Change happens

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Bill Wynne

Active member
We have seen a change in our country. It will never be as it was.

I have always had the belief that I knew the American people. Last night I learned I was living in the past.

Excuse me if I am too pessimistic.

I got the same feeling. You just cannot compete against the guy who promises more free stuff. Shortly, we'll (USA) make the revolts in Greece look like a slumber party when there is nowhere else to borrow money from to pay for all the promised stuff. It's the next generation I feel sorry for.
I surely share your pessimism.

Looking down the barrel of my seventh decade, I have never felt more like a dinosaur than now. I don't know America anymore because that America doesn't exist anymore. And here's my thought:

My generation is responsible for this current mess. I lived through the best years America ever had, from the end of WWII through the '80s -- a period when America built the greatest industrial nation on earth and we were riding a rocket ship of success and growth. Workers had good jobs that allowed us to have homes, cars, toys, send the kids to school; the companies were making money, and the investors were making money. It was the most successful period of human endeavor ever recorded. Somehow, during that period, we got so caught up in our own greed and selfishness, probably wanting "the best for our kids", and lost sight of where we were heading.

My generation lost control of the schools; allowed "alternate lifestyles" to permeate our culture; allowed the erosion of family values, morals, ethics, etc.; and got so caught up in our own magnificence that we believed nothing could ever "conquer" us. And now I/we sit here, stunned, and wonder where did it all go? I'm afraid it slipped through our fingers and is gone ...
Pessimism is a state of having no hope that one's troubles will end or that success or happiness will come ever. It also means a condition of having the belief that evil is more common or powerful than good.

What a way to live one's life ... day after day.

I've chosen the other path.
I have lost all confidence in the intelligence of the US citizenry,the results are in on America's IQ test, we have failed miserably.
I guess Rommey was right when he said last spring that 47% would always be there asking for a hand out. Then 2 to 3 percent illegals that are allowed to vote. Then we still have the 1 to 2 percent dumb a$$ so called Americans who vote. So what else did you expect. Chet
I'm still in shock. How is it that half the population of this country wants four more years like the last four years?????? How could people be so blind?? This should have been a cake walk into the white house for any challenger with half a plan to fix this mess! Let this be a lesson to the next republican CANNOT play it safe and "be nice" anymore. You can't hope that people are intelligent enough to look at the track records and their current status and run on that because people just aren't that smart anymore it seems. Well, they're going to get what they deserve.......more empty promises and lip service. Bad thing is that the other half of the country is going to suffer for at least 4 more years.
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A big problem is we have allowed illegal imigrants to live among us for so long they have made us a minority. The Hispanic Voting Block is now big enough to sway the vote; they said so on TV this morning. So, guess that means open borders and Citizenship is simply there to be claimed by anyone who wants to come here.

We became a society of minorities, one in which special rights were afforded to the Minority groups and, because the society became more permissive, that society believed that the minorieties SHOULD have special rights. They got em,now, eh? There is a lot of bad that came out of Guilt Based Belief Systems but once our society threw them away, the glue that bound us together eroded. The society we Boomers knew began to evaporate visibly in the 60's. Interestingly enough, I read that it all began when Warren G. Hardin decided to bring Liberal Leaning Professors to the US and plug them into our universities for the sake of diversity. We are now very close to the mentality that is Europe, for a number of reasons but for a good part because the Educators came to be bent toward the Eupeoran Philosophies.

My Furnace Repairman was in this morning and said his kids had come home with questions about the coming election. He found in talking with them that their teachers had been touting Obama to them. He said he told them the teachers were wrong. Yesterday his oldest son told him, "Dad, Obama won in our class by a landslide". Why wouldn't he have? Who parents out children all day? Teachers, eh.

Every Great Society has Imploded, as history tells us all too well. We continue to refuse to learn from it. Spend your money NOW, while it is worth something. We will begin to see the erosion happening much faster from now on. If you don't have Long Term Care Insurance, it all beliongs to some Nursing Home, anyway. Buy those things you even think you might want because the money will go somewhere and probably for your last few months and days of life. Let Society deal with those months and days somehow. We have lived to see the time when the next generation will not do as well as the previous one did.
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We have seen a change in our country. It will never be as it was.

I have always had the belief that I knew the American people. Last night I learned I was living in the past.

Excuse me if I am too pessimistic.


Bill my heart is very heavy today. Like you, I have always believed in the American people; real Americans, responsible, hard-working, God fearing. They and their descendants are still here, carrying on as always, but are now outnumbered by those with an entitlement mind set.

When Bill Clinton was re-elected, I was shocked and broken hearted; I just knew the real Americans of this country would never let that happen, but it did. After a while, I put it behind me and regained a bit of hope that we could eventually get this country back under control and get her back on track but after what happened yesterday, I see the reality of the situation; our country has reached the point at which the takers outnumber the givers.
Pessimism is a state of having no hope that one's troubles will end or that success or happiness will come ever. It also means a condition of having the belief that evil is more common or powerful than good.

What a way to live one's life ... day after day.

I've chosen the other path.

OK, I'll give optimism a shot. I'm guessing my credit report is a nice high number:D due to my share of the national debt, which is $51,495. My credit should get even better:D since the POTUS has said the debt is not a problem in the short term.....and his future stimulus spending will help push the debt higher. Oops ! my debt just went up a couple cents, Hmmm, at this rate it will increase $14.40 every day....That's $5256 in a year:eek:. This other path ain't workin' for me. :(
I surely share your pessimism.

Looking down the barrel of my seventh decade, I have never felt more like a dinosaur than now. I don't know America anymore because that America doesn't exist anymore. And here's my thought:

My generation is responsible for this current mess. I lived through the best years America ever had, from the end of WWII through the '80s -- a period when America built the greatest industrial nation on earth and we were riding a rocket ship of success and growth. Workers had good jobs that allowed us to have homes, cars, toys, send the kids to school; the companies were making money, and the investors were making money. It was the most successful period of human endeavor ever recorded. Somehow, during that period, we got so caught up in our own greed and selfishness, probably wanting "the best for our kids", and lost sight of where we were heading.

My generation lost control of the schools; allowed "alternate lifestyles" to permeate our culture; allowed the erosion of family values, morals, ethics, etc.; and got so caught up in our own magnificence that we believed nothing could ever "conquer" us. And now I/we sit here, stunned, and wonder where did it all go? I'm afraid it slipped through our fingers and is gone ...

Reed, I agree with you completely. You hit the nail on the head with everything you said. I don't know what is going to happen next but it can't be good. I can only hope and pray. God please help us.

Gene Beggs
Pessimism is a state of having no hope that one's troubles will end or that success or happiness will come ever. It also means a condition of having the belief that evil is more common or powerful than good.

What a way to live one's life ... day after day.

I've chosen the other path.

I'm all for trying to see the glass half full. It's tough for me, but I try anyways. But I believe there is some danger in being too optimistic if it blinds you to your situation. We're at the point now where too many folks have been blinded for too long hoping that someone would save them. Be optimistic that we CAN turn things around, but be realistic that it ain't going to happen by sticking our heads in the sand while the storm blows over.
I learned some time ago that "I told you so" never tastes as sweet as you think it will. A couple of years from now the "I told you so" will especially bittersweet.
What I cannot understand is where the electorate that put this guy back in? Where do they think that the money for this free stuff is going to come from? The rich are going to move their money off shore, just like George Soros, Obama's biggest supporter. His money will not be affected.

We cannot keep spending like this. Any business that does this, goes under. Why are we letting our governments at state & federal levels do this.

Someone mentioned who is parenting these kids. That is probably the biggest cause of our problems today. I know young parents, most unmarried, that I want to grab and shake some sense into them. Lots of them on the gov't dole. Their kids running wild, doing anything, without correction, nor punishment. This part could go on forever.......

Romney was right in his anaylis of the problems, and I know he was correct in his direction for the solutions. The only thing that I could suggest is that we contact our re-elected or NEWLY elected House representatives to follow Romney's ideas. Then the same to those in the senate. These two bodies make laws in this country, NOT the guy in the WHITEHOUSE. He can only propose and sign into law the bills that go through both houses.
Contact those in the house and senate, and tell them that if they cannot get it done in the current terms, don't expect your vote for the next. Tell them that you will be following their progress.

Here in Virginia, I am sorely disappointed, not only that Obama carried my state AGAIN, but this idiot Kaine got elected to the senate. Of anyone I spoke with, both Romney & George Allen were ahead in my polling 3 to 1. And I spoke with everyone I could from all walks of life. Who is voting for these guys? Mostly those who are on the Gov't dole, which is over 47% of the country and don't forget all of the new Gov't employees that in the last four years were added.

I will be one of those who communicates with my Congressmen over the next year to see what they do. I suggest that if you love this country as I do, you will do the same. Show the younger generation how to do the same. If they are not on the dole, that is. We need to heard and LOUD.

And pray also.

it's pretty bad when the american dream went from a home with a white picket fence,2 cars,2.7 kids & a dog,to a monthly welfare check & gov't assistance! i'd wager we'll also see UN troops on american soil within 2 years...
When the people that vote figure out they can vote themselves a free check from the government, this is what we end up with. Bruce
When the people that vote figure out they can vote themselves a free check from the government, this is what we end up with. Bruce

People on government assistance shouldn't be allowed to vote. It's a conflict of interests.

The entitlement mentality, i.e. the destruction of the fundamental morality and maturity inherent in personal responsibility, is simultaneously destroying America. The slackers and the proudly ignorant and the negligent and the loud/obnoxious hordes who believe that somebody else merely has to award them self-esteem are growing bolder every day. Emboldened with each passing liberal victory, with each gain by BIG GOVERNMENT. Notice how liberals use pejoratives like 'Big Oil' and 'Big Tobacco' and so on to vilify the private sector. When in fact nobody is forced to drive a car, smoke cigarettes, work at Chevron or Phillip Morris, or shop at Walmart. Consumers can choose another path. But talk about a MONOPOLY, the US Government takes some of YOUR money before you even get it, enacts legislation that panders to the voters they're interested in wooing, wastes most of the money regardless, and then demands MORE of your money to fix the problems they've created. And if you don't like it? TOUGH SH*T.

The hypocrisy of liberals is just further proof that liberalism really is a mental disorder. Crazy sucks, people. They protest the execution of guilty-beyond-doubt multiple murdering/kidnapping/raping sub-human monsters. But they demand the RIGHT to kill their unborn babies. They HATE "Big Tobacco" but they want to legalize marijuana and many other drugs. They HATE big, successful, companies but want more and more Government -- the most corrupt, least efficient, self-perpetuating entity on Earth. They HATE YOU you for being strong and independent and responsible and assured. They want you to be as self-loathing and fearful and irresponsible and and amoral as they are. They want you to pay for whatever they do, because they don't think consequences should be individually borne. It takes a village, the socialist mantra. The opiates of the asses.

The modern-day plantation is stronger than ever. The irony in that is disgustingly amusing. Misery loves company, and liberals are as miserable a lot as you'll find. Lower than pond scum, and less helpful to the ecosystem.

It's a culture war, and the good side is losing. Fight the good fight. Molon labe.
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