Counterfeit Leupold Scopes

I've heard it said coming in second only means that you're the first looser.
TWICE I have tried to redeem Texas for giving us the two worst Presidents in my lifetime,LBJ and GWB.

Right, and it wasn't LBJ who promised short wars in the middle east (remember "Mission Accomplished?") and LBJ did not put those wars on the USA's credit card. The Republican Congress did.
Right, and it wasn't LBJ who promised short wars in the middle east (remember "Mission Accomplished?") and LBJ did not put those wars on the USA's credit card. The Republican Congress did.

LBJ also said in his election campaign "we seek no wider war" (Vietnam-54,000 Americans killed). LBJ also gave us GCA 68 which started all these stupid FFL regulations. Before GCA 68 we could buy a 98 Mauser for $19, a P08 Luger for $14, all by mail order. We could buy a Winchester 94 from the Sears catalog.

Then GWB gave us the Patriot Act, Homeland Security Agency and the underwear sniffing TSA. Then he gave us TARP, which cost 16.2 TRILLION. Then he gave us the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Now, see why Texicans owe us a real American President.