade, There a special kind of STUPID!

Joe Salt
Yes, and if I live to be 200 years old, I'll NEVER understand why they did!! Based on how the vote 'appeared' to turn out, I now find myself faced with the fact that approx. 6 or 7 out of every 10 people I meet when walking downtown are bloody, blithering IDIOTS. I know of no other type of individual stupid enough to have voted in this manner.

Actually its very simple. We now live in an entitlement society and a HUGE group of people where its all about ME as in themselves. We also live in a country divided by our own lawmakers, which in turn is turning into their benefit.
GHW Bush was a one-term president............ (not a two-termer)

But he ran for two terms. I voted for him in his first term.

Remember, he lost because of "read my lips, no new taxes".

Edit- I voted for Ross Perot in Bush's 2nd run.

TWICE I have tried to redeem Texas for giving us the two worst Presidents in my lifetime,LBJ and GWB.

I voted instead for Texicans with the initials RP!
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Maybe if they call.....

But he ran for two terms. I voted for him in his first term.

Remember, he lost because of "read my lips, no new taxes".

Edit- I voted for Ross Perot in Bush's 2nd run.

TWICE I have tried to redeem Texas for giving us the two worst Presidents in my lifetime,LBJ and GWB.

I voted instead for Texicans with the initials RP!

from TX NO one should vote for them, ya think. "Politics" just has never been right down there, no matter which side of the fence you fall on. And, yes, I know I am WAY off topic.
IMO, the average American, especially those of us with children and grandchildren, are sick of these senseless wars that cost us TRILLIONS and mangle our offspring. (The current estimate of US guys and gals, who were wonded or lost at least arms and legs, if not worse, just in Iraq is 106,000!!! )


Now I vote independent.

I don't know about the "average American," but I'm sick of 'em. Wars start because some politician's ego has run amok. As for voting "independent," regrettably, that's just throwing away your vote -- assuming "your" vote counts in the first place.

We now live in an entitlement society and a HUGE group of people where its all about ME as in themselves.

That sounds like Human Nature 101.
That sounds like Human Nature 101.

Well there was a time when the quote "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" meant something.

With the logic of your statement, we never would won let alone entered the 2nd word war, or for that matter ever fought the British to a standstill to form this great country.

Would you wish it otherwise?:p